Chapter 9

Ye Feifan clenched the crutch tightly, let it go, opened it, let it go again, opened it, let it go again, back and forth several times.

She couldn't help but reached out and touched Bubu, the smooth and soft hair was the same as that of Dodo. Bubu was a guide dog she raised last year. Because Dodo was old, Ye Feifan was afraid that it would be too burdensome, so it looked like the blind mutual aid association. Three-year-old Boo Boo is coming.

Bubu is young, likes to play, and has an impulsive personality. She has been assigned several owners in a row, and caused big and small disasters. Until Ye Feifan came here, she spent most of her time with pets without a family, and she was completely satisfied. Boob has an active and playful personality.

Bubu especially likes to play with Moonlight, and when he is bullied badly by Moonlight, he will seek comfort from Ye Feifan, and Ye Feifan always likes to make fun of him.In fact, Ye Feifan and Bubu get along the shortest, but she really likes this energetic Labrador, like a ball of sunshine rolling into her peaceful and boring life, Bubu added to her that has been lost for a long time cheerful and angry.

Thinking of this, Ye Feifan threw away his crutches, the wound on his shoulder began to burn and hurt at some point, and his mind began to feel a little dizzy.

Ye Feifan couldn't help laughing at himself.

Yes, she was caught by that thing, right?
It's a pity that Duoduo they tried their best to protect her just now, but they didn't expect to see such an ending... That's right, how could she continue to survive as a blind person in such a world, anyway, even if she is alive, she is just lingering, so it's better not to drag Duoduo And moonlight them, there are dog doors on the door, they can go out by themselves.

Foreseeing his own ending worse than death, Ye Feifan began to give up on himself,

She slowly lay on Bubu's body, close to its furry body, the pain began to spread, Ye Feifan suddenly felt very sleepy, the original fear and fear were completely overwhelmed by sleepiness, the virus started to devour her life, right?Ye Feifan closed his eyes and obediently lost consciousness.

Darkness is spreading.

In the supermarket not far away, there were three other people dying.

At Aunt Chen's request, Wu Liluo tied Aunt Chen to the iron pillar with extension cords and thick ropes while shedding tears. Jiang Meifang also regained consciousness and sobbed secretly.

When the signs of the infected were announced on the radio, before the two could respond, Aunt Chen immediately asked them to tie themselves up immediately.

In fact, the three of them have been colleagues for less than a year, but Aunt Chen is the oldest and the oldest, and she is usually very courageous. The two of them naturally take her as the leader, and they will consult with her for big and small troubles before making decisions. For this kind of thing, the two of them naturally relied on Aunt Chen as the backbone. Now that they knew that Aunt Chen was about to be lost, it was like losing their last sliver of life for them, and they were extremely desperate.

Aunt Chen still retains some consciousness. Although the virus has begun to make her drowsy, she has not forgotten to make the final plan for Wu Liluo and Jiang Meifang.

"'re bored, listen up..." She said inarticulately, and the two immediately moved closer, looking at her with tears streaming down their faces.

"Here... there are a lot of food and resources..., as long as it can can weigh it as long as it lasts. If you have to last until the army comes, my old man will buried me...." When she was dying, Aunt Chen was most worried What really matters is not the monsters outside, but the will to survive of the two young girls.If you don't save yourself, no one can help you.

Jiang Meifang turned her head aside, tears drenched the dried vomit stains on her chest. She had known Aunt Chen for less than a year, and usually only admired her seniority, but ever since she escaped from the veterinary clinic and almost When she was on the verge of collapse, Aunt Chen almost became the idol she looked up to. She was also a woman, but Aunt Chen was able to stand in front of them, facing any kind of man-eating monster without fear.

Just a few hours ago, a group of people fled in. They were very happy to go out to join them in the warehouse, but Aunt Chen stopped them. In less than a minute, one of the people who was carried in suddenly bit The neck of his companion started to bite, the ferocity and viciousness were exactly the same as those mad animals, and then one mad man became two, then three, four, and the glass door couldn't stop the animals, no matter Whether it was a living person or a crazy person, they all ended up as the minced meat left over from animals. Only they who hid in the warehouse and dared not make a sound under the signal of Aunt Chen bet everything.

Then, an hour ago, the radio finally connected to the channel, which was the military channel. The male voice with a flat straight line blamed all the blood on a virus called N2X5, which has spread to the world at a terrible speed. That is to say, the unrecognizable community is just the tip of the iceberg of the world, a microcosm of the disaster.The more they listened, the more desperate they became. They could still rely on each other to keep warm, but then, the radio began to describe the characteristics of the virus-infected person, and sentenced Aunt Chen to death on the spot.

"Little Luo..."

Aunt Chen spoke again, opening and closing her dry mouth, exhausted her strength.

"My old lady has worked hard all her life... she finally got her son... only two of them... are still have been their babysitters, you should remember their appearance...promise me...after you escape and find your mother ...will you go and see my two sons?"

Wu Liluo nodded, she couldn't cry anymore, Aunt Chen didn't allow them to cry, because the crying would attract monsters wandering outside, so Wu Liluo could only swallow her tears back into her throat, her whole neck was choked red.

"Well, no...problem." Wu Liluo looked deeply at Aunt Chen, watching her slowly fall into a coma, her mouth stopped moving.

At the last moment when Aunt Chen lost consciousness, she couldn't help being thankful that she really loved Wu Liluo, and naturally knew Wu Liluo's personality well. She left without running out of food and water, and Wu Liluo's will would definitely not last long.So the last thing she has to do is to leave a "last wish" and make survival Wu Liluo's "responsibility".In this way, even if Wu Liluo is on the verge of collapse, as long as she keeps in mind the "responsibility" entrusted to her by Aunt Chen, Wu Liluo will definitely try her best to survive and fulfill her "last wish" with her affectionate and committed personality.

She is not worried about her two sons. The mother and son have endured hardships along the way. She believes that with the ability of the two sons, they will be able to live well. If Wu Liluo really finds them, they can support each other.
Eldest can explain it.Aunt Chen finally closed her eyes with peace of mind, and the virus in her body immediately scrambled to devour the last heartbeat.

Wu Liluo knelt in front of her, with tears streaming down her eyes, but her green face was firm.

(End of this chapter)

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