Chapter 179

After sending Red Scorpion away, Ye Feifan didn't like going to the beach anymore, the reason was not sentimentality, but sunburn,

The girl was sitting in the aisle under the eaves. She was wearing shorts and shorts. Her fair skin was horrible, and her hands and feet were red. The boy sitting by the side sighed and applied ice water to her with a towel.

"Let's just say the beach is dangerous! You want to go there." Xia Tanqing put the towel back into the wooden bucket, and squeezed it dry after it was full of ice water.

Ye Feifan was also in a bad mood, her whole body was prickly and bruised, and she was warned not to scratch. She had never been sunburned and felt so uncomfortable that she couldn't help but fell back, lying on her back on the walkway, and started Give up on yourself.

Xia Tanqing frowned, and thought that there was no ocean scene in her memory, so she must have never been to a sea stall, and she was too excited for a while.

Thinking of this, Xia Tanqing felt a little soft-hearted. He looked down at the black hair spreading on the ground like seaweed. He didn't know if the smell of sea water and sand on it had been washed off. Wipe her head.

Ye Feifan was agitated, and suddenly felt that her hair was wet, and the other party had automatically picked up her hair and wiped it, and couldn't help pulling back her hair in displeasure: "What are you doing?"

"Your hair smells bad, it smells like sea water." Xia Tanqing cheekily wrapped her hands with a wet towel to reveal the ends of her hair. The two of them were so close that they could almost feel the fresh, salty breath coming from the girl. The smell of sea water is still covering the sunburned skin, if only he has the ability to heal the wound, just lick the wound gently...

answer!Breathing unsteadily, Xia Tanqing let go of the towel, splashing water, he turned around abruptly, ashamed of his imagination, and took the initiative to repent silently.

Ye Feifan naturally didn't know Xia Tanqing's inner activities. It was not surprising that there was a slimy frog at her feet. In order to open up a small field outside the house, she asked the villagers to build a small irrigation field for her outside. pool.

"Cucumber." Ye Feifan nodded, turned to Xia Tanqing and said, "Bring me the cucumber."

Xia Tanqing was still in a daze, when he suddenly heard strange words, he froze for a second or two, and immediately turned pale with shock: "Why do you want cucumbers!?"

"Healing." Ye Feifan was sure, and didn't feel wrong at all.

At this time, the two people's thoughts were not on the same channel at all. Xia Tanqing felt several lines in his brain snapping and breaking. He looked at Ye Feifan's face with clear water and lotus, and hallucinations began to appear in front of him, which seemed to be some bad imaginations. .

Xia Tanqing blushed, feeling the heat rushing through his body, he gritted his teeth, she had read her memory and understood how she felt towards her, so, is this her hint to herself?
Suddenly figured it out, Xia Tanqing raised his head, his brown eyes were shining brightly, almost turning into amber, he pretended to be calm, and said falteringly: "A-actually, you don't need to use cucumbers! I, I have always ...."

Not understanding what the other party was going to say, but it seemed that there was a bad misunderstanding, Ye Feifan frowned and explained: "I just want to try it. That's what the frog said. It said that cucumbers are as beautiful as their skin, and you can Temporarily relieves pain and treats peeling."

"..." Xia Tanqing glanced at her feet, and sure enough, she saw a small and exquisite frog breathing with its chin puffed out. The white chin swelled and shrunk, as if rolling its eyes at him and saying: Please!Where do you want to go?This is the exclusive recipe of this frog!idiot!

On the toes as tender and white as a bamboo shoot, a dirty green frog is really an eyesore.

Xia Tanqing wrapped it up in a towel and threw it out, but when she turned around, she met Ye Feifan's unhappy face.

She said sullenly: "It hit its head, it hurts." After finishing speaking, she touched her head seriously, because it was too late to untie the spiritual connection, so she also felt the frog's indignation.

For Ye Feifan's accusation, Xia Tanqing was not angry, but secretly decided to go back and suggest to her parents to replace all the white mice used in the experiment with frogs.

"Did it say how to use it?" He sat back and asked the girl to put her hands off her head, the fragile and cracked skin couldn't bear too much movement.

Ye Feifan nodded and said, "Make it into a juice or mud and apply it on the skin."

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Tanqing brought back a bucket of cucumber puree in less than 10 minutes. He glanced at the girl who was quietly waiting for him, and secretly recited a few words of the mantra of purifying the heart, and reluctantly said: "You, come by yourself!"

The girl frowned: "You can paint it for me, I can't move, it hurts when I move."

A wave of heat roiled in his mind, Xia Tanqing opened his mouth in disbelief, subconsciously thinking that the other party was joking, but his hands were already automatically covered with cucumber mud, and the brain and body seemed to be controlled by different places.

"Hurry up." Her voice sounded provocative at the moment.

"Crack!" With both hands pressed on her white thighs like this, Xia Tanqing looked at her hands and felt the cold and smooth touch. There seemed to be heat rushing up and down her body, once on her cheeks, behind her ears, Once again in the heart, once again...

Ye Feifan was quiet for a second or two, then slowly lowered her head, gnashed her teeth in his ear and said, "What are you doing?"

Xia Tanqing came back to her senses, a little too late to react: "Help you?"

"Then why are you touching my thigh?"

"If you don't touch... how do you wipe it?" Xia Tanqing said with a guilty conscience, but it was true!
Ye Feifan threw the wet towel onto his face with a snap, and said coldly, "Use the towel!"

(End of this chapter)

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