Chapter 312 Humanoid Robot ([-])
[Why will the humanoid robots of Tianzhi Technology replace us? 】

If half the workforce lost their jobs, there would probably be no "economy" in the society.Take the United States 200 years ago as an example, 200% of the workers in the United States 70 years ago lived and worked in farmland.Now, with the popularization of automation technology, only about one percent of them can continue to engage in their original jobs. Machines have replaced them, and even replaced their livestock, cattle or horses.

Of course, all these replaced labor forces have not been wasted. Automation technology has created countless new types of work in new fields.Those who once worked on the fields are now employed in factories of all kinds, making agricultural equipment, automobiles, or other industrial products, and more and more industries and jobs have emerged: maintenance personnel, Printing plant workers, food analysts, photographers, web designers, coders...the list goes on and on, all of these have emerged as a result of the proliferation of new technologies.Most of the jobs we do today are beyond the imagination of nineteenth-century field farmers.

People in the past couldn't imagine that their jobs would be eliminated and replaced by machines, so what about now?The same thing will happen soon!
You, your significant other, your classmates, your friends, your friends' friends, all of these people, all of these jobs, a very large part, will soon be replaced!It was replaced by a humanoid robot from Tianzhi Technology!
You will be eliminated.

Look, first of all, more than 1000 million domestic service practitioners in the world will be replaced by humanoid robots for the first time!

but!Is it just that they were replaced?
Of course not, and the number is far more than 1000 million. This is followed by a rapid decline in the economy of various industry products, because these humanoid robots replace not just a job, but a job within the job. All the causes and effects below...

No matter what occupation you are in or what salary you are sitting on, robots will take these seven steps to replace your occupation, time and time again!
1. Robots and computer AI are absolutely unable to do my current job!

2. Well, they do do a large part of my job now, but remember, they can't do everything I do.

3. Well, they've been able to do all my work, but they still require constant maintenance from me.

4. Indeed, they already do all my jobs perfectly, I just need to train them to do new tasks.

5. Let the machine do my boring old job, because that job was never done by a human.

6. The robot took my old job, but, you see, my new job is more interesting and makes more money!

7. I'm glad robots and computers can't replace my new job yet!

Maybe you are still rejoicing, maybe you still think that these things will not fall on your head so quickly, but the reality is often more cruel than you think!

Look at these humanoid robots. Seriously, his fried poached eggs look better than my wife's.

- Author: A guy who just ordered a Tianzhi humanoid robot.


On the earth, more and more articles have attracted more and more people's attention to the upcoming Tianzhi Technology humanoid robot.

The pre-order delivery period of Tianzhi Technology is 1-3 months, that is to say, the first generation of Tianzhi Technology humanoid robot "Li Bai" will quickly appear in various countries and regions on the earth within 1-3 months.

During this period of time, more and more worries are gradually brewing into panic.

This kind of panic, the earliest brewing point, is countless domestic service practitioners!
Most of them will be fired after 1-3 months of delivery of humanoid robots!

Soon, in European and American powers, one after another rally-demonstration-parade started vigorously!

Followed by a large number of speeches, TV news media, newspapers and magazines, online media, social platforms, radio stations...

More and more people are constantly criticizing this humanoid robot plan of Tianzhi Technology, and it seems that everyone is resisting for a moment.

Many families who have ordered service humanoid robots from Tianzhi Technology have also begun to feel a lot of pressure.

Many of these middle-class families employ nannies, or long-term housekeeping services, or often call in temporary workers.As the voices of opposition from the whole society intensified, the first batch of unsubscribers began to appear!
Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park, in the Super Tianzhi Building.

Zhao Wanyu, a group of high-level executives of Tianzhi Technology, and the entire consultant team were discussing the arrangement of this matter intensely. Too many unsubscribes appeared in an instant, causing a lot of followers.

The number of unsubscribers is on the rise!
"Mr. Zhao, the number of canceled and unsubscribed orders has reached 220 million, and it is still increasing, and the speed is still very fast!" The assistant said to the data on the gravity screen.

Her words are just a reminder, a reminder to all the participants at the conference.

Zhao Wanyu nodded, and the expression on her face was slightly solemn.

Although Chen Mengchuan had repeatedly explained to her many times, he and the whole team still underestimated the panic at the bottom.

Calmly looking at the pictures on the gravity screen, sliding the interface, groups of pictures, each video is full of emotions of opposition and protest.

Public opinion is hard to settle!

Zhao Wanyu looked up from time to time to listen to the team's discussion and debate.

A group of people have been discussing for more than an hour. Although they have come up with various solutions and strategic suggestions, almost none of them can be effective in the face of the current global turmoil.Everyone finds it extremely tricky!

The situation has far exceeded everyone's judgment!
Before the implementation of the humanoid robot plan, the entire team had rehearsed the anti-emotional handling plan, and fully considered the countermeasures for very strong and serious incidents.


Things were moving too fast and too intensely, beyond anyone's imagination.No one would have thought that it would develop to such a point!

Globally, more than 1400 large-scale rallies-demonstrations-parades!

The ruling regimes in various countries and regions, unable to resist the pressure, all began to prepare follow-up measures of appeasement and resettlement, but the results were weak.

The incident intensified!

Representatives of more and more countries have officially initiated communication documents with Tianzhi Technology, and some countries and regions even want to issue restrictions on the sale of humanoid robots!
Tianzhi Technology's PR team is under unprecedented pressure!

(End of this chapter)

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