The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 386 Life Extension Experiment

Chapter 386 Life Extension Experiment
"How's Mr. Xing feeling?" Zhao Wanyu came a step too late, and the surgery experiment hadn't started yet.

Several people around Chen Mengchuan greeted her. Everyone knew that she was now in charge of coordinating and planning the large and small government affairs of Cui Haixing.

"Mr. Xing's mood is still good, and he is quite energetic. He has not been in for a long time, and he has not been given anesthesia. Now Dr. Ding is having a final exchange with several other surgeons. It seems that he still needs to communicate with Mr. Xing. What is the last thing." Chen Mengchuan answered her.

Zhao Wanyu nodded with a smile, and looked at the laboratory screen on the gravitational screen. Inside, Mr. Xing had already put on the surgical gown specially made for this operation.

The surgical gown looks quite loose, a set of short T-shirt and short beach pants.

"Can this surgery really prolong the life of Mr. Xing?" Zhao Wanyu asked the most direct question, and it was also the question that other people at the scene most wanted to know.

Chen Mengchuan nodded noncommittally.

"I believe there is a high probability that it will be possible to increase and extend lifespan."

"How did you do it?"

"The humanoid life group of the blue ST planet is very similar to human beings. There are many similarities in the DNA sequence, but there are also many differences. After research and testing, it is found that the cell vitality of the blue ST planet is stronger than that of humans. It has to be longer, and its metabolism is much slower than that of humans."

"This discovery has excited the biologists on the blue ST planet for a long time, and they have found countless ways to try to integrate."

When he said these words, Chen Mengchuan's gaze was a little unnatural. Among the civilized races, the one with the higher level of civilization went to study the one with the lower level, and the blood that accompanied it was obviously not perfect and harmonious.

"The current method was researched later?"

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "After many experiments, the current method is the most effective in theory."

"On the basis of the fusion solution, perform bone marrow transplantation and exchange blood."

Zhao Wanyu trembled slightly, and asked, "Exchanging blood? You mean to exchange the blood of the Qinglan ST star into Lao Xing's body?"

Chen Mengchuan nodded, and smiled again: "It's not as scary as you think, but you are right. Now in the laboratory, there is a Qinglan ST star. We will extract a certain degree of bone marrow from the other person's body. These The bone marrow is located in the cavity of the larger bones on the body of the Cyan ST Stars, and their bone structure is different from that of humans, they are taller and stronger."

"But how can the blood and bone marrow of Qinglan ST star people match with human blood?" Zhao Wanyu didn't understand this kind of technology, but she knew that human blood is divided into blood types, and blood types are different. After blood transfusion, there will be a strong blood transfusion reaction, obviously. deadly.

"That's why fusion fluid is needed. On the planet Qinglan ST, these biologists have done countless fusion experiments with human blood and the blood of Qinglan ST stars, and at the same time constantly adjusted the DNA sequence. In the end, they successfully obtained the fusion fluid. .”

"This fusion solution, in principle, is still a blood solution based on human beings. The bone marrow of the Qinglan ST star will be filtered through the fusion solution first, and then the fused bone marrow obtained can be used. The fused The bone marrow will be fused with the target human being, that is, Mr. Xing, with his bone marrow for the second time. After the completion, the bone marrow will be shaken to remove impurities, and finally injected into Mr. Xing through thousands of precise injections. To the bone marrow of Xing Lao."

"Blood is the same process." Chen Mengchuan explained.

"Will it fail?" Zhao Wanyu was obviously worried.

Chen Mengchuan shook his head: "If the fusion is successful, then the failure rate is very low. If the fusion is not successful, then there is no need for subsequent operations."

"After surgery?" Zhao Wanyu asked again.

Chen Mengchuan shook his head, but did not answer Zhao Wanyu.

As for the postoperative topic, it is necessary to design some negative things on the Qinglan ST star.Most of those human experiments are shady.Although all the experimental subjects are currently alive and in very good condition.All of them started growing again, a lot taller.One of the human experiment subjects who has changed the most has grown from 1 meters in height to 72 meters in height. This is only a change in just half a month.

Not only has the body grown taller, but the body has also become taller, the skeleton has become thicker, and the strength has increased a lot.It can be said that the overall quality has been comprehensively improved, and the speed of metabolism has also slowed down a lot.

This is another level of evolution of human civilization.

Chen Mengchuan is still not sure whether this evolution is a good thing or a bad thing for human civilization.

But if it can really effectively increase the life span, there is no doubt that it will be beneficial to the older generation of scientists.

At least knowledge can be better continued and passed down.

But starting from this point, it is worth trying.

Outside the laboratory, everyone talked a lot.

An assistant suddenly said: "The experiment has begun."

All eyes are on the gravitational screen.

On the screen, a huge gravitational metal cabin was controlled and landed in the laboratory.

The hatch was cut open to receive the bottom.

A humanoid of unusually tall stature appears in the pod.

Judging from the figure, he is obviously a male, with a height of more than 2 meters, he looks like a little giant!The tall and stout body was quite frightening. Seeing the opening of the metal cabin, the blue ST star slowly stood up, with a slightly uneasy look in his eyes.

All the people who saw this scene started talking, obviously a little surprised and a little shocked.

"This is the Qinglan ST star." Chen Mengchuan said slowly to everyone.

Zhao Wanyu was still looking at the gravity screen.

"The structure of the blue ST planet is very special, and it is different from all known star systems. Therefore, the biological form is also different. However, primates that are quite similar to humans were born, so the most amazing thing is the big The power of nature is the power of the universe." Chen Mengchuan said with emotion.

While the people outside the laboratory were talking, it was obvious that the inside had already started to get busy.

The blue ST star in the metal cabin, after the humanoid robot talked to him, lay down slowly and began to accept the experiment, and then many metal rings began to be snapped on one by one to prevent accidents.

After the injection of general anesthesia, the blue ST star fell into a deep sleep.

The experiment officially begins.

Several mechanical arms stretched down from the top of the laboratory, and under the control of several doctors, they began to continuously stab into the bone cavities of the Qinglan ST star, extracting a very small amount of bone marrow.

These needles are extremely slender, and the terminal is connected to a cylindrical device, in which a transparent colloidal liquid is stirred very slowly.

The bright red bone marrow began to pass through the connection bit by bit, and entered the fusion fluid equipment, and soon the colloidal liquid in the entire fusion fluid equipment began to turn light red, obviously some kind of reaction began to take place.

"Brother Chuan, will the extraction of these bone marrows affect these Qinglan ST stars?" Zhao Wanyu couldn't help asking.

Chen Mengchuan looked at her and nodded calmly: "Maybe, but the impact is obviously very small, and there will be more than ten days of exhaustion. Don't worry, these Qinglan ST stars are all voluntary, and this is not free. In return , he will have the right to live in human civilization, and his heirs."

Zhao Wanyu was a little surprised.

"Human civilization is no different from gods to them."

 Life is a new beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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