Chapter 131

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Ye Feifan's neck. It was just luck. The mutated mouse probably came to investigate, but it turned out to be fresh human flesh. He was probably busy sniffing the scent, and was hit by the bullet.

After the mice mutated, their senses of hearing and smell became extremely sharp, and the protruding front teeth made it easier to chew hard objects. In addition, the limbs were strong and the response was extremely fast, it was simply a mobile grinder.

"Gee chi chi!!"

Everyone quickly looked in the direction of the sound, and there was a black shadow shaking in one of the windows, and the sound of claws rubbing against the glass made everyone tremble.

Before Pan Yurong had time to aim, the same rubbing sound came from the door again; she turned around and found that the shelf was crumbling, and Liu Fangzhong immediately went to block it.

"Ah!" Mei Wanling couldn't help screaming, and the remaining two windows also made a rubbing sound. There were a total of six mutant mice outside, and they were trying hard to get in and eat the fresh meat alive.

Pan Yurong's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and there were four shots left, and there was no mistake in any of them. Huge pressure slowly gathered on her head.

"Are you okay?" Like a clear stream and a shallow stream, it quietly flows into the lake of uneasy heart, smoothing the anxious wrinkles on it
Pan Yurong subconsciously shook her head, said with trembling lips, "I can't do it."

Unlike her elder brother who studied in the military academy, she is proficient in target shooting and command. After the outbreak of the virus, he should have evacuated to the central base with the army, but in order to protect her and her mother, he ran away with a gun at the risk of desertion. At home in another city.

When they smashed the infected mother's head together, my brother hugged her and swore that he would die before her, but now, he wasn't even by his side at all.

"Give me the gun."

Pan Yurong had tears in her eyes: "Ah?"

Ye Feifan took the gun from her trembling hands, and said to Liu Fangzhong who was holding the door alone: ​​"Can you open a crack for me?"

Liu Fangzhong nodded with difficulty, and took a few steps back carefully. When the shelf was loosened, a crack in the door opened, and immediately there was a giant
The big mouse head poked in.

"Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!" The mouse struggled vigorously, and Liu Fangzhong immediately pushed back hard, jamming the huge mouse brain.

Mei Wanling's mind moved quickly: "Clamp it! Don't let it move! Feifei, shoot!"

Ye Feifan frowned: "No need to waste bullets, give me the hammer."

There were seven in total, one died, and six remained, but there were only four bullets, so they had to be used sparingly.

Pan Yurong and Mei Wanling looked at her in shock, but they still went to find the hammer in the corner and handed it to Ye Feifan.

"Chichi! Chichi!" As if feeling the breath of death, the mouse struggled harder, its sharp front teeth crackling, as if it was going to fight hard at any time.

The aperture was less than five meters, Ye Feifan stepped on the ground carefully, and walked to the door listening to the voice beside her ear.

Everyone saw that she slowly followed her lower body, less than one meter away from the disgusting and ugly head, and suddenly stretched out her hand to hold down the huge twisted mouse head, so that the mouse head would not struggle and move, and then lifted the hammer in her hand. , slammed violently to the side of the mouse's head.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the girl moved skillfully. After a few bangs, the rat's head was knocked open. Two eyeballs and nerves fell out, as if the lid had been opened, and the top of the head was completely separated from the skull.

Although the effect of the aperture has weakened, Ye Feifan has not forgotten her previous hunting experience. The sides of the top of her head are the hardest. With her strength, it may be a small crack if she hits her hand sorely; if she wants to really break her head, she must hit the side. Depression, and at the same time, it will not damage the crystal nucleus inside.

After taking the crystal nucleus, Ye Feifan dragged the rat corpse in; Liu Fangzhong hurriedly closed the door, but the noise of the rats was still going on everywhere, and the windows were shaken to the point of rattling, which made people feel flustered. Removed some plastic boards and wooden nails.

"Why did you drag this kind of thing in here!?" Mei Wanling was terrified by the surrounding voices, and was even more frightened when she saw the bloody rat corpse.

Ye Feifan put down the hammer, panted slightly, exerted a little strength and said tiredly: "Is there any rat poison, stuff it into the corpse quickly, while it's still fresh."

Pan Yurong gave her a complicated look. Although she already knew that people who can live to such a time are definitely not the ones in the pool, especially a pair of immature boys and girls, but it is inevitable that they will be frightened by the girl's viciousness. I don't know what terrible abilities the other boy has.

Ever since she lost Pan Yuhai's protection, Pan Yurong has always subconsciously wanted to stay away from the strong. From her point of view, the world's weak are preyed upon by the strong, and with power there will be harm. For example, the reason she desires power now is not just to avenge Ye Zirong. She is another Ye Zirong.

(End of this chapter)

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