The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 269 Planetary Antimatter Weapon!

Chapter 269 Planetary Antimatter Weapon!

"There is no doubt that this is a gorgeous performance! Chen, I am not as good as you." Elon Musk said to Chen Mengchuan with a smile.

Chen Mengchuan shrugged, he cared about many things, but at the same time he didn't care about many things, and reputation was one of them.

"Chen, I've been looking for you for a long time, come here, let me introduce you to a guy, haha, I bet you will get along very well with him." Mojierni laughed and brought a man over.

Chen Mengchuan smiled and looked at the two people who came over.

"Marshall, let me introduce you. This guy is Chen, the founder of Tianzhi Technology. Chen, this is Marshall." Mo Jierni's voice was loud, obviously in a good mood.

"Hi, Marshall..."

"Hello, Chen..."

After a few people chatted, Chen Mengchuan learned the identity of the man in his early 50s from Mo Jierni.Grandson of Carl D. Anderson.

When the name of Carl D. Anderson was mentioned, both Chen Mengchuan and Elon Musk were slightly surprised.

Carl D. Anderson is a genius in American physics circles and even modern physics circles. He was the first scientist to discover and prove positrons. He also won the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering positrons. He was only 25 years old. At that time, under the guidance of the famous physicist Millikan, he studied cosmic rays in depth. After a lot of research and demonstrations, he found a kind of electron in the trajectory of the cloud chamber that has the mass of an electron, but has a positive charge. At the age of 30, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, the highest honor in the scientific community, which is difficult for many people to obtain in their lifetime.

After Carl D. Anderson demonstrated and discovered the positron, he also verified that Paul Dirac's argument was correct!Because his research, to a large extent, is based on the direction of Paul Dirac's equation.

Paul Dirac, years before Carl D. Anderson studied cosmology, published a paper in which he proposed that electrons could have positive and negative charges.In this paper, Dirac first introduced the Dirac equation, which unifies quantum mechanics, special relativity, and electron spin, which was still a new concept at the time, to explain the Zeeman effect.

He gave the Dirac equation that described the physical behavior of fermions, explained the spin of particles, and was the first to predict the existence of antiparticles.And he also played a pioneering role in path integration and second quantization, which laid an important foundation for the later development of quantum electrodynamics.In addition, he introduced the concept of topology into physics and proposed the theory of magnetic monopoles.

"It's a shameful identity. I'm far behind my grandfather." Marshall said in a humble tone.

"Okay, okay, don't show off your grandfather in front of me, you who have been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics four times, humble yourself here with me, it makes me sick, you know?" Mo Ji Ernie scolded with a smile.

"Chen, this guy's research in the fields of annihilation, antimatter, and antiparticles. I believe that there are not many people on earth who can surpass him. It depends on what price you offer to buy him." Mojierni pointed at Marshall. Said to Chen Mengchuan.

His words made the other three present dumbfounded.

"Mr. Marshall has deep research in the field of antimatter?" Chen Mengchuan slightly restrained his smile, and his expression became more serious.

Chen Mengchuan is very clear that in particle physics, antimatter is an extension of the concept of antiparticles. Antimatter is composed of antiparticles, just as ordinary matter is composed of ordinary particles.For example, an antiproton and an antielectron can form an antihydrogen atom, just as an electron and a proton form a hydrogen atom in general matter.Not only that, Chen Mengchuan is very clear that the combination of matter and antimatter will be like the combination of particles and antiparticles, leading to the annihilation of the two, and will also release high-energy photons, gamma rays, or other low-energy pros and cons. particle pair.

The kinetic energy of the particles caused by the annihilation of matter and antimatter is equal to the kinetic energy of the original pair of matter and antimatter, plus the difference between the rest mass of the original matter and the rest mass of the generated particles, and the latter usually accounts for the majority.

Under the natural environment on the earth, it is almost difficult to find the existence of antimatter phenomena. Even if it exists, it is almost a fleeting ultra-trace existence, and it is difficult to observe and find it.This is because if antimatter does not exist in an artificial environment like a physics laboratory, it will inevitably collide with the matter in nature and annihilate immediately.

At present, antiparticles and some stable antimatter on the earth, such as antihydrogen, can be artificially produced in a very small amount in cutting-edge physics laboratories, but this amount has not been enough to verify the theory of these substances Degree.

"Compared to your subject of eternal cosmic particles, what I have studied is simply negligible."

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "Mr. Marshall seems to be a very humble and cautious person. If we have time, why don't we sit down and have an in-depth exchange. I don't know if Mr. Marshall has the time."

"Okay, let's talk in your office." Mojierni said.

Chen Mengchuan looked apologetically at Elon Mars.

"Mr. Musk, I'm sorry first."

"Chen, go, we will have a lot of time to meet or talk." Elon Musk said with a smile.

After his words fell, Mojierni, who was already impatient, began to urge him again.

"Toni, if you have time, let's come together, we can exchange some interesting things." Chen Mengchuan sent a message to Toni through a small communication device with a smile.

As a result, when the three of them walked to Chen Mengchuan's personal test area, Toni was already standing at the door waiting for them.

"Dr. Marshall!" Toni greeted with a smile.

Chen Mengchuan rolled his eyes: "You guys already know each other?"

"Yes, I met once a few days ago and exchanged a few words."

"Then there is no need to introduce, let's go together." Chen Mengchuan led a few people into his experimental area.

After several people sat down respectively, Chen Mengchuan looked at Marshall calmly and fell into a short thought.

At present, the way of man-made antimatter on the earth is to use the accelerated particles of high-tech physical equipment to hit a fixed target to produce antiparticles, and then decelerate and synthesize them.The energy required for this process is very large, and far greater than the energy released by annihilation, and the rate of antimatter formation is also very low, but at least the research direction is already available, and it is not a project created out of nothing.

"Dr. Marshall, we want to use the annihilation effect of matter and antimatter, and the feasibility of converting mass into energy to develop antimatter beams and develop star-level antimatter weapons. I wonder if you are interested in joining us!"

Chen Mengchuan cut to the chase!
(End of this chapter)

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