Five to five from one punch

Chapter 136 White very strong

Chapter 136 Baiyu is very strong

"What and what?" The super alloy black light came in with a confused face, and he still hasn't figured out what's going on.

"Didn't you say that there are ghost-level monsters here?" After the super-alloy black light finished speaking, he glanced at the red-haired man opposite him, and the three monsters behind him, among them the seafood monster lying on the ground trembling. Obviously it was his purpose of this trip, and it was also the ghost-level disaster monster.

"The situation seems to be a bit complicated. I already looked like this when I first came here, and the venerable vest was almost attacked." Metal Bat told Superman all the information about his coming here and the information about the sexy prisoner. Alloy black light.

After a while, the super-alloy black light said in disbelief, "No way, the S-class hero's vested master was actually defeated by a B-class hero?"

"Yes, this is what I saw with my own eyes. I also think this matter is very unscientific, but this is the truth." Metal Bat said slowly.

"So, this B-level hero named Bai Yu still refuses to let Venerable Vest and his little brothers go?" The super alloy black light touched his bald head, and then yelled at this B-level hero Bai Yu, "Really? Is it not negotiable?"

Bai Yu didn't speak, but just stretched out his right hand and made a few strokes at the super alloy black light and the three of them.

Come on, even if there is no answer, Super Alloy Black Light understands what this man means.

"If that's the case, then let him experience how terrifying the muscles he exercises are!" the superalloy black light said to himself.

At this time outside the gymnasium, the broken Genos stared at the impending battle inside, and he reluctantly used his remaining arm to pull his body over.

Damn this group of S-level heroes actually plan to gang up on Teacher Bai Yu?

I have to go over to help, otherwise Teacher Bai Yu will suffer too much!

At this moment, a red glove was placed on Genos' shoulder, and a familiar voice came, "Isn't this Genos?"

After hearing the unbearable legend, he turned and looked at the owner of the red glove. After a few seconds, Genos said slowly, "Mr. Saitama, you are here."

"Ah, I'm here, sorry, the phone has no signal, and I just received the address location you sent." Saitama shook the flip phone in his hand and explained.

"Ms. Saitama is not the time to talk about this now. Leave me alone. Mr. Baiyu in the gym seems to be going to war with some S-class heroes. Go over and help him!" Every time Genos said, There will be bursts of sparks flashing from his throat, and Saitama can't bear it when he sees it
"Don't worry, you should worry about yourself first." Saitama put Genos on his back and walked slowly into the gym.

In this distance, Saitama comforted Genos, "Baiyu is very strong. I think that in this world, I am the only one who can match him!"

Genos's eyes dilated slightly, and there was a rippling in his pupils. Although the time we spent together was very short, this was the first time he saw Saitama, who was free-spirited, say such words of praise for others.

"So that's the case." Genos said lightly, and it turned out that he was too worried.

"Boy, if you regret it now, it's still too late. Let go of the two heroes in vests. If they fight later, things will be unpredictable." The sexy prisoner opened his hands and looked at Bai Yu. send invitation.

Two crisp bangs of bones sounded in the gymnasium, and the tiger in the vest and the black hole in the vest fainted on the ground because of the excessive pain, unconscious.

"Okay, the trouble is settled, so what else do you want to say to me now?" Bai Yu clapped his hands to signal that the other party can start his own performance.

After the arrival of their three S-level heroes, Bai Yu not only injured the vested venerable, but also in front of their eyes. It is already a naked provocation to do such a vicious hand to the heroes of the association.

"That's enough, stop negotiating. I've been seeing this red-haired man upset for a long time. What the hell are you doing? He's even more arrogant than my metal bat!" The metal bat pushed away the sexy prisoner, and picked it up. He took out his weapon and rushed up.

Now that it was necessary to fight, the sexy prisoner exerted all his strength on his legs, and after his huge body drew an arc, he launched a surprise attack towards Bai Yu's left.

Super Alloy Black Light did the same thing at this time, he also made the same action as the sexy prisoner, except that he was attacking towards Bai Yu's right at this time.

Metal bat in the middle, Sexy Prisoner on the left and Super Alloy Blacklight on the right.

The brave and cooperative attack of the three S-level heroes can even tear apart most ghost-level monsters in an instant!

Just when the three were about to succeed, a scorching silver-white breath erupted from the center of the three.
When the Vaccine Man saw this power, his hairs stood on end, and he suddenly recalled something bad, "Damn it, I knew you were still that guy!"

After finishing speaking, the Vaccine Man quickly dragged the huge body of the Unicorn Immortal and the Deep Sea King who was pretending to be dead with a bruised nose, and flew to a corner near the gymnasium. Take refuge?

The sexy prisoner, the metal bat, and the super alloy black light were overthrown by a force in an instant. Among them, only the super alloy black light could barely rely on its own body, so that it would not be so miserable when it fell, while the sexy prisoner and the metal Under the impact of this force, the bat finally had to rely on the thick walls of the gymnasium to unload the force to stop.

Bai Yu's body is now covered by a strand of silver thread, the red hair looks more like a silver thread, and there are even faint silver flames appearing in the depths of his pupils from time to time
The silvery white aura on Baiyu's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the energy in his body is about to overflow. At this time, he realized in his mind that if he continues like this, he will only passively trigger the perfect "freedom of mind" and even forcibly turn on the "[-]-[-]" , and nothing will change by then.
At this moment, Bai Yu took a deep breath, discarding distracting thoughts and giving up thinking.
As if time had been stopped, the ever-increasing aura seemed to have stopped at this moment, and then accompanied by Bai Yu's roar, a silver thread quickly and directly pierced through this silvery aura, and even brought it to the top of the gymnasium's roof. the ceiling is directly pierced
I can no longer feel the breath of frenzy, what is left is an extremely natural and stable sense
The special Yinbai breath was maintained around Baiyu's body, and he just stood there and felt it.

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(End of this chapter)

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