Five to five from one punch

Chapter 220 1 punch ends

Chapter 220

"Oh, my God, it's terrible, the bell palm player of the palm palm genre has made a move."

"She launched a move attack at Lightning's Max, and the latter's steady Tarzan faced a move from Lingling."

"Oh, no! Player Max defeated Ringer Lingling without any suspense. The winner is Max of Lightning!"

"But here I still want to seriously criticize Lightning Max. He actually killed such a cute loli. Heretic, this guy is a heretic. In the Middle Ages, he would be pulled out and burned to death!"

The host cursed angrily, and then the host was restrained by more staff to avoid a bigger oolong.

Lightning Max is stupid. Why does this host seem to have a lot of opinions on him.

God, there is no suspense!
He was almost beaten up by this girl named Lingling just now. If it wasn't for his superior skills, the consequences would be disastrous.

Bai Yu was on the contestant's viewing stand, quietly watching
Not long after, the man with the double chin that looked like a butt that he had just blown away walked up to Bai Yu and explained: "That's great, that Lightning Max is called the reverse seed player, and it seems that he really lived up to expectations."

Bai Yu asked curiously, "What is a reverse seed?"

"It's the first time to participate in a martial arts competition, or a player who is considered by the public to be relatively weak compared to other players, is called a reverse seed." The man with a double chin explained kindly, he seemed to have forgotten the fact that he was blown away by Bai Yu just now.

"After all, in this circle of martial arts circles, people who change jobs to become professional heroes will give others a feeling of escaping to the easy industry."

After Bai Yu heard this, he also remembered that this guy named Lightning Max seemed to be a professional hero as well.

The broadcast starts responding.

Bai Yu said to the man beside him whose name he didn't know: "It's time for me to play, goodbye."

"It's really unlucky, I didn't expect to meet an S-class hero here." Za Yusi said helplessly to Bai Yu who was opposite him.

Bai Yu said indifferently: "Whatever, anyway, even if you don't meet me now, if you continue to fight, you will bump into me sooner or later, so it doesn't matter whether it is sooner or later."

Zayusi really wanted to yell at Baiyu, saying, "I'm going to kill you."

But after thinking about the opponent's vicious record, he finally said from the bottom of his heart: "Please be merciful."

The gong was sounded and the referee signaled the start of the game.

Miscellaneous Yusi displayed his special hand fist, the Zhudu Mengzheng style, and he rushed towards Bai Yu.

Bai Yu punched out, and Miscellaneous Fish was knocked away.
Miscellaneous Yusi fainted on the ground
competition is over.

It's so boring, Bai Yu thinks it's like playing house. It's as simple as a boxing champion coming to the kindergarten to beat up a child.

Even if he doesn't use "qi", just with his current three-dimensional physique showing 60 points of attributes, he can sweep all the players here just by beating around with his eyes closed
The champion is already in Bai Yu's pocket.

But fortunately, among the contestants this time, there is such a wonderful guy as Shuilong, otherwise it is very likely that Baiyu fell asleep in the lounge.

"God, he is indeed an active S-class hero handsome knight, the big brother of the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist genre!"

"This match was actually decided within three seconds. This has already broken the historical record of the previous 21 martial arts conferences."

"Let us give the best applause to the winner!"

Following the host's explanation, there were deafening applause and cheers at the scene.

Especially female audiences were the most terrifying and enthusiastic. Some female audiences even threw their underwear directly into the ring, but this behavior was quickly stopped by the staff, so that no greater riots were caused.

The water dragon under the stage was dissatisfied with "Bah", he hates Baiyu's high popularity, which really makes him envious
It must be a wonderful thing if those undergarments could fall on his head.

By the way, he simply imitated the behavior of this handsome knight Bai Yu, he eliminated the opponent with one move, so why can't the water dragon imitate it?
That's right, that's it, maybe in this way, my popularity can cover up Bai Yu.

"Okay, it's time for me to play." After Shuilong finished speaking, he confidently wrapped up his black practice uniform and stepped onto the ring. His leisurely expression and confident steps made people believe in his strong strength.

However, Shuilong does have a proud capital. After all, he has won the championship before, so this time he is the most popular seed player for the championship candidate.

"Let's invite our water dragon player. He learned from Master Water Bird of the Nether Body Fist School. It is hard to find Master Water Bird himself in the martial arts world, and there are few records. However, the martial arts master Banggu once said that the strength of Master Water Bird Unfathomable, and his disciple Shuilong lived up to expectations and won the championship when he participated in the martial arts competition for the first time, so can he continue to create such brilliance this time?"

"Let's wait and see!"

There were cheers from the scene, but Shuilong could feel that it didn't have the sense of absurdity that Baiyu had when he was on the field.
This made him a little unhappy.

The water dragon walked to the top of the ring, and Max of Lightning had already been waiting for a long time.

Lightning Max could feel the pressure from the water dragon, which once made his heart tense.

No, you can't do this, remember it quickly, Max!
The opponent you faced at that time, the powerful monster named Deep Sea King, and the oppression called despair, you must surpass yourself, and even the water dragon you are facing!
"Compared to the monsters at that time, I feel that you are extremely small, water dragon!" Max pointed his thumb at himself, and he said confidently: "The stage I am on is farther away, so I have to become You need to be stronger, otherwise, as a hero, you won't be able to protect everyone's peace."


After hearing this, Shuilong showed a meaningful smile. If someone who is familiar with him sees it, he will realize that this is Shuilong's expression when he is angry.

Shuilong originally thought of taking out Max with one move, but he changed his mind. He wanted to torture this guy. There was no particular reason, but he didn't like heroes, and what was even more annoying was that he thought of that guy Baiyu mocking him.

"Oh, you are a professional hero, no wonder you train yourself with such noble willpower, but I am very vulgar, let me test whether your strength is worthy of such noble rhetoric!"

The referee announced and the game began.

Lightning Max opened his hands, and the fingers of both hands gradually closed into fists. His eyes locked on the figure of the water dragon, and then began to run towards the target!
(End of this chapter)

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