Chapter 94

A box car drove past, and the quiet and deserted urban area once again welcomed the long-lost visitor; at the same time, the distant sky was filled with the sound of roars and footsteps.

"Quick, quick!" The car door swung open, and a burly man rushed out first, and the others followed him.

"Ho Ho Ho!!" A black shadow rushed over from afar.

The others turned their heads when they heard the sound, and couldn't help gasping.

In the distance, densely packed, like ants coming out of a nest, the breeze blows by, and the rancid smell immediately overwhelms the sky and overwhelms the earth.

The tide of corpses is the gathering of victims who died tragically on the road.At the dawn of the end of the world, many refugees are caught in a dilemma on the congested roads. It is simply a hotbed specially prepared for the virus. Once the virus spreads, no one is spared.

As a result, a large number of dead infected people walked aimlessly along the road, the only goal was to chase the scent of those living things, even if it was just a passing wild cat, the beating heart could make this tens of thousands of legions Immediately freak out.

Today, Wang Zhongyi and the eight people just passed by unfortunately. They were going north to go to the northern region with sufficient supplies and complete bases. They wanted to say that it would be faster to take the expressway, but they didn't expect that the tide of corpses seemed to be following the obsession of their lives. , has been moving slowly along the road, and when he smelled the smell of life coming from the car window, each of them grinned excitedly and chased after him.

At first, the few people were just frightened by the spectacular sight, but they didn't pay attention to the slow-moving corpses until halfway through the journey, they gradually realized that something was wrong.

With the speed of the car, the tide of corpses was slowly divided into two halves. The slow-moving and almost rotten zombies dragged their broken limbs and arms behind; however, the zombies rushing forward were completely different.

Their bodies seemed to have stopped decomposing. Except for the withered facial features, their limbs appeared strong and powerful. Most of them could keep up with the speed of ordinary people.

Zombies are evolving, and this news has not spread everywhere, because most of the survivors who were lucky enough to meet the evolutionary zombies died, and died of carelessness.

The people in the car couldn't believe it anyway, so they could only step on the gas pedal to accelerate, just like this, you chased me and ran, and the stalemate lasted for a long time. Seeing that the car was almost out of gas, Wang Zhongyi, the leader, could only decide to get off the expressway first and find Evacuate in urban areas with many sheltered buildings.

Wang Zhongyi motioned to his younger brother Wang Renjie, and Wang Renjie immediately raised his submachine gun and fired at the rushing zombies.

Although these zombies have undergone evolution, their speed and strength have increased, but they are still far behind the mutated animals with thick skin and thick flesh. After the bullet rain does not take a breath, the body that is only wrapped in rags begins to be pieced here and there. , It was broken after a while; everyone quickly seized the time and fled to the nearest luxurious and sturdy building.

As soon as they entered the gate, everyone began to push all kinds of obstacles to the gate, trying to block every gap, for fear that the smell would float out and make the group of weird zombies even more excited.

The building had no electricity, no elevators, and everyone followed Wang Zhongyi's tall figure up the stairs one after another. There were many decayed bones lying in the corridors. Some of their upper bodies were not completely rotten. They walked obediently behind the man and kept their heads down. The woman couldn't help screaming.

Many of the undecomposed bones are infected people. Most of them have their lower body rotted first, leaving only some flesh and blood on their heads, grinning at the passing living people; one of them has not seen fresh food for too long. I was so excited that a half-rotten eyeball just fell out and landed at the woman's feet. The woman lowered her head and almost stepped on it.

There were not enough zombies in the building, and all the rotten ones had already rotted away. Wang Zhongyi took the lead in blasting a few rotting corpses that blocked the way, and it was considered safe along the way.

When they reached the seventh floor, everyone finally found an unlocked iron door, and quickly squeezed inside.

The unlocked room turned out to be vacant, and it seemed to be waiting for sale, so after everyone was seated, Wang Zhongyi said to some of them: "Go and search the rooms of the neighbors to see if there are any supplies. .”

One of the middle-aged men wearing a tie and wearing a dirty staff uniform couldn't help but look embarrassed: "I don't know if there are any zombies inside."

"Kill it." Wang Zhongyi impatiently gave him a metal baseball bat: "Take your daughter with you."

After speaking, a skinny and dark little girl immediately hid behind the middle-aged man, looking rather shy.

"You go too!"

Another fat man with a bloated body panting wildly on the ground couldn't help but turn pale, but he just moved his mouth and didn't say anything, obediently following the figure of the father and daughter.

He can't run fast, he doesn't have much strength, and it's a problem not to drag others down. At the beginning, all the survivors who passed by refused to take him, and only Wang Zhongyi took him in. On this point alone, he has no right to argue - but , most of the reason is the powerful submachine gun hung by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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