Chapter 285 Order!

[There is no doubt that this is a great company, even in the long history, it is also the greatest group organization in human civilization, greater than any "state power organization", this is a company A group company that explores the unknown based on humans...]

McCree, a reporter from the Global Times of the United States, wrote an opening paragraph in a sketchbook on a very stable gravitational small workbench.

All the media reporters in the audience have such a small gravitational workbench in front of them. It is simple and easy to operate. You can easily move this small gravitational workbench by holding a transparent button on the edge. With the support of the multi-directional anti-gravity system, this small gravitational table will always maintain a stable state with a very high frequency.

In the main venue, several staff members of Tianzhi Technology have already come to the stage, waving their hands to control some gravitational devices, loudspeaker devices, gravitational screen devices, and some strange circular devices marked with shield patterns.

McCree keenly felt that the circular equipment with the shield pattern seemed to be some kind of force field defense system, just like the anti-gravity shield force field of Tiansuo Technology's huge Tissot, it worked as a security guard .

There were a lot of people at the scene, and everyone more or less found some acquaintances or strangers and started talking.

Tianzhi Technology is equipped with a small headset-like device for everyone. It is equipped with a very sophisticated language translation system, which can translate and communicate almost all the time.

McCree was very sure that Tianzhi Technology did not sell this small device for translation. He is a person with a very good language talent, and this small headset gave him a very shocking feeling.Based on this headset, the standard languages ​​of most countries can be accurately recognized and translated.

McCree didn't know that the core recognition assistance of this small headset was also based on Tianzhi Technology's SOR headband device. This technology, which directly reads the characteristics of human brainwave signals, can be used in conjunction with the language recognition system. Do translation work.

The sound of the scene quickly became noisy. McCree raised his head and saw some people walking up to the small podium. Among them, there were several people from the Huaxia military and political parties. These people were not unfamiliar to McCree, they were all official high-level officials in Huaxia. Representatives, many of China's official policies often come from the mouths of these few people.In addition, there are Chen Mengchuan and Zhao Wanyu, husband and wife, who walked onto the podium together with these people from Huaxia Military and Political Affairs.

The scene quickly fell silent, and everyone was looking at the small group of people standing behind the long podium, with many flashing lights constantly flashing.

After Chen Mengchuan said a few polite words to the people around him, he slowly supported the gravitational microphone equipment in front of him, pulled it to the front of him, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

"First of all, everyone is very welcome. Thank you for coming here from the countries and regions where you live and work not far away, and gathered with us to witness together a rally that must be recorded in the annals of human history..."

"I am Chen Mengchuan, the founder of Tianzhi Technology. Today, on behalf of Tianzhi Technology, I will announce some cooperation matters between us and Huaxia officials..." Chen Mengchuan spoke calmly and powerfully, with a solemn and serious expression.

As he slowly introduced the project that Tianzhi Technology is about to launch with Huaxia officials, many people in the entire venue who knew some news in advance couldn't help but tremble.

The era of unlimited energy has really arrived!

McCree was almost stunned!
A huge power grid set up above the middle earth orbit, which continuously converts the sun's energy into electrical energy and supplies it to the earth!
Oh my God!After a brief absence, McCree reacted quickly, and quickly recorded and wrote down some of his views.

This is crazy!McCree almost wanted to throw away the sketchbook in his hand.

He looked at the well-proportioned Chinese man on the stage, and his heart was in a mess.

12 super-large power stations stable in medium-earth orbit, enough to support the energy consumption of the entire China, can also radiate more than a dozen surrounding countries!
This is really an unimaginable great miracle...

Like everyone else, McCree was a little lost.

On the stage, Chen Mengchuan was still slowly talking about the project plan and some main core nodes of implementation.

"For the 12 power stations this time, all the graphene needs will be supplied by the Mars base. Apart from the M-type metal asteroids, there are also a large number of asteroids captured by Tianzhi Technology in the asteroid belt. C-type carbonaceous asteroids, the carbon elements contained in these C-type carbonaceous asteroids are almost endless, the graphene demand for these 12 power stations is just a drop in the ocean..."

The voices at the scene finally couldn't be suppressed, and a large number of country representatives and media representatives raised their hands to ask questions.

Chen Mengchuan looked around the scene, and said calmly: "We will set aside time to answer questions later, please stay calm."

The voice became quieter again, and everyone was trying hard to digest the meaning of the news.

What is different from the scene is that all the webcast media in the world are almost in a state of madness at this moment!
A large number of comments, a large number of bullet screens were crazily vented on all online media, like a monstrous flood, everyone almost exploded.

【Infinite energy!My God, God is above! 】

[Will this be the beginning of eternal peace for mankind? 】

【The greatest miracle in modern human history is about to appear, and we are the lucky generation of human beings. 】

[Once the energy problem is solved, the human population will inevitably increase dramatically, and finally humans will start to step out of the earth and colonize the extraterrestrial world. 】

[Why is there unlimited energy?Isn't it built yet? 】

[I just want to know if the electricity bill will be cheaper...]

[Tianzhi Technology is awesome! 】

Internet media, social circles, forums, BBS, etc. all over the world are discussing the imagination of a new civilization brought about by the infinite energy of mankind.

After Chen Mengchuan's speech slowly revealed further project information, McCree began to calm down bit by bit. After calming down, he began to think seriously about the huge impact of the entire human civilization that infinite energy is about to bring. Change.

The beneficiaries in the first stage will be China and many countries around China.

After thinking for a long time, McCree frowned, and slowly wrote neat Chinese characters on the sketchbook: "Order!"

Looking up at Chen Mengchuan who was still slowly describing the new world on the podium, McCree clearly realized that the order of human civilization was about to be rewritten.

No!The new order of human civilization has begun to be rewritten unknowingly, and the person who rewrote all of this is standing on this small podium at this moment, talking about a brand new civilized world.

Humans will soon no longer be short of energy, resources, food, or even land.

Everyone will be born in a peaceful environment, receive the best education in a peaceful and prosperous environment, gain equal knowledge, enter all walks of life, and become a new human being under the new civilization.

 The update resumes today, thank you very much for your continued support! !Thank you guys, some bad things happened, but that's all in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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