Chapter 114
"Hey, isn't this noodle too strong?" Baiyu ate the noodles in the bowl, and even commented on the taste of the bowl of noodles to Genos and Saitama who were beside him from time to time.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Si Guoyi!" Saitama said incompletely, with big cheeks puffed up on both sides of his face.

Genos also said in a rare way: "The noodles here are indeed very good. Not only are the noodles chewy, but there are also surprisingly many ingredients. Even the taste of this soup base is simply unstoppable!"

After Bai Yu wiped the grease from his mouth with a paper towel, he said to Genos: "Sure, this is a big appetite challenge, the ingredients must be enough, but if we can't finish it, we will pay three times the price gone."

Naturally, Bai Yu was not worried that he would be unable to finish his meal. After all, he possessed the skill of Big Eater. At most, he could activate the skill once to destroy this bowl of noodles. It would not be too simple.

The most worrying thing now is that Saitama’s noodles are delicious and there are many ingredients, but this does not mean that you can completely finish this bowl of noodles, and as time goes by, the noodles will swell more and more , not only the taste will change, but also the speed of eating may be affected
Saitama still babbled and said some incomprehensible words, and even blushed on his bald head. This obviously means that the bald devil is doing his best to finish the bowl large noodles
However, Baiyu guessed that Saitama's meaning should be, "Don't worry about me, don't worry, I will definitely finish this bowl of noodles fiercely, and let us successfully get rid of the order in the end."

No matter how invincible Saitama is, it seems that he has things that are difficult for him to do
Time is running out, there may still be a chance for Genos to complete it, but Saitama's here... I'm afraid it's a bit hanging.

But at this moment, the high-frequency sound of eating attracted Bai Yu's attention, and he turned his head to look at a fat man opposite him.

Oh my god, this is no longer something that can be described in terms of general obesity. Bai Yu can even notice the fat on this man's body that is shaking more and more from time to time because of eating.

Bai Yu felt as if he had seen this man before. Where was it?

It looks familiar
Suddenly, Bai Yu remembered that he had seen this man on the official website of the Heroes Association!

One of the S-level ranked heroes, named "Pig God".

This world is really small, I didn't expect to meet this hero here.

Just when Bai Yu was sighing, Zhu Shen also noticed the man in front of him. Anyway, his first impression was that this man was so handsome.

In Pig God's impression, the only ones who can compare with the man in front of him are Sweetheart Mask and Flash.

For some reason, Pig God had a good first impression of this unknown handsome guy, as if he was born with an inexplicable liking for him.

The Pig God nodded his head to Bai Yu as a gesture of politeness, and after Bai Yu saw it, he did the same thing to the Pig God.

After seeing Bai Yu's actions, Pig God has a better impression of this strange handsome guy. But now he has more important things to do, and that is to eat!

The sound of eating sounded again, and the pig god continued his great cause.

And Bai Yu has been observing that the eating speed of this pig god is really huge, the snake skin is so fast!

This speed is even faster than myself who has a big appetite, and even... he may still be a man who can maintain this eating speed for 24 hours.

People who can eat like this are generally not too weak
Just when Bai Yu was thinking wildly, Pig God had already finished all the food in front of him, but he was not full yet, he was a man of integrity, if he continued to eat, it might affect the operation of the store, so he Decided to go to the next store!

It was also at this time that Zhushen noticed that Bai Yu and his party were challenging the Big Stomach King's event, and his eyes showed approval, but according to their progress, it seemed that this event was about to fail.

Pig God stood up, his fat body even made the surrounding chairs move, and at the same time he nodded to Bai Yu again, indicating that he wanted to leave.

And Bai Yu also stretched out his hand and waved at the pig god a few times. The pig god smiled happily when he saw it, and then when he passed by the shop owner, he said to the boss: "Uncle Yile, the three over there are The young people who challenge the Big Eater event will probably fail, they need to pay for the noodles and put it into my account, but you must not tell them at this time, let them continue to work hard~”

After Uncle Yile heard it, his teeth gleamed, and he raised his thumb to Zhu Shen: "OK, no problem!"

After Pig God finished everything, he left the store happily, while Bai Yu and the other three were still struggling in the store.

However, Bai Yu, who was struggling, suddenly stopped, and he discovered a very extraordinary thing
The vaccine person in the master ball actually signed the contract?
No way. That kind of unequal contract that is worse than the Unicorn Fairy, it actually signed it?

Yes, Bai Yu made such an unequal contract on purpose. He originally thought that the vaccine person would drag him for a long time, so he made it like this in order to have room to bargain. But he never expected that, The vaccine person signed the contract without haggling?
Oh my god, what happened in the master ball that made this vaccine person sign such a contract without even thinking about bargaining?

However, at this moment, the system trembled and an optional special task was released.

Mission objective: weirdo practice idol debut group
Mission introduction: You who own the Master Ball have subdued two rare and powerful monsters. Under your spur and leadership, they will reform themselves. However, this is far from enough. You who have ambition will Subdue more weirdos and join this team, and to form this idol group, at least five members must be at least five or more, and the first five members cannot be lower than the ghost level
mission rewards:? ? ? (After completion, you can view it)

Bai Yu pondered for a while, looking at this special mission, it seems that this is to let him develop a team of weirdos, similar to the hero team in Marvel DC next door.

And her intuition told Bai Yu, this? ? ?The rewards may be very rich, but now I only have two weirdos, and there are still three missing. However, Bai Yu is not worried about this matter, anyway, the most indispensable thing in this world is weirdos.

(End of this chapter)

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