The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 243 Mars work progress

Chapter 243 Mars work progress ([-])

Looking at the clear-eyed, bright-eyed old man in front of him, Chen Mengchuan nodded, and said calmly, "We can be anxious, but don't lose our sense of proportion. I believe you understand this principle better than me, Mo Jierni."

"Continuing with the current progress, I hope that when the Tissot returns to Earth next time, we can bring the first batch of employees of the metal smelting plant that we have prepared to Mars, compared to the fact that they have been studying on Earth for a while , I believe that many of them have almost completed their theoretical knowledge and practice, enough to be competent, and what is lacking is the actual operation on Mars."

Mojierni: "I know, we will seize all the time to complete this matter."

After finishing talking here, Chen Mengchuan turned his attention to Toni, Puslin and Chen Xiaoyun.

"The nuclear power project, as far as the current progress is concerned, is not much better than the metal smelting plant. We have even just completed the field survey, but judging from the results, it is not particularly ideal. We have to wait for the next field survey to be completed before we continue Judging whether it is suitable for the site selection of a nuclear power plant based on actual data. Judging from the current situation, the difficulty and complexity of site selection for a nuclear power plant is much higher than that of a metal smelting plant, so the progress will be slower." Toni said slowly .

Chen Mengchuan nodded.

"Then your asteroid capture ship, is it ready to capture the glacier? Once the point is selected, the glacier will be sent over as soon as possible." Toni said.

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "We have already completed most of the work, and we will definitely not hold you back by then. We have already found a suitable glacier."

As he spoke, he swiped and opened a gravitational screen. On it was an extremely huge glacier. In a continuous area, a large piece of extremely wide and tens of kilometers thick Martian polar glacier was split into pieces by naturally formed cracks. A huge independent sheet of glacier.

These glaciers are undoubtedly good news for the asteroid capture ship.

Chen Mengchuan swiped open another video screen, and a huge glacier had been cut off, pulling out the glacier itself!
Huge flakes of ice, under the gravitational pull of countless gravitational bees, have been peacefully suspended tens of meters above the glacier.

"As long as you confirm the selection point, you can directly prepare the ice cubes. When the ice melts, you will have enough water to complete the operation of the nuclear power plant." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"It's really unimaginable... just look at what we have done. If we did this on Earth, it would probably be protested by the United Nations environmental protection organization until the end of the world." Puslin laughed hahaha.

"There is no life on Mars, or we have not found any life forms. As long as Mars is not blown up, no one will interfere with what we do on it, even if they want to interfere with us." There is no chance. So for now, the whole Mars can be said to belong to us, so if this is the case, intercepting some glaciers is not a serious matter." Toni said flatly.

Chen Mengchuan glanced at him, and said with a smile: "I don't admit it, if you say this after a while, we will definitely not admit it."

Toni ignored him: "Do I look like such a stupid person? How is your current asteroid capture plan going?"

"The observation work has not been completed, but 62 asteroids with uneven volume and shape have been initially observed. From the perspective of observation and observation, it is still difficult to judge the composition and structure of these asteroids. However, through our continuous scanning According to observations, the composition of these 62 asteroids mainly falls into three categories. One is called C-type carbon-containing asteroids, the other is called S-type silicate-containing asteroids, and the last one is called M-type metal-containing asteroids. Asteroid." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

"Among these three types of asteroids, M-type metal-bearing asteroids are the most important to us. As long as we capture a large enough M-type metal-bearing asteroid, it will be enough for us to digest for a long time."

"The C-type carbon-containing asteroids are also very important to us. We can get a lot of carbon elements from them, and these carbon elements can be converted into an unimaginable amount of graphene materials. Whether these graphene materials are used for ourselves or made into finished products Supplying it to the earth is enough for us to obtain a lot of effective benefits."

"If we are lucky enough, we can even develop hundreds of tons or even thousands of tons of diamonds in it." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"You should tell us about your asteroids, not your diamonds," Toni said.

"Okay, okay." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

"You should all know that the asteroid belt is a dense area of ​​asteroids in the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Among the approximately 12 asteroids that have been numbered by previous human agencies, 98.5% are here Discovered. These asteroids are composed of rock or metal, small celestial bodies moving around the sun. Because in comparison, this is the most dense area of ​​asteroids, estimated to be as many as 50, so this area is called the main asteroid The planetary belt, also commonly known as the main belt, our target is these M-type metal-bearing asteroids in the main belt."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the first three asteroids discovered in the main belt are Pallas, Juno and Vesta, while the largest three asteroids are Pallas, Hygiea and Vesta. The average diameter of the asteroids is more than 400 kilometers; there is only one dwarf planet in the main belt, Ceres, with a diameter of about 950 kilometers; the rest of the asteroids are not large, and some are even as big as dust."

"If we can capture an M-type metal-bearing asteroid with a diameter of more than 200 kilometers, it is conceivable how much usable metal we can obtain."

"However! Although it is called the asteroid belt, it can be regarded as a place where planets gather, but the asteroid belt is still very empty. If it is not a deliberate selection of targets, our asteroid capture ship is passing through the asteroid belt and still see nothing in the vastness of space."

"According to the observations of the 12 super astronomical telescopes we have launched so far. The number of these asteroids far exceeds the number estimated by humans in the past. The total number may be as high as hundreds of millions, or even more. Of course, this It also depends on how to define the lower limit of asteroid size. At present, the number of asteroids with a diameter of more than 1 km that we have observed is between 970 million and 3700 million, and there may be more.”

After saying this, Chen Mengchuan smiled very...happy!
(End of this chapter)

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