The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 227 This Is Not a Drill!

Chapter 227 This Is Not a Drill!
The destroyer USS Stethem, numbered DDG-63, belongs to the Seventh Fleet of the United States and has been stationed at the Yokosuka Naval Base for a long time.

"Kevin, give me a cigarette." Noel, an American man in a navy uniform, leaned into a corner on the edge of the deck with a smile.

On some boxes in the corner, there are three American Navy men sitting smoking.

The big guy in the middle, Kevin, smiled and grabbed a cigarette and threw it to the man who came up to him, Noel.

The speed of the ship was very fast, and the wind was very strong. After taking the cigarette, Noel grabbed the lighter and lit it several times, but failed to light it up. He cursed angrily: "FU-CK! The wind is too strong, this Chinese product Lighters are rubbish."

"Hahaha, come in, use this!" Kevin laughed, and handed him a polymer lighter.

Noel lit his cigarette and took a deep puff.

"Noel, do you know the information this time?" Kevin asked him.

"Keep your voice down, the information is still in the semi-secret stage, anyway, the goal is to go to China." Noel replied slightly perfunctorily.

"FU-CK! Bastard, give me back the cigarette. You've known it since you were a few hours old, and you still keep a big dick a secret?" Kevin cursed and held out his hand.

"All right, all right, let me say, let me say." Noel smiled to protect the cigarette from his mouth.

"Do you know Tianzhi Technology?"

All three of Kevin nodded.

Noel took a deep breath of the cigarette, shaking his whole body with excitement: "A dozen hours ago, Tianzhi Technology held a press conference and announced their technological crystallization, a huge anti-gravity spaceship !"

"A huge anti-gravity spaceship? Have you watched too many sci-fi movies?" A marine soldier who was smoking a cigarette said with a sneer.

Kevin frowned slightly. Realizing that the matter was not that simple, he asked directly, "Huge? How big is this spaceship?"

Noel's eyes blurred for a moment, and he seemed to be remembering seriously.

"FU-CK, you're talking." Kevin cursed.

Noel sighed, shook his head and replied: "I really hope this is not true, or the information is wrong, this spaceship of Tianzhi Technology is called Tiansuo, a strange name, there are probably hundreds of ships The Stethem is that big."

A few people were taken aback for a moment, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Are you kidding? The size of several hundred Stethems?" Kevin questioned in disbelief.

"how can that be?"

Noel nodded heavily: "From the video screen, it is at least dozens of times larger than the Lonna Reagan mothership."

Several people fell into silence, and the smoke was puffing and puffing in the small corner.

On the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, Captain Hannifin stood in front of the sand table with a group of naval staff members with a solemn expression, constantly discussing how to enter the Chinese waters and deter the Chinese military.

"Urgent information! Urgent information! Colonel! The spaceship of Huaxia has taken off!"

"What?" All the people in front of the sand table were shocked!
"When did this happen?"

"1 minutes ago!"

Everyone felt uneasy suddenly, but just before the group of people had time to discuss and exchange countermeasures.

"Report..., report...a huge blue halo visible to the naked eye appeared in the sky above the sea ahead..."

On the destroyer Stethem, an alarm suddenly sounded!
The four of Kevin threw away the unfinished cigarettes in an instant, and jumped out from this corner on the edge of the deck.

"Look...look at the sky!"

Hearing the sound reminder, the four of them looked up at the front of the ship at the same time, at the sky due west.

An incomparably huge blue halo shone with a strange and inexplicable blue light in the sky, and that blue light only made people feel uneasy for a while.

"my God!!!"

"Oh my God!!"

Accompanied by a sound of shock!All the navy soldiers watched in disbelief as this scene was happening in front of them!An extremely vast and huge silver-white metal UFO passed through the blue light circle and appeared in the sky above the sea ahead! ! !
"Alert! Alert!"

"Enter the highest level of alert!!"

"All weapon systems are turned on immediately! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Open them all!"


"What the hell is this thing?"

"Is this a sci-fi movie?"


The entire Seventh Fleet of the United States, all ships fell into a state of madness in an instant!
The Tissot opened the source point circle without any warning, and shuttled in precise space to the front of the Seventh Fleet, which the United States is proud of!

On the command tower of the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, all the senior leaders of the American military reached the edge of the railing outside the tower, trying to suppress the trembling body, and stared dumbfounded at the huge Tissot in the sea and sky ahead. No!
At this time, the USS Ronald Reagan was in front of the Tissot, just like a toy fleet, not at the same level at all.

"Let all ships enter the state of readiness immediately! Without an order, no fleet is allowed to fire! Immediately notify Washington, tell the parents of the United States! My God! What the hell is this!" Captain Hannifin didn't know how long he had I have never felt this powerless feeling.

Although he had already seen the Tissot through video, but after the Tissot actually appeared in front of his eyes, he really realized that his imagination was still too simple.

The assistant quickly handed over a satellite phone.

Hannifin took the phone and took a deep breath: "I am Hannifin, the commander of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. At present, China's spaceship has appeared in the sky directly in front of our fleet! Washington please give instructions!"

"I am Donald TLP, the parent of the United States. Please try to negotiate with the Chinese spaceship and ask the other party's intentions! At the same time, prepare for war! Once the other party has any suspected attack behavior, you must open fire immediately! I, as the head of the American country , to authorize the use of all means of attack, including nuclear weapons, in this conflict! I am heading to the combat command center of the defense department, and I can communicate with you again immediately." American parent Donald TLP said directly.

"Okay, received!" Hannifin responded immediately, and hung up the connection at the same time.

"Notify, immediately let all ships activate their weapon defense systems, and simultaneously activate all weapon systems, ready to launch an attack at any time! This is not an exercise, tell all ships! This is not an exercise!"

Following Hannifin's order, all the ships on the sea were moored, and at the same time, all the weapon defense systems were raised, and the large and small muzzles quickly focused on the huge Tissot in the sky ahead. above!
Many ships spread out slowly, and jumped the direction of the ship. The huge gun muzzles on the flanks focused on the Tissot, and all the missiles were aimed at the Tissot one after another.

Under the surface, the accompanying two Ohio-class nuclear submarines, SSGN-728 USS Florida and SSBN-734 USS Tennessee, slowly opened the missile zone compartment at the same time!

A group of 728 Tomahawk cruise missiles on the SSGN-7 Florida are ready and can enter the launch state at any time; and the four Trident II ballistic missiles on the SSBN-734 Tennessee are also ready, and the weapon targeting system has been stabilized. Steadily locked on the Tissot above the water ahead!

War is imminent! !

 Thank you yesterday book friend [God's Prophet] for rewarding 5000 starting coins!Book friend [wanglos] 2000 starting point coins reward!Book friend [No way to seek Tao] 1000 starting point coins reward!Thank you very much, and at the same time, I am also very grateful for the thousands of starting coins accumulated by many book friends in the past!Thank you for your support!I have nothing to say, I can only work hard to add more!

(End of this chapter)

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