Chapter 177

half year later.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The waves hit the reef and produced a brilliant spray, passing by the sun from time to time, stirring up countless sparkles.

A few pairs of white feet stepped on the waves, and the girls wore big bucket hats to shade them from the sun. They laughed and cursed while chasing the waves.

"Hey, hey! The rest time is over!" A woman shouted angrily, "Assemble immediately! There will be a courage test in a while!"

She turned her head and shouted to the woman lying on the beach in the distance: "Fei Fan, borrow a little song!"

The sand bed under the body is clearly granulated, and the sunlight seems to fill every gap with cotton wool, making the already soft sand bed look like a quilt that has just been dried, and I am reluctant to be separated from it.

The lazy girl on the beach raised her hand and made an OK gesture.

Seeing this, Wu Liluo threw a crystal nucleus on the ground. In the distance, the huge body that was still "hiding its head and showing its tail" immediately pulled its head out of the beach, shook the scales on its body, and rushed towards the girls aggressively.

Many newcomers were so frightened that their legs went limp in an instant, and they still needed their companions to help them, but Wu Liluo didn't let up, and gave each of them a crystal nucleus, and asked them to come forward one by one, looking into the giant monster's eyes, and feeding it crystals. nuclear.

A little girl's screams could be heard in the distance, her stomach was warmed by the sun, and a little thrush landed on it, jumping restlessly with its little paws.

The human stomach is the softest and the most ticklish. Ye Feifan couldn't help but chuckled and rolled over to avoid its "attack". Although she closed her eyes at the moment and seemed to be taking a nap, in fact, all the movements around her were happening. She has it under control; including Duoduo, who is being chased by two crocodiles, and Bobu, who is lying on the plastic sheet beside him panting with his tongue out; In the distance is the moonlight walking on the beach, every move is extremely elegant.

Three years after the end of the world, with the companionship of her little friends and a peaceful life, Ye Feifan seems to have returned to the original time, but it is completely different from before the end of the world, because she does not need to hide herself, no one will point at her, Sighing and sighing, everyone treats her like a normal person, except the priest who is still fanatically following Jiaoge.

In fact, people who are born with defects don't ask much, just look at equality and respect, and few people are willing to be a weak person who is given away forever.

Ye Feifan has recently acquired a new hobby, which is gardening. There is already a new and secluded field in the wooden house. He usually directs a certain boy to work during the day when he has nothing to do, and stays outside the wooden house to enjoy the shade at night, talking to bees and fireflies; They don't have anything in their heads, but they are extremely sensitive to the climate and environment. Ye Feifan can always notify the people in the village to harvest the crops before the typhoon arrives.

Occasionally, like now, when she takes Jiaoge for a walk on the beach, sometimes when Red Scorpion takes a newcomer south for training, Wu Liluo and Ye Feifan will borrow a partner.

At the beginning, the newcomers were asked to help the villagers with work and build their physical strength; at the initial level, they were chased by a tied mutant dog with a piece of pork to train their footwork and endurance; Holding Jiaoge's eyeballs as big as basketballs, he reached out to feed its crystal nuclei, saying that it can effectively train the courage of newcomers.

Wu Liluo has a lot of experience. She compares women to chewing gum. When she first bears the pressure, she can’t bear a single blow, and it turns into mud immediately. But as the pressure increases, the psychological and physical levels gradually improve. In the end, she is like chewing gum that has been chewed for a long time. Can bend and stretch, shrink freely.Women in the early days of the last days may be humble, but with the natural adaptability of human beings, women who are delicate, patient, and low in aggression will instead become a gentle and abundant force, supporting the recovery and regeneration of many societies.

Ye Feifan "watched" one of the little girls throw the crystal nucleus to Jiaoge, then ran away screaming, couldn't help chuckling.

"Did you have any sweet dreams?" A black shadow blocked the warmth of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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