Chapter 30

After getting new weapons, the two started a new cleaning again.

No matter how many zombies' brains were exploded, Ye Feifan still didn't dig out the crystal nucleus from the zombie's head. This is probably related to the fact that the mutated animals in the community are too strong; and after Wu Liluo knew about the crystal nucleus, she was more accepting of Ye Fei. Any behavior that looks like corpse abuse.

After being reminded by Ye Feifan and realizing her own advantages, Wu Liluo is no longer so afraid of mutant animals. Ye Feifan usually cuts off the limbs of mutant animals, and Wu Liluo fixes them with a stick. Finally got a cheap one.

This morning, the sky was clear and the sightlines were very good. The two of them swept the street to their heart's content, spraying blood and brains everywhere.

When it was time to eat at noon, the two people who were killing them were not in a hurry to go back. They found a convenience store at random, took a few unbroken rice balls and tea, and stuffed them hungrily——Ye Feifan also stopped by I took a few bags of dog snacks and threw them to Duo Duo, who was so happy that he almost ate the plastic bags and dehumidifier.

The sky gradually turned a light orange-red. Wu Liluo looked at the time on her watch. It was almost five o'clock. She turned around and reminded Ye Feifan, "It's getting dark, and the broadcast time is almost here."

The two turned back along the road and met three deformed mice almost the size of a basketball. They were gnawing on the broken bones of an unidentifiable human or animal on the ground.

Wu Liluo held back her nausea, and immediately backed away, letting Ye Feifan kill them one by one with a pistol she found in a hardware store.

Before the two left, Wu Liluo glanced at the three brain-exploded corpses on the ground, and she was even more sure that Ye Feifan must have some kind of superpower.Maybe just like the blind knights in martial arts novels, they can listen to the sound and distinguish their positions, and instantly kill people invisible.

Back at the apartment, the two of them simply washed it with a rag dipped in a little water, and then changed into clean clothes. The whole day of fighting made the two of them a little drowsy.

Ye Feifan turned around and fell on the soft sofa, and Duoduo immediately rushed up to use it as a fluffy pillow.

Wu Liluo hesitated for a while, and chose the recliner next to the sofa. Although Ye Feifan asked her to live in the next room, she heard that the owner of the room passed away in her sleep. They simply squeezed together with Ye Feifan.

Ye Feifan turned on the radio and stroked the soft dog's fur. Wu Liluo was drowsy, but when she heard the noise of the radio, she immediately turned her ears up and waited for the military's regular and public investigation and report.

"Currently the major evacuation bases are ready, please feel free to go there, the location and person in charge of each base will be broadcast below..."

Ye Feifan listened absent-mindedly, and didn't pay attention until he heard a slightly familiar name.Wu Liluo didn't notice anything unusual, but began to guess which base her family would be in.

Ye, Ye Ming, is that uncle's name?Ye Feifan chewed for a while on the name of the person in charge of the Fuxing Base

She knew that the Ye family was powerful, but she didn't expect it to continue in the last days. However, she never received any notice or warning from the Ye family. She thought that she had been completely forgotten by the Ye family.

Ye Feifan thought about it carefully, but there was still no resentment in his heart.

In fact, she has been relying on the living expenses provided by the Ye family to live comfortably until now, and she really has no motive to hate them. What's more, at the current time when everyone is in danger, she didn't even think about looking for them at the first time. Those "family members" who don't remember their faces at all.

So after learning of the existence of the Ye family base, Ye Feifan immediately put it behind him.The supply of food is still sufficient, and she has no intention of leaving here with a lot of food in a short time.

"Now broadcast the newly added severe blockade areas, Zhunan City, Yijia City, and Linyun City. Please do not enter the above-mentioned areas if you evacuate alone. Survivors in this area are also asked to wait patiently for rescue. Do not leave the blockade line, so as not to Cause unnecessary danger and distress; Next, the moderate blockade area includes: Huazhang City, Zhongtai City, please try to join the military evacuation if you evacuate from this area, and cooperate with relevant personnel to conduct health checks; in addition, add a low level blockade area : Longji City, Yuanji City, people in this area please evacuate independently as soon as possible and move to the nearest base, after the above report is completed, information will be obtained as soon as possible for other areas not listed to assist the people in evacuating assessment.”

After hearing the name of the city where her hometown is located, Wu Liluo suddenly jumped up, but after thinking about it, the original city is only in a low-level cordoned off area, so there shouldn’t be any serious problems. Wu Liluo convinced herself that her mobile phone was blocked because her parents were evacuating Accidentally missed the process.

Ye Feifan felt the emotional ups and downs of the people around her, and she didn't respond. She didn't know what was going on in the outside world, but after listening to some clips, she could hear the military's intention to whitewash the peace.The situation outside should still be out of control, and only the old system, which is inflexible, is making its final struggle.

The rest are routine warnings, among which the mutated animals are almost identified as the culprit of this disaster. Some so-called experts have analyzed that this should be related to the previous rabies outbreak in the mountainous area.

Rabies mutated in ferret badgers and re-infected livestock down the mountain, causing them to become more aggressive and attack human owners. In this way, the epidemic spread further among the population.

Wu Liluo just wanted to vomit after hearing this, and her aggressiveness increased greatly?How could it be explained by a surge in aggression?It has been almost two months since the virus broke out, and the official stereotypes have not improved. Even if we want to appease the people, we can't mislead the people like this!

Ye Feifan got tired of listening, buried her head in Duoduo's soft fur, and fell asleep peacefully.

Wu Liluo squinted her eyes as she watched one person and one dog, especially Duoduo, whose big blood-red eyes were not vicious at the moment. It comfortably rested its big head on its master's shoulder, showing its absolute obedience and trust.

(End of this chapter)

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