Chapter 267
On the Tissot, while drinking water, Chen Mengchuan communicated with Zhao Wanyu, who was far above the earth, about Tianzhi's current situation.

"Do you think it's beneficial for us to disclose the matter of our capture of the asteroid?" Chen Mengchuan frowned slightly.

Zhao Wanyu nodded: "Now Tianzhi Technology's philanthropy has spread all over the world, and now it invests billions of Huaxia coins every month to help and support the bottom of various countries and regions. There's a lot of caution in the area's law enforcement agencies, but it's slowly becoming the status quo."

"You're talking about helping the poor with work? Helping the poor with work?" Chen Mengchuan remembered something.

The whole earth is so big that various disasters happen almost every day. There are natural disasters and man-made disasters. Without exception, it is all kinds of people at the bottom. The law enforcement and management agencies in some countries and regions are financially rich and can quickly appease them. Calamity disasters, but more financially not rich, you can only ask for third-party assistance.Now the charity foundation and the powerful Tianzhi rescue team under Tianzhi Technology have become a golden signboard of Tianzhi, which is almost superior to other charitable earthquake relief third-party organizations on the earth, whether it is personnel, equipment or professionalism. It has reached a world-class level. Based on the space-traversing space folding technology and the gravity aircraft, the rescue speed is unprecedented.

"The reputation of today's smart technology is already very solid, but if you really want to recruit those high-end scientific research forces to develop various armed forces, it is most appropriate to disclose the resource acquisition channels, which means It means that we will no longer plunder resources from the earth. Only in this way, these high-tech scientific researchers will really devote themselves to developing armed forces for Tianzhi." Zhao Wanyu said slowly.

"These are two different things. Tianzhi's philanthropy and armed forces should not be confused together." Chen Mengchuan shook his head.

Zhao Wanyu rolled her eyes: "It's the same thing. Tianzhi's reputation is already very high now. We can't use the imaginary appearance of imaginary enemies to convince these high-end scientific researchers to develop armed forces. These are all things that will easily destroy the planet. weapons."

Chen Mengchuan smiled awkwardly: "You mean, release the news that we have captured an asteroid, then tell them that we are not interested in the earth, and then lobby them to join our armed forces to participate in research and development?"

"Yeah, only if they really see that we have the ability to capture asteroids and we have no shortage of resources, will they truly believe that we are not interested in the earth, and then they will truly cooperate with us .”

Putting down the cup, Chen Mengchuan nodded: "I know what you mean, then follow what you said and make an official announcement."

"It seems that this time there will really be an uproar." Zhao Wanyu said with a smile.Capturing asteroids for smelting and obtaining materials means that Tianzhi Technology has the resources of the entire universe. This kind of resources is far beyond the reach of the earth. It is no exaggeration to say that it is inexhaustible.

It is conceivable that once this news is exposed, the resource oligarchs on the earth will be impacted.

For such things, Zhao Wanyu is happy to hear and see. With the continuous improvement of the level, the realm and vision are constantly improving, and the things she sees are more comprehensive. The vision of the heightened wealth and status allows her to see the world. There are many golden castles, and after the deepening of philanthropy, what we see is another kind of scene that is decidedly different from the world, and there are countless other groups of human beings who are poor and poor.

There is no doubt that the resources on the earth are abundant, the 80/20 rule is everywhere, and 20% of the resources are in the hands of 80% of the people.Just like one hundred people share one hundred cakes, 80 people eat 20 yuan, and the remaining [-] people can only share the remaining [-] cakes.

Under the background that human beings are about to fully enter the era of wireless electricity consumption, there are still many human beings who cannot use electricity for various reasons.

Tianzhi Technology's work-for-relief and work-for-poverty alleviation are gradually ignited one by one under such an environment.When a large-scale disaster occurs, the rescue team arrives at the first time, and quickly dispatches the multi-functional rescue gravity multi-armed crab authorized by the United Nations to carry out the rescue. For a certain period of time, the normal situation will continue until the first stage of reconstruction after the disaster is completed, and the basic food, drink, housing and transportation have been solved.

In areas where disasters are particularly severe, we will continue to help the poor through employment, build local industries suitable for local development to recruit workers, and at the same time provide salary standards that are in line with local market conditions.

The charitable foundation and rescue team of Tianzhi Technology have established a charity closed loop suitable for Tianzhi Technology, and it has been widely praised.

On the third day, the second meteorite was finally captured and sent to Mars, also a huge asteroid.

On the fourth day, the sixth day... More and more asteroids were captured one after another, and sent to Mars one by one, and were placed in craters one after another, in the middle of the Martian equator This large area of ​​craters on the plain was soon covered with asteroids, large and small, one after another, and the scene was extremely shocking.

As time goes by, the Mars Science Exchange Summit has been one after another, and then one after another. All the members who participated in this science summit have gained a lot of treasures.Every day, some people are feeling that this kind of summit should continue to be held continuously.

But there is no permanent banquet in the world, and after the tide rises, the tide must ebb again.

The science summit sets the final day.

In the last closing exchange of the last day, Chen Mengchuan, dressed in a plain gray scientific research robe, stood on the stage.

In the huge venue, there were gravitational screens floating in the void, and everyone present could clearly see Chen Mengchuan's every move from these gravitational screens.

"Finally, we still need to say goodbye, but I hope we can really see each other. As the Chinese saying goes, there must be a teacher for threesomes, and everyone on the scene has something worth learning from me. In the time exchange, I clearly saw the more distant future of mankind, and also clearly saw the insignificance of personal power."

Taking a breath, Chen Mengchuan shook his head calmly: "No, it should be said that the power of the race is small. The universe is vast and boundless, and human beings live on the earth, so they can only survive in this small earth and small solar system. I believe everyone here Everyone knows this deeply, we are small in this vast universe."


After half an hour of speech, Chen Mengchuan finally threw out the topic.

"In the last few days, on behalf of Tianzhi Technology, I proudly announce to everyone and the entire human civilization the harvest and achievements of Tianzhi Technology during this period of time!"

The picture on the screen behind Chen Mengchuan changed for a while, and the picture of the surface of Mars appeared in everyone's eyes!
The content on the screen shocked everyone instantly, and then the whole venue seemed to go crazy, and everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

Huge asteroids lie quietly in the craters one by one, and the multi-armed crabs are like ants, diligently collecting on the asteroids...

(End of this chapter)

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