Chapter 274 Infinite Energy!

At noon the next day, Chen Mengchuan waited until his daughter fell asleep before leaving the house with Zhao Wanyu.

For Zhao Wanyu and his daughter Zhihui, he feels a little guilty. He has not been by his side for a long time. He has not been a good husband, nor has he fulfilled the responsibility of being a good father.

Although he understands what he is carrying, this sense of guilt has not diminished much.

"Missed." Zhao Wanyu pushed Chen Mengchuan with her elbow.

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "There are so many, how do you arrange today's itinerary?"

"Just follow me. You haven't shown up for such a long time. There are many people on earth who want to see you now."

"Isn't seeing you the same as seeing me?"

"They don't feel the same."

Chen Mengchuan touched his nose and smiled.

"Let's go to the Volley Wireless Transmission Division first."


Controlling the gravitational ball, Zhao Wanyu quickly flew towards the wireless transmission department. After landing, she recruited a group of commanders and chief personnel who are now in charge of the volley 5.0 technical department.

Many of these people are old people who have followed Chen Mengchuan from the very beginning. Everyone hasn’t seen Chen Mengchuan for a long time. Once we met, we couldn’t help but talk a lot. After some conversations, Chen Mengchuan quickly became warm with a few people. stand up.

The leading core engineer is Mao Xingxing, a middle-aged man who is a little fat. He originally came from Shanghai Keda with Xu Shuwei. He is a core veteran who holds sporadic shares of Tianzhi. Mao Xingxing is one of the group of people who have risen from Tianzhi Technology. Mao Xingxing's technology can be regarded as excellent, but Xu Shuwei's evaluation of him is a smart person with a high emotional intelligence, and he also has a very long-term vision.

When Xu Shuwei brought a group of brothers from Shanghai to Suzhou City, it was a desperate move. Needless to say, the process was difficult. Not everyone has the courage to leave behind a bright future and join another company with an unknown future. , Mao Xingxing was one of them, and not only agreed to follow Xu Shuwei immediately, but also persuaded many hesitant brothers to make up their minds. Because of this, Xu Shuwei has always valued him.

The current size of Tianzhi Technology is also enough to prove Mao Xingxing's original vision and courage.

Today, Mao Xingxing is in charge of the Geling Kong wireless current transmission department. He has personally experienced from the very beginning of Lingkong 1.0 to the current Lingkong 5.0. Now that the manpower is fully sufficient, Mao Xingxing is still fighting on the front line and will participate Various training and technical development.

"Has Volley 5.0 been completed?" Chen Mengchuan asked with a smile.

Mao Xingxing opened a gravitational screen, and a prepared data was clearly displayed in front of Chen Mengchuan.

"This is the actual test result of the latest volley 5.0. The wireless current transmission distance has reached 3109 kilometers." Mao Xingxing's words were calm and steady.

Chen Mengchuan's eyes lit up, 3109 kilometers!This means that Volley 5.0 has been fully realized.

"The volley 5.0 was completed without making a sound. It's a beautiful job. Didn't anyone reveal it?" Chen Mengchuan only felt very happy.

Mao Xingxing chuckled: "Brother Chuan, I'm not hiding it. Look at the time. The last actual test was only 4 days ago. The test is still going on for the past few days. Judging from the test results, it is stable. The sex is very good, I think you have almost returned from Mars, I will tell you face to face, to please the brothers and invite credit."

"Haha, Wan Yu, look at what he said, someone came to ask for credit, you can figure it out." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

Mao Xingxing put on a shy look.

"Come on, say what you need to say, brother Xu always said you are steady." Zhao Wanyu smiled.

"Ahem, Lingkong 5.0, we can now announce the completion of the technology, and at the same time start to cooperate with Huaxia Power Grid for further technical implementation. Tomorrow, the boss of Huaxia Power Grid, Li Zhongxia, will come in person, and this time there will be several other heads of relevant departments of Huaxia Energy. At that time, we will conduct further research on the landing plan based on the technology of Volley 5.0."

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "It seems that you have already figured it out, so I don't care how you talk about it. The principle is to leverage on Huaxia Power Grid and relevant departments of Huaxia Energy to benefit ordinary people as much as possible. The landing of Lingkong 5.0 has already Unlimited energy can be realized completely, and the previously approved "Medium Circular Orbit Graphene Wireless Solar Power Station Project" will be implemented."

"Okay!!" Mao Xingxing agreed, his expression full of excitement.

"Let's hold a press conference, Wan Yu, it's time to realize the bullshit you once bragged about to Brother Sun." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

Zhao Wanyu smiled and nodded.

Infinite energy is really a beautiful word!Chen Mengchuan sighed in his heart.

This time, Tianzhi Technology is going to touch the cake of many interest groups. I don’t know what kind of expression the General Motors Group of America will have after seeing Tianzhi Technology’s press conference.

"We have to prepare well, and the scale should be larger. Let Huaxia and its brother Bangguo also say hello to Huaxia's energy department. At this time, we have to cooperate more closely with Huaxia. Set an example, and the future Many plans will make it easier." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

In the future, the formation of a large federation of the entire earth is bound to be realized, and it is time for human civilization to take great steps towards unity.

For Chen Mengchuan, he has neither the time nor the energy to intrigue with many countries on the earth, starting directly from the root, smashing all obstacles.

After mastering endless resources, endless energy, and enough powerful technology to crush, all national forces will sit down and talk, and the integration of the earth's political power can be realized very quickly.Once the earth's political power is integrated, the core resources of the entire earth will be twisted into one by Chen Mengchuan. Only under such circumstances, the earth's technology tree will not grow crooked.

"I'll talk to my second uncle later." Zhao Wanyu nodded. She understood what Chen Mengchuan was going to do. After that, more scientific and technological resources of mankind will fully bloom.

Tianzhi Technology has now set up a complete technological stage, and the next thing is to see who can perform the most brilliant scene on this technological stage.

In the scientific and technological circles of the entire earth, the number of geniuses is unimaginable. Tianzhi Technology frantically gathers these geniuses, but only a small part of them are gathered, and more are firmly held by the power of each country. in hand.

In Chen Mengchuan's eyes, this is a very serious waste of human resources. He wants to dig out all these talents and let them perform magnificently on the stage set up by Tianzhi Technology.

(End of this chapter)

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