Chapter 174

The two eggs grew very fast, and Ye Feifan could already vaguely see the outlines of the limbs and teeth.Unlike the mutated mother, the outer skins of the two baby crocodiles had already hardened and protruded. Ye Feifan's aperture gradually became difficult to penetrate, and the hardness of the carapace seemed to surpass that of the female crocodile.

She obsessively observed their growth, and the one that was going to be born first was named Shasha, and the latter one was named Bibi.

She was holding such expectations, and only a few days later, the egg in the Xiaolong Pond was the first to report that its shell had broken.The estimated three-month waiting period turned into less than a week, which caught everyone off guard, and Ye Feifan rushed over with a mood of half-watching the excitement and half-studying.

Not long after Ye Feifan left, someone quietly entered the apartment behind him.

Qiu Yulin was wearing a dirty nurse's uniform, and her long black hair was designed to cover her facial features, making her look extraordinarily inconspicuous. When everyone was attracted by the news that the crocodile eggs had broken their shells, she secretly went up to the apartment. The target was naturally the floor where Ye Feifan lived.

This was not difficult for her. A psychic with keen senses is a good material for a spy, and because there are not many people who can use it, Ye Zirong tried her best to send her to the police station even though she didn't trust her. came in.

When passing by a broken mirror on the wall on the second floor, Qiu Yulin caught a glimpse of her distressed appearance, and couldn't help but hate Ye Zirong again, but thinking of her mission, she looked at herself in the mirror with a weird smile.

Ye Zirong was crazy, first she wanted to sneak into the hospital disguised as a nurse and slowly poisoned Ye Ming to death, and then after hearing about the powerful psychic from Red Scorpion, she wanted to kill Ye Feifan by herself.

Qiu Yulin is not an idiot either, she has already found out about the relationship between Ye Feifan and the Ye family, but when she thought that Ye Zirong was going to kill two Ye family members, one of which was her own sister, Qiu Yulin couldn't help but get excited even though she was afraid.
Could it be that he really thought that changing his surname to Xiao would have nothing to do with the Ye family?The Xiao family favored her just to facilitate the control of the revival base. Ye Zirong didn't want to find a way to stabilize the real power, but now he is busy cutting off the wings of the Ye family... There is really no cure.

Qiu Yulin is very happy to complete this mission, seeing the blessed Ye family and Ye Zirong reduced to dust together, maybe she can go down to accompany Yuan Xiao soon.

Thinking of this, she was in a good mood, and pried open the door of Ye Feifan's house without any protection at all!She wasn't worried that Ye Feifan would find out that the other party was just a blind person with some special abilities, and he still couldn't see after all.Just now she confirmed with her own eyes that the two mutant dogs went down with Ye Feifan, that is to say, there is nothing inside now, so she can let go.

She took out the contents in her pocket. It looks like an inconspicuous newspaper, but inside it has been sealed with layers of technology. The thing is colorless and odorless. As soon as it leaves the vacuum packaging, it will slowly evaporate into the air. It is from the laboratory. It takes less than three days for Ye Feifan and her mutant dog to die of sudden asphyxiation.

For this "sister", Ye Zirong did put a lot of thought into it.Qiu Yulin couldn't help laughing lightly, but she didn't know that the laughter prematurely killed her.

The slender beak that was sorting the scales stopped, the little head moved, the red pupils grew bigger and smaller, and finally pointed accurately at the door that was about to open, the little body bent down, and the claws began to grab the ground, like a hand A ready-to-fire pistol.

Qiu Yulin didn't expect what was waiting behind the door, and she missed the deadliest bullet after all because she couldn't see it with the naked eye.

As soon as the door was opened, the spacious room came into view. Qiu Yulin was about to take a step, but suddenly felt the wind piercing her face. After a few seconds, there seemed to be liquid left on her cheek. She wiped it, it was bright red, it was blood.

Qiu Yulin hurriedly closed the door and looked around outside, but then her foot hurt, she looked down, and there was another hole!It was on the thigh, and the gurgling blood kept gushing out. It wasn't too painful, but it still made her scalp numb. She was still hesitating whether to retreat temporarily, and immediately her arm hurt, and there was another bloody mouth, and then It's the neck, the right thigh, the abdomen...

In less than a minute, the white nurse uniform on Qiu Yulin's body had turned into blood-red rags, and she could see clearly that every time that tiny black shadow flashed, there would be a wound on her body, that strange thing He didn't kill her right away, as if he was planning to kill her slowly.

And as the smell of blood in the air became stronger, the unknown object became more and more excited, and the passing shadow was almost invisible, almost hitting the heart several times.

Qiu Yulin dodged left and right, holding a pack of deadly chemical poison in her hand. She was in a state of anxiety, and when she was about to slowly retreat to the stairs, a deep and long gash almost like a knife cut was made on her calf. The pain caused her to shrink her legs, and she fell backwards...

Feeling that her body was suspended in the air for a moment, she opened her mouth wide and had no time to scream. The impact on her back immediately blocked all her calls for help. The whole person rolled like a log, thump, thump, thump, from the third floor to the first floor.

The black shadow stopped on the handrail of the stairs, blinked its round eyes, and probed for movement in the gap under the handrail. Although there was no crystal nucleus, it was still fed by the blood. Mmmm, get rid of the strange smell, and go back to sleep Bar!

(End of this chapter)

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