The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 301 Super-light speed!

Chapter 301 Super-light speed!
"I think I want to see this beautiful thing." Chen Mengchuan looked at Marshall with a smile.

The antimatter beam weapon is currently only a prototype design, but Marshall has actually realized a part of the design.

He pulled over a gravitational screen and began to introduce Chen Mengchuan.

From the perspective of the entire design structure, it is obvious that the antimatter beam weapon is a big thing.

"Boss Chen, this is the base. It is based on six strong particle accelerators of different specifications, which use electric fields to push charged particles to obtain high energy. These six are all standard ring strong particle accelerators."

"Further up, here are 3 large-scale synchrotrons and 2 cyclotrons. Here, there are a total of 11 accelerators in the entire base, which will conduct an acceleration guide, and then go through the linear terminal accelerator in the upper part. Energy overturned."

"God bless, how powerful the antimatter beam will be." Marshall said exaggeratedly.

After everyone laughed, he pointed to a long tubular device at the end of the port: "Here is an eternal cosmic particle shuttle as the final vehicle, which will open the energy source point circle in a close-range vacuum environment. This source point The circle will send all the antimatter energy through to the end of the source point circle."

"If the target is a large enough spaceship, the Eternal Cosmic Particle Shuttle will act as a quasi-center device, and the exit will be positioned outside the spaceship in an instant, and the energy can be poured out in just an instant. Among them, the energy annihilation effect that can be produced is equivalent to 100000 nuclear bombs tied together and exploded at the same time!"

"Theoretically, a single shot can destroy a planet. Boss Chen, it's not that I'm too violent, but that I have always designed according to your requirements."

"Haha, no no no, Marshall, you've done a good job. It's designed like this. Otherwise, how can we protect our planet? In the future, we may face alien civilizations, who knows what kind of effects they have on us. There is no hostility, is their technology more advanced than ours? In short, you have done a good job, and I am very much looking forward to the day when this anti-matter beam weapon is born. At that time, you will be the hero of mankind and will definitely be Inscribed in the annals of human civilization, just like Edison and Einstein, appearing in the textbooks of future mankind, in Chinese words, it is immortal."

"Immortal, BOSS Chen, I like this title, believe me, we will start moving soon, when we further complete these settings and parameters."

"Yes, Marshall, it would be a wonderful thing if the progress of other weapon research and development departments can be as fast as yours." Chen Meng said regretfully.

"There will be such a day, you know, this kind of life is simply wonderful, and we can use our imagination without any scruples. This is simply heaven." Marshall's words can be seen to be very sincere.

People are different from person to person. The growth environment, growth background and education level will all affect people’s outlook on life, world view and values, so everyone is different. People like Marshall, their greatest satisfaction It is the achievement of my hobbies and knowledge. The sense of accomplishment this time is incomparable to anything.

This type of people is full of scientific research spirit. They drill into a subject, keep researching, exploring, and growing, and unknowingly become the No. 1 in this field.

It is also this kind of people who are constantly promoting the technological direction of human civilization.

Now Chen Mengchuan has such an opportunity to bring these people together, do something together, create some history, and lead the technological civilization of mankind to a certain direction. He did not miss it, and most of these people did not miss it either.

Plasma weapons and anti-matter beam weapons are only a small part of Chen Mengchuan's vast scientific research domain of weapons, and in Chen Mengchuan's concept, these two weapons are not terrible and outstanding.

Now on the back of Mars, a giant round platform is being built in full swing, and a large number of multi-armed crabs are constantly improving.

This is the giant gravitational weapon platform that Chen Mengchuan is looking forward to.

The core of this platform is attached to the weapon through a high-density anti-gravity device, and accelerates stepwise in a short period of time. Through this acceleration, the material weapon can reach a level beyond the speed of light.And it is also controllable to a certain extent.This weapon is very dangerous.

When the speed reaches a certain level, a jet of water can be turned into a water knife, which can easily cut metal, let alone after reaching the speed of light.Once the giant weapon is accelerated to the speed of light, it can be predicted that it will become an indestructible sharp spear.

Take the current anti-gravity shield of the Tissot as an example. In the simulation and calculation, the giant gravitational weapon platform only needs to apply the weapon to one percent of the speed of light, and it can easily destroy the entire Tissot with the shield fully opened. state.

Once the acceleration exceeds the speed of light, as long as he is given a chance for a moment, Chen Mengchuan is sure that he can instantly penetrate the alien spaceship in the dream!
And after replacing the accelerated weapon with a nuclear bomb or a more powerful material weapon, the impact that can be produced is simply unimaginable.

But it's going to be a long road.

In the material realm, it is almost impossible to accelerate an object beyond the speed of light.And why it is impossible, this is designed to the concept of super-light speed.

In the physical category of the theory of relativity, it is believed that an object cannot exceed the speed of light through acceleration, and at most it can only be infinitely equal to the speed of light.

As for why, it involves a series of concepts.

If you want to understand this theory, you must first understand how the acceleration comes about, that is, the acceleration process of the object, what is going on.

For example, if you push a stationary box, the box will have speed at this time. This is because we pushed it and gave it a thrust. Based on the thrust, the box will accelerate forward, and the speed will increase. This During the process, because the thrust is continuously given, its speed is continuously increasing, and its speed is increasing every second.

In this process, the box has acceleration, and the amount of acceleration is obtained by dividing the change of velocity by time.

Acceleration is very common in life. For example, the acceleration of gravity, that is, the acceleration of an object in free fall. This is a relatively fixed value, and it is also based on the change of four degrees divided by time. It is about 9.8 meters per two Subseconds means an acceleration of about 9.8 meters per second.

The calculation of acceleration must involve Newton's second law. According to Newton's second law, acceleration is equal to the force on the object divided by the mass of the object. The greater the force on the object, the greater the acceleration. Under the same conditions, the mass The bigger the acceleration is, the smaller it will be.

Based on Newton's second law, regardless of all other factors, if the mass of the object remains unchanged and the force it receives remains unchanged, then the acceleration will not change, and the speed will continue to accelerate forever.

But obviously it won't be easy.

There is a conclusion in Einstein's theory of relativity that the mass of an object will change with its speed, and the mass of a moving object will become larger. For this reason, the acceleration will continue to decrease as the mass increases. , and Einstein's theory of relativity is based on the speed of light, that is to say, the object cannot exceed the speed of light only by accelerating. The speed of light, but cannot exceed the speed of light.

The giant gravitational weapon platform that Chen Mengchuan is looking forward to is also limited by Einstein's theory of relativity to a certain extent, but at the same time it breaks this theory of relativity to a certain extent.

That’s because Einstein’s theory of relativity can no longer be the reference for correct orientation in the subject of eternal universe examples!

(End of this chapter)

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