Chapter 137

"Xiaoqing?" Ye Feifan followed the woman, confirming that they were talking about the same person.

"My son!" Liu Qingyu said disapprovingly, "You still call him Xiao Tanqing? Careless? Honey? Sweetheart?... Well, I really don't understand young people."

"..." Ye Feifan frowned, her intuition told her that the woman seemed to have misunderstood something, but she didn't know exactly what it was.

"So, how long have you known my son? Where did you first meet? How far have you progressed? Are you really blind? Do you know my son is good-looking? You know...  "

chatter?Ye Feifan finally confirmed the woman's identity: "Are you... Xia Tanqing's mother?"

"Hmph—what else?" Liu Qingyu gave her a wink.But the so-called winking for the blind, Ye Feifan thought in his heart that as expected of a mother and son, they were both chattering.

Liu Qingyu has been observing Ye Feifan, and found that she doesn't need any assistance, she walks smoothly by herself, she can't tell that she is blind at all, just like her son said, she is the only one who can perfectly integrate with the most primitive L2MS Life form.

Ah, I really want to draw a small tube of blood for her, and study her genetic arrangement carefully, it will definitely be better than my original self!The children born will definitely be better!

Liu Qingyu looked at the girl's delicate side face, blinked her slender eyelashes, and said in a good mood: "So how much have you been dating?"


Hearing the relatively unfamiliar term, Ye Feifan froze for a moment, but he didn't feel shy, and quickly cleared up: "We are just companions and have no other relationship."

Liu Qingyu opened her eyes wide, subconsciously covered her red lips with her slender fingers, she almost screamed in disbelief: "How can there be no progress for lonely men and widows?!"

The thoughts of the people around him jumped too fast, and Ye Feifan couldn't keep up: "I think you misunderstood, you can take me directly to find Duoduo...uh...where is my pet?"

"Tsk!" Liu Qingyu let out a sigh of regret, but thinking that there will always be a chance in the future, she shrugged and said: "The things in our hands can't control them, so we can only ask Xiaoqing to stay there and use mental power for the time being." Suppress their actions, and I will take you there now."

Although she knew that Ye Feifan and her baby son were not having any ambiguity, Liu Qingyu remained generous and still showed enthusiasm, not forgetting to promote her son along the way.

Ye Feifan originally wanted to subconsciously block her words, but thinking that the mother and son were chatterers, they should be able to find out a lot of things, so he also casually talked to her.

After leaving those people behind, Liu Qingyu took her to make another "inner" elevator.

There are four elevators in the base; one from the exit, one from the first floor to the third floor, one from the third floor to the seventh floor, and one from the seventh floor to the tenth floor. The elevator can go directly to all floors, and the design is to stagger the floors with different levels of confidentiality, purely for safety considerations.

The floor the two of them were going to was the eighth floor underground. The more confidential research projects were on the lower floor. According to Liu Qingyu, the eighth floor was dedicated to experimenting with mutated animals, so Ye Feifan's partners were naturally taken there. There.

"You didn't do any bad experiments on my pets, did you?" Ye Feifan said out of nowhere.

"Alas..." Liu Qingyu seemed to feel it was a pity when she said this: "Your pet has mutated too much, it is not suitable for experiments, and...

As soon as the conversation changed, she continued nagging: "To be honest, Xiaoqing really cares about you, and even called me before coming back. Xiaoqing usually doesn't do this, but for you... …”

Because of his experience in dealing with high priests, Ye Feifan was not impatient, but subconsciously blocked a series of irrelevant content behind.

She wanted to continue to ask about the situation of her partners, but Liu Qingyu refused to follow him, and always dragged Xia Tanqing back after a few perfunctory sentences, as if she felt that her son was already a middle-aged bachelor, and he would not sell the Chinese cabbage that was sold casually on the roadside. Just leave it at home to rot.

In the end, Ye Feifan thought about it again, and simply gave up bringing back the topic, and just followed Liu Qingyu's words. Xia Tanqing seemed to be hiding a lot of things from her, and maybe it could be resolved here at once.

Liu Qingyu didn't know whether it was because she was born with a heartless heart, or if she really regarded Ye Feifan as her future daughter-in-law, she immediately chattered non-stop, only short of selling her son outright.

Liu Qingyu called Xia Tanqing's ability the correct experimental reaction, and she told Ye Feifan that the virus was originally an investment.

"L2MS is actually a potential development drug, but it uses a harmless virus as a carrier. You know that developing the potential of the human brain is a very interesting and promising research. My child's father and I are scientists in this field. "

Afraid that Ye Feifan would not understand, Liu Qingyu tried to explain Ye Feifan with simple and easy-to-understand words, without any attempt to hide it.

Liu Qingyu said that they were employed by a scientific research company and began to develop this drug a long time ago, but it was not until the past two years that they made a breakthrough and began to conduct experiments on animals, but the experimental results were not as expected, even have dire effects.

(End of this chapter)

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