The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 282 Different Levels of Civilization

Chapter 282 Different Levels of Civilization

"What did you say?" The Belgian Senior Prime Minister's face sank.

"President Zhao said that she is now the top decision-maker of Tianzhi Technology, and what she said can basically be regarded as Tianzhi Technology's decision-making. So what she said about giving up supply of Tianzhi's products to Belgium can basically be regarded as true. Yes." A senior consultant replied dully.

The senior prime minister secretly bit the root, trying not to show his anger.

"Let those idiots in the House of Lords release them immediately." The senior prime minister closed his eyes, feeling powerless in his heart.

"Okay, Prime Minister." After the consultant's voice fell, he immediately contacted the House of Lords.

Ten minutes later, under pressure, the House of Lords had to release Francois and drove him home.

After returning home, Francois quickly saw a group of his students. Everyone was relieved to see that Francois was fine, and soon communicated with each other.

Francois had no time to trouble the politicians in the House of Lords, so he quickly expressed his feelings to his students.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Francois plans to take his wife, five children, and the families formed by these children, all to China.

A group of people couldn't accept Francois' news at once.

However, the matter was not over, the senior prime minister of Belgium received a news that made him simply uncomfortable.

an application.

A visiting application from Huaxia Tianzhi Technology.

The application only stated that the Tissot will visit Belgium in half an hour.

That super giant spaceship of Tianzhi Technology!
Everyone was silent.

Ten minutes later, the senior prime minister gritted his teeth and said to the senior adviser beside him: "Immediately send a letter to Huaxia Kingdom's Tianzhi Technology Group, saying that we welcome their visit to Belgium."

After another ten minutes, all the high-level officials in Belgium were anxiously waiting for something.

But they waited and waited, but they never saw Tiansuo of Tianzhi Technology.

at the same time.

François's little grandson rushed into the big house and excitedly shouted to a large group of adults: "Father, grandfather, come out, come out, there is another very big and beautiful blue light in the sky outside, A bright blue halo, I bet it's aliens!"

Blue aperture?

Francois was slightly taken aback, and quickly reacted. He looked at the crowd with a little excitement, and said loudly: "Everyone go outside the house, I think there will be a visitor soon."

The actions of the heavens have obviously alarmed people in the entire region.

The huge blue circle of light floated there so brilliantly and quietly, and then a group of white human figures flew out of the circle of light, and quickly guarded the surroundings.

Soon more and more people recognized it.

This is the space traversing source point circle of Huaxia Zhizhi Technology!

Those white humanoid shadows are all gravitational mechs!

The crowd soon became noisy.

The gigantic figure of Tiansuo finally slowly appeared from the circle of light at the source point. The huge, silver-white figure that covered the sky and the sun made everyone so shocked that it was almost hard to breathe.

After the 3-kilometer-long figure completely crossed from the source point circle, the whole city was boiling!
Soon, two helicopters with the logo of the Belgian country came to the scene and circled around the Tissot.

Everyone was clearly seeing the two helicopters, and there was a strong visual impact between the two, completely shocking everyone who actually saw this scene.

No matter how many pictures or videos you watch, it is not as good as this moment. When the huge Tissot really appeared in front of you, it made your blood boil.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the city, a hatch slowly opened, and three gravitational balls unique to Tianzhi Technology flew out of it, and quickly fell to an area.

That's where François, the scientific pride of Belgium, lives.

The gravitational ball quickly flew to a lawn, and the lawn was full of people near the main house.

The hatch opened, and Chen Mengchuan and Zhao Wanyu walked out of the gravitational ball first, and there were Mojierni, Puslin and several of their assistants in the other gravitational ball.

"Mojierny, I knew you'd come back!" Francois laughed and stepped forward to hug Mojierny.

"And you, Puslin, and Tianzhi Chen and Tianzhi Zhao. I didn't expect you all to come." Francois was obviously very happy after seeing them.

A group of people chatted lively and lively, and then entered Francois' main house together.

There was not much time to meet and chat. Francois briefly explained the things he was restricted, and then made a decision. He planned to go to Huaxia immediately, and began to seek other people's opinions at the same time.

Everyone who didn't know what happened before, now clearly knew what Francois was thinking.

This is an invitation from another higher civilization, and it is difficult for someone like Francois who has his own pursuit and belief to resist.

When the sky-blocking hull of the Tissot appeared before everyone's eyes, everyone understood in an instant that such a huge spaceship used the technology of the whole of Belgium and even the whole of Europe. It is difficult to do.Under the same world, there are two technological worlds of different dimensions.

Francois quickly made a decision that he would take his lover and leave first, and his children would come to Huaxia later.

When the last three gravitational balls returned to the Tissot, there were three more passengers, François, an old couple, and his grandson.

Without waiting for more impact, the Tissot quickly closed the hatch, reopened and activated the circle of origin.

A huge blue halo appeared in the sky again, and then the Tissot sank into it, and the whole world regained its calm, as if it had never appeared before.

When the senior prime minister of the Belgian Congress received the news, he was silent for a long time.

The intelligence personnel clearly told him that the people in the three gravitational balls that came down from the Tissot, and the people who were taken away when the last three gravitational balls left.

François and his wife with one of their grandchildren.

The appearance of the Tissot did not last for a long time. When I received the news again, I had already left the Belgian country. I did not come to the Belgian Parliament at all. I did not even visit him, the senior Prime Minister of the Belgian country, nor did I go to the Belgian country. The old palace went to see the current King of Belgium, came in such a hurry, and left in a hurry.

A group of people from the senior advisory group came up with a lot of speeches, suggestions and communication plans for meeting and talking, which were quietly placed on the desk at this time, so dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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