Chapter 195
"No, those weirdos might be catching up, let's get out of here first." Bump said decisively immediately.

Banggu nodded, and fled in front of the forest with his dear brother.

But manpower has its limit after all, even for the two of them as powerful fighters, they still can't escape this theorem, unless you don't be human
Before that, Banggu and Bangpu had been fleeing for a long time, and their food supplies had been seriously short.

Even near here, it is impossible for them to rely on hunting to fill their stomachs, because the time it takes for the enemy to hunt them up is astonishingly fast.

"Isn't the mobile phone that the association gave you still unable to send messages?" During the run, Bangpu turned his head and asked Banggu.

"No, it still shows that among the strange people behind the possibility of losing the signal, there are some strange people who can affect the surrounding environment and cause these instruments to malfunction." Banggu replied helplessly.

At this time, the same thought inexplicably came to the minds of both of them. That is, it would be great if they could fly.

After half an hour of running away.
The pursuit behind the two of them has not stopped.

Banggu also began to gradually realize that the situation has irreversibly jumped in a bad direction.

"This time I really hurt you, brother." Banggu suddenly apologized.

Bang Pu froze for a moment, and then he responded with a smile: "Hehe, you haven't apologized like this to my brother for many years. It seems that you also think that things have reached a very bad point."

Banggu didn't speak, but nodded more ashamedly.

At this time, Bang Pu comforted his younger brother helplessly: "Then what can I do? Who made you my stupid younger brother? As an older brother, I have to wipe your ass for you from time to time."

But after Bangpu finished speaking, as if a switch was pressed, he began to say like a typewriter: "Actually, this time things are so weird, you should call Baiyu to come together, with his help , maybe things will turn around this time.”

Naturally, Banggu also knew that with Baiyu's help, this matter might not turn out like this, but when he left, Baiyu was still deeply involved in the public opinion turmoil, so how could he open his mouth to trouble his lover.

What's more, at first he just discovered the rumors that the missing hero seemed to be walking around here.

Since the last business trip, in that park, Banggu felt that the traces of the fight on the scene were so incomparably consistent with the martial arts used by the heroes back then.

At that time, he suspected that Haojie might not have disappeared, but instead was carrying out some terrible plan.

But he never expected that Junjie would turn from a human into a weirdo. This secret struck their minds like a thunderbolt.

At the same time, the more frightening news is that there is such a terrible weird organization hidden behind the hero, and they seem to have great plans. Banggu and Bangpu were discovered when they inadvertently inquired about this secret.

That's why the current bad situation has been created.

If it was a hero and a weirdo, Banggu and Bangpu wouldn't be in such a mess, but the weirdo organization behind the hero doesn't seem to intend to give them a way out, but instead sent a large number of scary weirdos to hunt down and kill the two brothers.

Just when Banggu was thinking wildly, Bangpu knocked away his younger brother in an instant, and fell down beside him.

A powerful impact laser cannon instantly occupied the positions of the two people just now.

"Damn it, when did that dog run in front of us?" Bump cursed angrily.

At this time, in front of Bang Gu and Bang Pu, a huge black dog appeared, with six bright eyes forming its most direct and shining symbol.

This dog is one of the most difficult to deal with in this hunt. It has extremely strong defenses in its body, and it is simply terrifying!
Banggu even subconsciously compared the dog's defense with the superalloy black light, and finally came to a conclusion.

This dog and Super Alloy Black Light may have a lot of common language.

"You guys are so good at escaping, why don't you go to the sky?" As soon as the words fell, a standing cat that was as tall as a man suddenly emerged from a small crack in the ground.

It licked its palm and said to the two of Banggu: "The weird king snake gave a death order, you two must die here today, or go back with us obediently."

"Did the cat come after the dog?" Bump's expression turned ugly.

The big tree not far away was knocked away in an instant, and a strange man with a huge figure, a cross mark on his chin, a terrifying face and even several compound eyes came here from behind.

Hero! !
It was the focus of Banggu's trip, but he never thought that there would be such a terrifying power behind the hero.

"Miaomiao is right, Master Banggu and Master Bangpu. We haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't you come with me and go to the strange man Wang Dashe to have a good discussion?" After Haojie finished speaking, he tightened his grip Fist, and then randomly punched in one direction.

Wherever the fist wind goes, it will be destroyed
Haojie proudly said: "See, this is the great power I gained from giving up being a human being. This is a state that a human being cannot possess. So... what is the sympathy in the eyes of the two of you?"

"For the sake of power, I went to seek a higher realm. For this reason, I gave up my identity as a human being. Is this wrong?"

Banggu shook his head, and cursed bitterly: "It's absurd, you gave up your identity as a human and chose to become a weirdo, even if you gain unparalleled power, you have failed your hard work in the first half of your life after all, even if you gave up your identity You have lost the meaning of your existence, hero, are you worthy of your master?"

"Old man, shut up!" Haojie retorted angrily, he pointed at Banggu and cursed: "Don't mention others to me, today you have only two choices, either die here or choose to go back with us and become a weirdo, then Work for the weird king snake!"

"What a villain, your master is really blind to accept you as an apprentice." Bang Pu and his younger brother stood in the united front and scolded Hero.

A huge ray of light flooded the surrounding area in an instant, illuminating the forest in this area at the same time, and several energy light spheres began to gather on the two of Bangu at an incredible speed.

Banggu and Bangpu's reflexes are so amazing, they quickly realized the predicament, the two brothers stood back to back in an instant, and then used their own fists to resist the light balls in front of them.

A long-haired, bearded man wearing a crown and a cloak came out from behind the hero.

(End of this chapter)

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