The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 262 Metal Smelting Ambition

Chapter 262 Metal Smelting Ambition
On the huge screen, the asteroid capture spacecraft has successfully captured the asteroid numbered LKUJ-782719, and it is starting to come to Mars.

The vast and boundless cosmic space is extremely empty, and the return path of the asteroid capture seems long, which is clearly visible on the interface, but in the real cosmic space, it is like a thin rope thrown into the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, extremely small and insignificant. conspicuous.

In the following time, the attention of Chen Mengchuan and others was quickly diverted by other matters.

Good news came from Xu Shuwei's exploration team, which confirmed the previous uranium mine and confirmed its approximate stock, which is extremely amazing and considerable.It can almost be interpreted as a very high-quality pitchblende!
The discovery of these uranium deposits is of great significance to their understanding of Mars, such as estimating the age of Mars and the history of Martian minerals.

Currently, uranium is mainly used as nuclear fuel in nuclear power plants.You must know that assuming complete fission, one kilogram of uranium-235 extracted from this pitchblende can theoretically generate 80 trillion joules of energy, which is almost equal to more than 3000 tons of coal, which can provide sufficient energy support for the Mars nuclear power plant. .

The pitchblende reserves this time are expected to reach more than 140 million tons!Just this one uranium mine is comparable to the uranium reserves of the entire Australian country on earth!
There are three main natural sources of pitchblende on Earth, hydrothermal veins, horizontal deposits in layered sedimentary rocks, and Precambrian pyritic conglomerate beds.

The sources of hydrothermal veins are mainly the Katanga region of the Congo, the Elz Mountains in Saxony, Germany, and the Fire Bear Lake in Canada.The horizontal deposits in layered sedimentary rocks are mostly found in the plateau areas of Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico in the United States. These plateau areas were originally barren and barren, because the mining of pitchblende brought them very Pitchblende, the last of the Precambrian pyritic conglomerate formations, was mined in the Witwatersland, Africa, in the Brind River region of Ontario, Canada.

Is pitchblende important?Importantly, China is rich in pitchblende ore, but compared with several large pitchblende ore countries, it is very limited, and the proven uranium reserves are only tens of thousands of tons.

The pitchblende uranium mine on Mars has already started mining. Under the arrangement of Xu Shuwei and a large number of experts and engineers, the mining work is progressing very smoothly, including open-pit mining, underground mining, in-situ leaching and drilling. Various mining methods.The mined low-concentration uranium ore includes 0.01 to 0.25% uranium oxide. At present, these uranium ores are stored first. After the uranium ore refinery is established, uranium metal will be extracted from it through a complicated refining process, and high-quality uranium will be further extracted. Purity uranium is supplied to Mars nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

And the current Mars nuclear power plant is basically completed, and it has started to generate power based on the high-purity uranium brought from the earth, but the power generation is still relatively limited. After the uranium ore refinery is formed and put into operation, the Mars nuclear power plant will be Started to work at full capacity, thereby providing a high degree of electrical power to the metal smelter.

At present, a certain number of metal smelting plants on Mars have been built, and experimental testing work has begun.The reserve personnel brought from the earth this time learned a lot of knowledge about metal smelting on the earth, and were quickly assigned to metal smelting factories one after another under the arrangement.

Nowadays, all the metal smelting factories on Mars adopt high-intensity electric metal smelting technology, but different metal smelting factories also have many different electrothermal metal smelting methods, including arc smelting, resistance smelting, arc-resistance mixed smelting, There are eight methods of high-intensity electric induction melting, high-intensity electron beam melting and high-intensity plasma melting.

Compared with general pyrometallurgy, the electrothermal metallurgy technology mastered by Tianzhi Technology has the advantages of high-speed heating, precise temperature control and high temperature of more than 2000 degrees Celsius compared with traditional metallurgical technology.It can work in various environments, various pressures and vacuums, and the amount of metal burning is very small.

It is Tianzhi Technology that smelts ordinary steel and dense steel, heavy non-ferrous metals such as iron alloys, nickel, copper, zinc, and tin, rare high-melting point metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, niobium, titanium, and zirconium, and certain other rare metals and semiconductor materials on Mars. etc. core method.

In the main control room, Chen Mengchuan was a little surprised to find that the progress of the current metal smelting plants was faster than he imagined. At present, dozens of metal smelting plants have completed the construction and deployment, and started the first batch of Testing, the core engineer in charge of these metal smelting plants is a man in his 50s named Jiang Xiaomin.

"We have already started the first batch of smelting. Judging from the current overall progress, the effect is very good. There are 16 metal smelters that have been started. The metal minerals smelted are collected from a mining area in the northern part of Mars. Although the amount Not many, but it’s okay to try it out.” Jiang Xiaomin said slowly, the tall and thin man was wearing thick-rimmed glasses, and his prescription was obviously very high.

"With Lao Jiang here, our metal smelting plant on Mars will definitely not have any problems." Xu Shuwei laughed and said that Jiang Xiaomin was introduced by him, and he was also dug out from the Huaxia Academy of Sciences. academic talents.

"Why do we have so many types of metal smelting plants now? Isn't it more troublesome if the technology is dispersed?" Chen Mengchuan asked shamelessly. He still doesn't understand the construction of 8 different types of metal smelting plants, but these are not arranged by him. Yes, I still want to know.

Although Jiang Xiaomin was a little cautious, he answered Chen Mengchuan's question very well: "According to Mr. Zhao's request, we will collect and mine a large number of various metal minerals on Mars in the future. There are many types of these metal minerals. , There are many metals and alloys that are smelted in different ways and the effect is not the same.”

"Let me take an example. For alloy steel, such as our Mi Steel, it is very good to use arc melting."

"Arc smelting is the use of high-intensity electric energy to generate an arc between the electrode and the electrode or between the electrode and the smelted object to smelt the metal. The arc of the direct heating arc smelting is generated between the electrode rod and the charge to be smelted, and the charge is directly affected by the arc. Heating is suitable for smelting various alloy steels. Direct heating vacuum arc melting furnace in vacuum environment can be used for melting titanium, zirconium, tungsten, molybdenum, niobium and other active and high melting point metals and their alloys. These metals It’s very important in the planning.”

"Another example is plasma smelting, which uses the plasma arc generated by electric energy as a heat source to smelt metals. It has the characteristics of high melting temperature and fast material reaction speed, and is very suitable for smelting, refining, and remelting high melting point metals and alloys. After us It plays a very important role in the plan to quickly and massively smelt to produce various spacecraft."

"According to the current progress, after the asteroid is captured and confirmed to confirm its metal composition, a large number of cutting and smelting can be started. In just one year, I am confident that it will achieve ten times the production capacity of all steel and metallurgical plants on the entire earth." The sum of the yields!"

What Jiang Xiaomin said made the eyes of Chen Mengchuan and others a little hot.

 I will start preparing for the explosion tomorrow, and then I will thank all the book friends who have been supporting me.Some time ago, the child suffered from bronchitis, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. Today is the end.Thank you for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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