Chapter 116

Yang Peile couldn't help frowning. It seemed that the other party's abilities were far worse than imagined, but she couldn't be blamed. Staying in this wilderness, her abilities were naturally far inferior to that of Qiu Yulin who had been cultivated by the base.

"Tell Fanfan one thing to pay attention to. There is a senior in front of you, named Qiu Yulin. In the future, you will follow her more and learn from her as much as possible. When you have learned everything from her, you will be the official cadre of our shadow." Yang Peile said The words were clever, not only downplaying Qiu Yulin's identity, but also not forgetting to ask Ye Feifan to learn from her to improve her abilities.

What Ye Zirong appreciates most about Yang Peile is that she is familiar with the important and the important, and she focuses on the base in everything, unlike Qiu Yulin who does not distinguish between public and private.

Ye Feifan naturally didn't listen, the psychic was insignificant to her, and from the beginning her goal was only the man and the woman.

"Besides, Zirong is our captain, you have to listen to her carefully, we will have to rely on her to arrange our affairs at the base..." Yang Peile was halfway through speaking, trying to play tricks, but Ye Feifan still kept watching quietly. She looked leisurely listening to the weather forecast.

Yang Peile couldn't find the fun, so she curled her lips and said, "Zirong's uncle is the person in charge of the base, and he will be here in a while. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything. You can't afford to offend the Ye family." of."

Ye family?Ye Feifan suddenly had an ominous premonition, feeling that she should not stay here, maybe she should escape first; the soldiers' drinking water should be somewhere in the camp...

"I'm going to the toilet."

When Ye Zirong and Yuan Xiao arrived, the trees were creaking under the pressure of the sinking airflow, and a helicopter was slowly landing on the open space, surrounded by soldiers guarding them.

Her hair was blown away, and Ye Zirong's heavy expression could not help revealing a trace of tiredness. Feeling the steady and reliable breathing of the person behind her, she leaned back slightly; Yuan Xiao slightly supported her shoulders, signaling her to be strong.

After the helicopter stopped, I saw Ye Ming wearing a military uniform and walking down from it with a tired face.


Ye Ming smiled wryly at her, but as soon as he stood firmly, his face returned to the usual silence, without any trace of tiredness.

"I'm planning to let the soldiers search the mountain in the early morning." Ye Zirong also quickly adjusted her mood, and the priority now is to complete the task.

"kindness".Ye Ming's pensive face couldn't tell whether it was satisfaction or worry.

Probably wanting to relax the atmosphere, Yuan Xiao changed the subject: "Report to the commander, we just recruited a psychic."

Ye Ming frowned and said, "I thought Shadow already had one:"

Ye Zirong said with a gloomy face: "It will be dealt with according to the military law, and it will be gone soon."

Ye Ming didn't care too much, anyway, he had already delegated all the personnel arrangements for Shadow to Ye Zirong: "I'll go over and have a look, and I'll make a statement of confidence by the way, there can be no mistakes in this mission, although these guys are in the north, but they can I didn't give up the chance to catch me wrong."

The three of them boarded the shuttle bus and returned to the camp from the temporary apron.

Looking up, the sky has opened half of its eyes, but the thin morning light still cannot penetrate the dense tree cover, one light and one dark, like a world separated from top to bottom; as the car moves, it goes further into the depths of trees and vines , the more you can feel the sweltering heat that isolates everything from the outside world.

A beetle picked a bad time to fly high, only to hear a puff, and there was a pool of dark green broken limbs and stumps on the car window, Ye Ming was rarely agitated: "Is there really someone living in this place? "

Yuan Xiao summed up his previous observations, "There are many shelters here, and it seems to be quite safe. Most of the cities on the flat land are still occupied by infected animals."

"En." Ye Ming frowned, already like this, how could the situation be worse?
After driving for about half an hour, the car's communicator suddenly rang, waking up the silent three people in the back seat.

The soldier in the front seat received the communicator, his expression changed suddenly, and he turned to report to Ye Zirong: "There is an accident in the camp. Many soldiers are vomiting and diarrhea. There are not enough medical soldiers. I'm afraid the situation will get out of control. Should we evacuate the village first?"

"What?" Ye Zirong was still a little half-awake at first, but now she is completely dumbfounded. Is she possessed by the God of Decline recently?Why has the situation continued.

"Could it be food poisoning?" Yuan Xiao thought for a while, and groped along the route: "It should be the time for the soldiers to have breakfast. Let them check the ingredients for cooking first. The problem should be inside."

Ye Ming listened to their conversation, his face was very ugly, but he thought more deeply; after camping for one night, Ye Zirong left with the front foot, and something happened to the camp area with the back foot?This is by no means an accident.

"Zi Rong."

Ye Zirong was holding onto her hair anxiously, and when she heard Ye Ming call her, she immediately became nervous: "Don't worry, uncle! I will take care of everything! Just give me..."

"It's not your fault, I think someone is playing tricks." Ye Ming narrowed his slender eyes slightly: "Gather all the villagers together, first let them see what's wrong, and then see if it's their fault. The people in it made a mess of it."

(End of this chapter)

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