The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 254 Battle Mech Cooperation Project!

Chapter 254 Battle Mech Cooperation Project!

Fighting Robots!Chen Mengchuan's expression was slightly complicated. This was undoubtedly the idea of ​​the Huaxia military, and Li Zhongxia had obviously gained more voice in Huaxia because of his good cooperative relationship with Tianzhi.

"We don't have a good research on combat robots. If you want to extend from the gravitational mecha, maybe we can give you some help. If you want to develop a complete combat robot, Then you need to start from scratch." Chen Mengchuan replied slowly.

Li Zhongxia laughed: "Anything is fine, as long as it can improve Huaxia's comprehensive combat capability."

"Developing different robots and gravitational mechs for different needs is not a big problem, but for this matter, although we will invest some scientific research personnel, we hope that more things will be led by the military. "Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

As for combat robots and mechas, he also had some considerations in his mind. The countless mechanical lives dropped by the alien civilization in the dream in the future when they landed on the earth could obviously be classified as combat robots or biological mechas.

Now Chen Mengchuan tried his best to recall that those mechanical life forms seemed to use energy-boosting engines, including weapon systems, which were obviously some kind of high-energy beam weapons.

Perhaps some targeted research and development should be done on this.This might come in handy in the future!
With these in mind, Chen Mengchuan no longer rejected Li Zhongxia's lobbying, and agreed to cooperate with Huaxia purely for the distant future

"Are you asking for a mecha or a war machine?" Li Zhongxia was puzzled on his expression. After all, he was from Huaxia Power Grid. He has only been in contact with the military for a short time. The job he is competent for is to connect with Tianzhi Technology. .

Chen Mengchuan nodded and said to him: "In my opinion, mechas are different from war machines. Mechas are more mechanical armors that wrap the human body for war, fighting and other functions. Gravity mechas can do To very good flexibility, and offensive and defensive capabilities are also good."

"War machines, in my opinion, are machines used in the military field with certain military purposes or to assist humans. For now, war machines on the battlefield are mostly war tanks, fighter jets, and aircraft carriers. At present, the main output The weapons are artillery shells, missiles, and nuclear bombs. Take missiles as an example, with super long range, precise strikes, and sufficient power, these make missiles play a very important role in current technology."

"The most important point is that missiles do not require people to arrive at the same time as long-range strikes. They can be completed by pressing the launch button, which perfectly solves the human rights of all countries. Nowadays, drones, Street fighting robots and mechanical dogs can be regarded as relatively good and new types of war machines." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

After pondering for a while, Li Zhongxia slowly opened his mouth: "Then what is your suggestion? I want to hear your suggestion."

Chen Mengchuan took a deep look at Li Zhongxia: "Mr. Li, war is always cruel, and does not consider any personal feelings or hobbies, so it is efficient, applicable, large in damage, low in cost, and low in loss. These are all priority needs. to consider the elements."

"Before multi-directional gravity technology, all kinds of large-scale mechs in various comics and movies were actually false propositions, just fictional toys. But now that multi-directional gravity technology has matured, large-scale gravitational spaceships and The gravitational mecha is the most functional combination of war, and..." Chen Mengchuan said seriously and calmly, while talking about these words, he couldn't help recalling the countless machines in the dream of the future in his mind. life.

After Chen Mengchuan slowly recalled and thought about those mechanical lives in the past few years, he realized that they are so amazing, they are a kind of amazing perfection.That is the future development direction of the gravitational mech, but the gravitational mech has more advantages at the same time. No matter from which direction the multi-directional gravity technology is viewed, Chen Mengchuan believes that it has far more advantages than those energy-boosting engines of mechanical life.

Although these mechanical life forms are also very flexible under the thrust of the unknown energy booster engine, there is no doubt that judging from their mobility after they landed on the earth, they are completely different civilizations and technologies. If there are the same number, the same Level weapons means, not necessarily without the power of confrontation!
"After being equipped with all kinds of weapons and auxiliary equipment, combat gravity mechs of different specifications are still worth looking forward to." Chen Mengchuan finished slowly.

Li Zhongxia listened slowly to what he said, and muttered to himself: "Light, medium, and large gravitational mecha specifications, equipped with a variety of weapon systems... I think people in the military will be willing to try what you said. of."

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "The specifications of the mecha can be diversified, and the tasks it can perform are also diversified. At present, based on the consciousness control system of the SOR head ring, the action of the gravity mecha has become more and more perfect, and it is getting closer to the real reflection. Many actions are almost the same as human behavior. This kind of flexibility, equipped with a good gravitational mech artificial intelligence assistance system, will have an exceptionally impressive combat capability. Now the shockproof and anti-vibration inside the mech has been done very well. Strong impact The damage to some operators inside the mech is getting smaller and smaller."

"In addition to this, I believe this is the embryonic form of future warfare with the shuttle-shaped multi-type gravity aircraft." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.It is very clear in my mind that this kind of war combination is aimed at alien civilizations, not human civilizations.

What Chen Mengchuan didn't mention is actually the anti-gravity barrier. He knows that this technology is the most attractive to all countries on the earth.The high-strength gravitational barrier technology can effectively block a large number of physical attacks, but this technology is of little significance to Chen Mengchuan, unless the continuous research and development can finally block the attack beam or energy attack Only then will the true standards of war be met.

"That's what we have decided on Mengchuan. I will report the situation to the military as soon as possible. I hope that we can cooperate and produce results with Tianzhi Technology in this regard as soon as possible." Li Zhongxia said.

Chen Mengchuan smiled and nodded: "There will be such a day, and I believe it will come soon."

Li Zhongxia nodded with a smile, and extended his hand to Chen Mengchuan.

Chen Mengchuan seriously stretched out his hand to respond, holding both hands together!
 The update will officially resume today, and the chapters that are owed will be added as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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