The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 264 Solar System Exploration and Development Plan!

Chapter 264 Solar System Exploration and Development Plan!
Because they did not intentionally keep the matter of the diamond mine secret, many scientific researchers on the Tissot and the Mars base knew about it not long after, followed by the entire group of people who came to the Mars base to participate in the scientific summit. Everyone heard about this incident, and it caused a lot of trouble.

The discovery of the diamond mine was quickly spread on the earth media under the instruction of Zhao Wanyu. At the same time, the first part of the diamonds collected, nearly 500 kilograms of loose diamonds, large and small, and various particles were photographed. The material was authorized to China's official media TV, and said that it would present the largest diamond ever collected, weighing 230 kilograms, to the Huaxia Palace Museum for collection!

After the news was reported by Huaxia's official media, the entire Huaxia Internet circle first boiled up, and then a large number of information media followed suit.

In just 3 days, the entire network was covered with the news that Tianzhi Technology discovered diamond deposits on Mars. This news directly brought about the diamond business in a large number of jewelry and diamond stores. In the past few days, almost one None of the diamonds were sold, and many of these diamond stores are controlled by overseas third-party companies.

Such news is almost devastating to these diamond handlers!
The representative teams of 7 diamond groups have arrived at Huatianzhi Technology, trying to cooperate with Tianzhi Technology in diamonds.

Zhao Wanyu contacted Chen Mengchuan about this matter.

"Cooperate with these diamond groups?" Chen Mengchuan frowned slightly. Today's Tianzhi Technology no longer needs to cooperate with third parties of this level, because it is meaningless to follow these third parties. For Tianzhi now , just represents a small financial group at the earth level.

The Tianzhi technology that has been separated from the earth has almost endless resources. As long as it can be mined, and can be mined before other forces on the earth, the entire Mars and the entire outer solar system are Tianzhi.

"I can't think of any benefits for us to cooperate with them. If they can persuade us, then we can consider it." Chen Mengchuan replied.

Zhao Wanyu smiled and nodded to show that she understood what he meant.Nowadays, the entire future plan of Tianzhi Technology is almost all outside the earth, so these resources in the earth are almost the same for Tianzhi Technology.

"I know what to do, I will take care of these things."

After the two exchanged a few more words, Chen Mengchuan hung up the video call.

He refocused on the plan in front of him.

Now Chen Mengchuan has started to think seriously and set his sights on the entire solar system. Mars and asteroids will gradually get on track after being captured, but there are still a lot of resources in the solar system that are attractive to Chen Mengchuan and others.

To be precise, the solar system is a planetary system bound together by the sun's gravity, including the sun and many celestial bodies that directly or indirectly revolve around the sun.Among the celestial bodies that move directly around the sun, only the largest 8 are called planets, and the rest of the celestial bodies are much smaller than planets, such as dwarf planets, solar system asteroids and comets.The celestial bodies that are different from planets are satellites. Satellites are celestial bodies whose orbits indirectly revolve around the sun. However, satellites do not mean that their volume is small. You must know that there are already two known in the solar system that are larger than the smallest planet, Mercury. of.

At present, Tianzhi Technology has successfully established a foothold on Mars, so it is necessary to move towards other planets and touch other planets.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Mengchuan ordered the artificial intelligence Yue'er on the Tissot to notify Toni, Xu Shuwei and others to come, and he looked at the plan seriously again.

Not long after, Toni, Xu Shuwei and others came to Chen Mengchuan's independent meeting room. Chen Mengchuan projected the plan in his hand onto the gravitational barrier in front of them.

Everyone quickly looked up.

Solar system planets and their satellites exploration and development plan!
Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the title.

"We haven't developed Mars for a long time now, so we are in a hurry to go to other planets in the solar system. Could it be that we are in a hurry, and the conditions of other planets are so harsh, is there anything worthy of our development?" Xu Shuwei said slowly. Said.

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "We don't have much time, so at least we need to explore first to prepare for future plans."

"I plan to send some probes to these planets, let these probes go to various planets first, explore and land on these planets, conduct a further understanding of these planets, and find out things worth digging."

"If you want to land on these planets, the conditions of these planets are so harsh, ordinary probes obviously can't do it, and more stable and powerful probes are needed." Toni nodded and said.

"This is a few detectors I designed before." Chen Mengchuan dragged a screen out and put it on the main screen.

In the picture, an oval, egg-shaped aircraft with a pointed head and a round bottom appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a high-pressure and constant-temperature meta-magnetic detector. The height and diameter of the aircraft are about 19 meters, and the width and diameter are 12 meters. There is no survival chamber for the time being. In theory, it can enter high-pressure, high-temperature, low-temperature, high-radiation, and high-magnetism planets. I made a hypothetical landing on Jupiter."

"Jupiter can be regarded as a very special gas planet. Everyone knows that Jupiter is thousands of times that of the Earth in terms of volume, but its density is very low in theory, and its mass is only about 300 times that of the Earth. These Some conclusions can be drawn from the data on the gravitational influence of various planets."

"NASA has launched many spacecraft into the universe, and many spacecraft that have passed by Jupiter have also harvested a lot of planetary data of Jupiter, but no spacecraft has ever entered under the extremely thick atmosphere of Jupiter. Now our technology is far better than that of Jupiter. NASA has to be mature, whether it is flight technology, material technology or the most important communication technology, we have it now."

"Now that we have the conditions, it is natural to explore. The amount of hydrogen on Jupiter is almost inexhaustible. Various, you must know that the energy of the sun comes from the nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen, although Steady control of this process is currently extremely difficult in the scientific community on Earth, but I believe it will be possible someday."

"At that time, Jupiter will become our second sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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