Chapter 133

The fragments of the plank were scattered, and time seemed to be frozen in this second.

The moment the giant rat saw the living things in the house, its eyes bulged, gastric juice secreted, and its hind limb muscles tensed instantly, and it began to accumulate the power to pounce on the food. say enough

She pressed the trigger, and at the same time the giant rat jumped up, and the two sides fought fiercely in the air.

The bullet was still a bit off, and only hit the intruder's eye. Fortunately, the strong stamina threw the mouse to the wall.

The mutant mouse was stunned for a few seconds, but the distance and time were enough for Ye Feifan's aperture to capture its position and weak point.

Ye Feifan fired a shot into the air, and the bullet shot into the mutated rat's body in an instant, passing through layers of texture and gaps in the bones, hitting the heart, and shattering into rotten flesh.

It was easy for the mutant mouse in the other window. Ye Feifan walked directly to the hole in the wood chip and watched the mutant mouse struggling in the gap between the planks.

That mutant mouse was very unlucky, it managed to bite through the wooden board with its teeth, but a hole that was too good in size was found. As a result, the mouse's head was busy squeezing in, but its fat body was stuck outside, becoming a kind of lying on the ground. The ridiculous gesture of the guillotine.

Ye Feifan didn't waste any bullets, and directly smashed the skull with a hammer to save trouble.


"Just a little bit!"

Ye Feifan turned around when he heard the voice.

Seeing that Ye Feifan had already dealt with it, Mei Wanling couldn't help being a little discouraged and said, "The lead wire was blown halfway, but two of them have already been brought in, so it's just a little short!"

Mei Wanling yelled it's a pity over there, and the other two looked even worse. Now the two mutant mice are gnawing on the eyeballs and nerves that fell out of the corpse. I don't know that after biting the belly, a pungent chemical agent will flow out of it. Will it scare them away.

It was hard to come up with such a wonderful idea, but it was defeated by the breeze blowing, and the success fell short.

Pan Yurong, who stood by the door, raised her head in frustration and asked, "Feifei, how many bullets are left?"

"Three." Ye Feifan walked over and handed the gun to Pan Yurong.

Before Pan Yurong declined, she said, "But you only need one, and shoot it in the belly of the corpse."

Pan Yurong froze for a moment, then understood instantly, and her eyes immediately lit up.

Liu Fangzhong, who was still immersed in depression, was also taken aback. He knocked on his elm head hard, but he didn't expect to use bullets to ignite the fire, which was fast and safe, and he could immediately respond to the results.

Not far away, about five meters away from the gate, Pan Yurong raised the gun and fired a shot at the gap in the gate.


The mutated rat that was munching on the corpse of its companion immediately raised its head vigilantly, and then fled to the side as soon as it moved its paws, but then, there was less than a second from the gunshot...


The bullet rubbed into the corpse carried sparks, and that bit of scorching heat was enough to completely ignite the ready-to-move chemical agent, so from the center of the spark, a huge energy erupted among the chemical atoms, engulfing the corpse and everything within a few meters of it. The sea of ​​flames was accompanied by the fierce screams of the rats.

Everyone who followed by the door felt the ground tremble, and at the same time, the wall of the supermarket trembled slightly. One can imagine how much damage that pile of Raku's treasures caused.

Several people couldn't help feeling a little relieved in their hearts, as if a mother took care of the child, watched the child grow into an adult, and went out to make a living...

After the mouse could not hear the struggling sound, the three people leaned their heads on the door panel, and looked around in the cracks of the door. After confirming that there were no living things outside, they walked out cautiously.

The air was filled with a smell similar to burnt meat. Mei Wanling didn't think much about her words, but said, "It smells so good!"

As a result, Pan Yurong rolled his eyes and Liu Fangzhong looked helpless.

The embers of the explosion were still burning, and the corpses of the two mutated rats on the ground were ripped apart, bloody and bloody, and almost turned into a pool of rotten flesh; the rat corpses that were the starting point of the explosion were scorched into a ball. No animal could be seen, only the big hole in the middle of the corpse could be recognized as the starting point of the explosion.

Mei Wanling couldn't help cheering Liu Fangzhong, and even Pan Yurong showed a long-lost smile.

However, Ye Feifan, who was out of the atmosphere, walked around, but said with a serious face: "There are only two here! I killed two just now, and there is another one, and there is another mutant mouse here!"

"Huh?" The three of them were taken aback for a moment, as if they were going to echo Ye Feifan's words, when they suddenly heard a sound that seemed to be the loosening of earth and rocks.

A small mound of soil emerged from the open space where the fire was shining, and then a huge mouse head emerged from it, making a chirping sound. It turned out to be a cunning mouse that could hide in holes.

It stretched out its sharp claws and scratched the beard on its face, and the dark eyes on its head rolled around, looking greedily at the people who ran out carelessly.

Pan Yurong reacted quickly and shot quickly; but the giant rat immediately crawled back to the ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Ye Feifan, who was standing not far away, frowned, and then jumped away. The place where he was originally standing immediately raised a mound of dirt.

The giant rat's head protruded from it, and its two terrifying teeth clicked. Pan Yurong hurriedly aimed, but still couldn't keep up with the vicious mutant rat who wanted to play whack-a-mole to tease food.

Click, when a third mound of dirt appeared not far away, Pan Yurong pressed the trigger, and found that there were no more bullets, her face turned pale.

Liu Fangzhong suddenly shouted: "Wanling! Run away! It's under your feet."

Mei Wanling was taken aback, and when she looked down, she happened to be facing a rapidly rising mound, almost the size of a human head, accompanied by terrifying chirping and digging sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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