Chapter 258 Return to Mars!

A few days later, finally came the day when the Tissot returned to Mars.

Xu Shuwei and Chen Mengchuan proposed to hold a speech on Earth first, but Chen Mengchuan rejected it. He planned to speed up the timetable for returning to Mars.After seeing Chen Mengchuan's statement, the other core members stopped mentioning this matter.

Then, under Zhao Wanyu's arrangement, the last batch of participants also completed their assembly, and then landed on the Tissot.

Afterwards, Chen Mengchuan bid farewell to Zhao Wanyu and others, set off on the Tissot, slowly ascended to the sky, activated the space source point circle and disappeared over the head of Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park.

Outside a living cabin at the end of the 5th floor of the Tissot, many people were leaning on the handrails of the corridor, communicating in twos and threes. Most of them were slightly excited and nervous. They were informed that the Tissot would arrive at Mars in 3 days. Base, the science summit will be held on Mars by then.

This time, Tiansuo returned to Mars, not only bringing nearly 3 participants, but also 3200 preparators for the metal smelting plant that had been preparing for more than two months. These 2 preparators were recruited from the beginning They will be selected from among the 3200 people who are the best, and they will become the first batch of workers in the Mars metal smelting plant.

In the next plan, these 3200 people will participate in the asteroid cutting, asteroid crushing, and metal smelting work of the Mars Metal Smelting Plant. These tasks require a large number of people to cooperate with the multi-armed crab and the asteroid capture spacecraft. Completed, these tasks are in the headquarters of Tianzhi Technology on the earth, and sufficient training and understanding have been carried out in advance.

In addition to personnel, the Tissot also carried a large amount of material this time, including a large amount of metal raw materials, food, water, medicine and clothing.

When the Tissot came for the first time, the first batch of materials it carried were basically left in the Mars base, because the first batch of scientific research staff also stayed on Mars, so naturally a large amount of materials were also left here.

This time, because Zhao Wanyu had done a lot of preparatory work in advance, the amount of supplies could be said to have filled the cabin area of ​​the entire Tissot.

When I was preparing the Tissot, I didn't dare to raise supplies too openly, worrying about the suspicion of China and other powers.But this time, after the Tissot became popular, the entire earth acquiesced in the existence of the Tissot, and the Chinese officials also hinted at their support, so the amount of materials prepared by Zhao Wanyu this time is simply amazing!
After Tianzhi Technology spilled countless banknotes, combined with advanced and exaggerated transportation and logistics methods, the effect produced is extremely amazing.When purchasing many domestic materials in China, they are purchased nearby, and then through the large-scale gravitational work platform to cooperate with the space travel, all the materials are transported to Tianzhi Technology Industrial Park with amazing efficiency.

An astonishing amount of metals and various other experimental materials and experimental facilities, as well as a large number of cattle and sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, freshwater and saltwater live fish and shrimps, were transported from all over the world in just half a month.

Although there were many doubts and attacks from the media during the process, under the negotiation and transaction coordination of Tianzhi Technology's research team, everything was still perfectly resolved.

Therefore, on the Tissot at this time, the space for these experts, scholars and preparatory staff of the metal smelting plant to move around seems to be much smaller, but Chen Mengchuan still opened up many activity areas and leisure areas for these people, and even brought fruits and vegetables The area is also open to everyone.

The intuitive effect brought by the reduction of the activity area and the increase of a large number of people is that the Tissot is much more active, and people can be seen everywhere, or a few, or a group of people, and the communication with each other is also very enthusiastic. , We can often see disputes and debates because of different views and opinions.

This kind of atmosphere makes everyone feel very beautiful and harmonious, because this is a collision of academic subjects of a large group of senior intellectuals, and the atmosphere brought out by such a large number of collisions makes everyone intoxicated.

After more than 60 hours of voyage, Tissot arrived at Mars again.

When this beautiful crimson planet appeared in front of the passengers of the Tissot through the screens one by one, everyone held their breaths. The incomparable beauty made everyone tremble.

Under the technology of Tianzhi Technology, human beings came to Mars for the second time.

Except for the original Tissot staff, everyone else has imagined the appearance of Mars countless times in their minds and seen it through many photos, but when Mars really appeared in front of this group of experts, scholars and scientists At that time, everyone was completely shocked by this scene, unable to utter a word, and there was silence everywhere, as if all the previous conversations, disputes, and debates were silenced.

Everyone looked greedily at this beautiful but extremely barren planet.

[Ladies and gentlemen, we will arrive at Mars in 30 minutes and land at Liuyan Palace, the Mars base in the "Luoyu" crater. Liuyan Palace is located at the Martian equator...]

【We are about to reach the end of this trip. Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your respective cabins...】

Inside the Tissot, the broadcast sounded.

As the broadcast sounded, everyone seemed to wake up, and they all became excited in disbelief. In an instant, the entire Tissot was full of conversations and discussions, and there was only one focus of all, and that was Mars. A beautiful planet that haunts human beings.

In the main control center of the Tissot spacecraft, Chen Mengchuan and others are also understanding and continuing to take over the work on Mars in an orderly manner.

During the parting period, the progress of the work on Mars is basically in line with everyone's estimates. The overall completion of the infrastructure work is very good, and the completion of the exploration is also very good. Basically, it has been completely scanned Going through the surface of Mars, in the database of Tissot's artificial intelligence Yue'er, a 3D body surface structure diagram of the entire Mars has been imaged.

Like Earth, Mars has a very diverse terrain, with mountains, plains, and canyons.

There is a strong contrast in the topography of the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet.The northern hemisphere of Mars is a lowland filled with lava, while the southern hemisphere is an ancient highland full of impact craters, and there is a clear slope between the two. A large number of volcanic terrains are interspersed in it, and countless shapes are different, either deep or deep. There are winding canyons scattered all over the place.The north and south poles have polar caps made of water ice and dry ice, which are very similar to the earth, and aeolian sand dunes are almost spread across the entire planet.With more and more data collection of the Tianzhi Exploring Multi-armed Crab, more and more intriguing landscapes have been discovered.

 Bronchitis, exhausted.After 2 days of interruption, I feel deeply disturbed.Thank you book friends for your support.thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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