The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 260 The Mars Science Summit opens!

Chapter 260 The Mars Science Summit opens!
The Tissot quickly and slowly landed on the south side of the Liuyan Palace, the huge hull slowly fell down, and finally hovered steadily above the parking area dedicated to the Tissot.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mars base. I am Chen Mengchuan. On behalf of all the employees of Tianzhi Technology, I would like to extend my welcome to everyone. Next, please follow me to the Mars base..." Chen Mengchuan took the broadcast microphone, Said slowly.

On the huge Tissot, the connecting pipeline slowly protruded, closely linked to a large entrance of the Mars base, and then the four escalators in the pipeline slowly pulled out and began to work.

Chen Mengchuan smiled and led everyone to take the escalator into Tianzhi Technology's Mars base.

As the elevator slowly began to move, the crowd continued to enter the base, and the huge multi-storey Mars base made everyone amazed.

Under Chen Mengchuan's operation, many viewing areas were opened, and slowly protruded out of the wall area of ​​the base, like gears protruding one by one.In these visiting areas, people in the base can observe the surface of Mars unreservedly through the huge transparent graphene crystal plate.

When the earth-gray world that looked like a wilderness unfolded in front of everyone, everyone's minds were attracted there, and they even forgot to breathe.

Chen Mengchuan caught a glimpse of an old acquaintance in the crowd, SpaceX founder and Tesla Motors boss Elon Musk.

After greeting the people around him with a smile, Chen Mengchuan walked towards Musk.

"Desolate and beautiful, isn't it?" Chen Mengchuan said next to Musk.

Musk turned his head and saw that it was Chen Mengchuan. He nodded with a complicated expression, and turned his gaze to the vast wilderness in front of him.

"I once said that going to Mars on my own SpaceX rocket has been advancing the work of exploring space and providing interstellar travel services. It is almost my dream... Chen, you have realized my dream before I did. "

Chen Mengchuan could clearly feel the sense of loss in Musk's words.

"Without eternal cosmic particle science, gravity technology, and space travel technology, I believe that your SpaceX will probably be the first to take humans to Mars. I have been to your Falcon 9 and other rocket ships There has been a lot of attention.”

"You can really comfort people, Chen." Musk smiled.

"Haha, others don't say that."

"So, what are you going to do next?" Musk asked.

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "Explore and develop Mars, build more bases on Mars, and then build more spaceships to explore a wider universe. After completing the first phase of the goal, I plan to go to Proxima b to see Look."

Musk was taken aback by his words.

"Proxima Centauri b? Are you talking about the possible habitable planet that Gulham Angrada and his team discovered a few years ago?"

Chen Mengchuan nodded.

"If I remember correctly, this planet is more than 4 light-years away from the Earth. This distance is much farther than the Earth to Mars. Although the speed of your Tissot spacecraft is indeed amazing, if you want to reach For Proxima b, it seems not so easy."

"Hahaha, of course, but our Huaxia teacher Ma said that dreams are still necessary. What if they come true? We have indeed launched and established a landing plan for Proximity B, but of course, this is not so easy. Things. At least we are still far away from breaking through the speed of light." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

The exploration plan of Proxima Centauri b was confirmed before landing on Mars a few months ago.

In the plan for the exploration of the universe, Tianzhi Technology needs to establish a large number of metal smelting plants as quickly as possible, and at the same time capture all the asteroids, large and small, from the asteroid belt, cut them into pieces, crush them, and smelt them All the useful metals and other mineral elements in it, and then build a large number of spaceship assembly factories, and then send them one by one to each area of ​​the solar system, first explore other planets in the solar system, and then go further. plan.

In this process, the further in-depth research and exploration of the subject of the eternal universe will not stop. Chen Mengchuan is confident that in the next few years, the speed of Tissot can be increased to exceed the speed of light in single-distance speed calculation.

"People always say I'm a crazy guy, but look at you, Chen, you're much crazier than me." Musk smiled. He didn't think Chen Mengchuan could achieve a spacecraft flying faster than the speed of light so quickly.

"Haha, I used to be one of the people you mentioned. I once said that, hey, this Musk is really a crazy guy. But to be honest, I still admire you." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"You really know how to praise people, Chen." Musk laughed out loud.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Chen Mengchuan took his leave and started to lead the crowd again, visiting and introducing the Mars base.

The Mars Science Summit is scheduled for the next 16 days, with 2 sessions per day. There will be a total of 32 scientific exchange summits. The theme of the summit is Mars Universe Space Civilization Science, covering seven major scientific disciplines: Formal Science, Physics Sustainability, life science, social science, applied science, interdisciplinary science, philosophy of science and history of science.

In this summit, Tianzhi representatives, mainly including Chen Mengchuan, Toni, Xu Shuwei, Mo Jierni, and Puslin, will share and exchange many scientific arguments and scientific views of Tianzhi Technology, and will be in these 16 days at the same time. Find and invite suitable people to arrange many follow-up work items. These work items include many, and about 1/3 of the interviewees plan to join the armed forces.

These seemingly sci-fi weapon technologies, with the support of a lot of practice, equipment, scientific research personnel, artificial intelligence and supercomputers, Chen Mengchuan believes that they will be overcome one by one.

In his plan, the entire solar system will soon be built into an iron wall full of security and defense weapon systems!Although the earth is unimaginably small in the vast universe, it is the home of human growth anyway, and there is the civilization memory and individual memory of the entire human being.

When the unknown alien civilization descends in the future, no matter what, you must try to fight back. Whether you succeed or fail, you must always resist once. Maybe you can really stop those alien civilizations and save them. Maybe Habitat for Humanity.

Both flee and fight back!

(End of this chapter)

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