Chapter 109

Immediately after the high priest returned, he promulgated a new doctrine, requiring believers not to reveal the name and deeds of God, and those who violated the law would be thrown into the forbidden place to be trampled on; so everyone shut up, and no longer went out to catch living sacrifices; Ye Feifan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Feifan thought that she couldn't stay here forever, but she couldn't just pull a line and take Jiaoge away; if nothing else, the high priest would definitely fight her hard, and she didn't want the way back to be an endless pursuit. kill.

Before thinking of a suitable excuse to fool her, Ye Feifan decided to solve the problem of Jiaoge's oversized body first.

Jiaoge is strong and independent, and has no dependence on herself, so she can act alone; except for calling, Ye Feifan can't give it any instructions, everything depends on its mood and understanding.

With two dogs, Ye Feifan walked into the woods, the aperture was already much larger, at least she could be sure that no one approached within a mile radius, and then her "disrespect" to the gods would not be seen by any believers. .

Coming to an open space without weeds, Ye Feifan blew a whistle, and a gust of wind immediately greeted his cheeks.

Jiaoge's huge figure completely appeared in front of her, like a light aircraft; the crescent-like beak pointed precisely to the direction of flight; the slender wings were straight behind; the vertically long pointed tail seemed to be able to pierce the air, not It is hard to imagine how breathtaking it will be when it is high above and spreading its wings in the wind.

Before it lowered its head, Ye Feifan patted its beak as a greeting, and then started to get down to business.

Ye Feifan carefully inspected the feathers on Jiaoge's body, and found that except for the wings and tail, which were still in the normal feather shape, other parts, including the head, back and abdomen, had been transformed into hard scales similar to Qingdai, and the scales extended all the way to the claws. Nearby it slowly faded away.

Except for the feathered wings and tail, Jiaoge is like wearing a tailor-made armor, which has both speed and defense, and there is almost no weakness to break through.

But Ye Feifan didn't have the heart to appreciate Jiaoge's evolution; in fact, she was very worried, unlike the previous adventure in the community, Jiaoge's current state is not suitable for riding at all.

Her original plan was to sit on it and fly away from the sphere of influence of the Liaotou Sect with Jiaoge first, and then quietly lead the other animals away in the chaos where everyone could not find God; but now she is obviously facing a lot of problems.

First of all, Jiaoge is too high, she can't go up; next, as soon as she goes up, it will be strange if the scales on Jiaoge's body don't wear off a layer of her skin; most importantly, how should she grasp the smooth and sharp scales to control the direction ?
With a sigh, a large piece of fallen leaves covered her hair. Ye Feifan took down the fallen leaves and touched its shape. It was almost as big as a palm and could completely cover it...

Suddenly, she needs a saddle!A saddle that guarantees flight safety!But only if it's big enough and strong enough to match a powerful mutated animal, which sounds like... a really tough job to make.

Ye Feifan sat on the open space in despair, looking at the figure in the circle of light, it was so beautiful and huge, was he really qualified to control it?
Maybe it likes the south, where there is plenty of food and a good smell of the forest, and humans still respect and obey it, not to mention aiming at it with military cannons; it is obviously very good and safe here.

So she... should let go?

Ye Feifan shook his head immediately, but the idea of ​​going back to the north is really terrible. Now all the bases are sweeping up mutant animals and scrambling to expand their territories; Jiaoge standing there is like a plucked chicken... Ye Feifan couldn't help shaking his shoulders when he thought of the Bosch base.

Seeing that Ye Feifan didn't move and stopped touching it, Jiaoge became impatient.

It flapped its wings, trying to shake Qingdai off its head - a certain one hadn't come down since last night; on the other hand, it shook its sharp tail, preventing the two dogs from sniffing around it.

Seeing their "harmony" together, Ye Feifan felt even more reluctant, and even began to consider staying here with Jiaoge altogether.

Maybe after someone sends the moonlight, they can live happily in this "Xanadu" together, and no one will disturb them again!This is also very good!
Ye Feifan is not very stubborn, and his mind is quick. There is nothing wrong with the title of Saintess. At least he doesn't have to worry that those people will harm his friends, and they can live here safely.

When Ye Feifan finally found a glimmer of hope and her thoughts became more and more positive, someone broke into her circle of light. It was the High Priest.

"Please forgive me for violating the prohibition! I disturbed the rest of the Winged God!" The high priest held up his crutches and gestured, as if flustered and excited at the same time.

"The saint really has the foresight! An outsider broke in without authorization and pointed out that he was looking for the God of Wings, and asked the saint to give instructions."

foreigner?Ye Feifan didn't ask any further questions, and directly expanded the aperture to the maximum. Sure enough, outside a village not far away, he vaguely saw three people confronting a group of villagers.

"Did those three people say where they came from?" Ye Feifan bit his lips calmly, and couldn't help but miss Xia Tanqing's convenient and easy-to-use abilities.

"Saint is wise!" The high priest knelt on the ground with a thud, and once again bowed to Ye Feifan's "divine power": "They are from the north, they said they would help us encircle mutant animals, and they boldly took out their wings The holy image of God requires us to betray the God of Wings, but fortunately, the saint has a foresight, and I have issued a gag order to the villagers!"

Ye Feifan didn't speak, Jiaoge's commotion was still too loud, and the people in the northern base were not blind.

Seeing the seriousness of the saint's face, the high priest felt that the situation was serious and said, "Holy maiden, they are coming to snatch the Winged God! Please perform the living sacrifice immediately!"


(End of this chapter)

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