Five to five from one punch

Chapter 307 Miscellaneous Fish Cannon

Chapter 307 Miscellaneous Fish Cannon

Orochimaru no longer counted on the useless guy Wanshe, he stroked the two coffins with both hands, and then asked the Unicorn Immortal in a creepy tone: "It's a wonderful coffin, right? Then do you know what's inside the two coffins? Who is the deceased?"

The one-horned fairy who was picking his nostrils said wickedly: "Isn't it reincarnated from the dirt? If you guessed correctly, the two guys in the coffin are the first Hokage and the second generation!"

The serious atmosphere calmed down for a while, Dashemaru suddenly didn't know what to say.
What is going on with this unicorn fairy and why does it know him so well?
It's like the roundworm in the stomach of Orochimaru.
Unlocking the shackles of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, the wooden coffin door began to fall to the ground, and there was a crisp and loud impact sound, and then the two strong men who returned from the dead world began to reappear in the world
Senju Zhuma began to open his eyes, and he began to look around the model environment around him and his familiar younger brother, "Is this. Ninja world?" Senju Zhuma asked Tobima uncertainly.

Senshou Bojian was also very puzzled by the current situation, but the ninjutsu of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth was something he developed after all, so he quickly turned around and looked at Orochimaru and asked, "Young man, you used Reincarnation of Dirty Earth to bring the two of us together." summoned?"

Orochimaru said sadly: "Both of you are great Hokage, please help me repel these dangerous people of unknown origin here."

For Orochimaru who summoned them, neither Hashirama nor Tomonama had any ability to resist orders, and their bodies began to assume a fighting posture on their own.

Dirt Reincarnation is a very powerful and tricky ninjutsu. Compared with the sealing technique, Ashura Unicorn is more helpless to this evil ninjutsu. It is not afraid of sealing and illusion, because with the help of the master ball .Getting rid of the sealing technique and the illusion technique is not easy at all.

But the dead who were resurrected by the ninjutsu of dirty soil reincarnation, Asura Unicorn Immortal has no way to get rid of them.

Because these dead who have been reincarnated and resurrected from the dirty soil are truly immortal. Even in the state of infinite chakra, the only things that can deal with them are sealing techniques and Taoist jade, which is very unfortunate. Asura Unicorn Not these bells and whistles.

Before coming, Poros and others were forcibly fed up with everything about the world of Naruto, so they have already recognized the power of this filthy reincarnation.

Undead Undead Never kills an opponent who never dies.

Poros is not interested in wasting time with a group of dolls who can't die here. He started to walk towards the battlefield and said to Sykes and Black Spirit: "I'll block these two dead guys and that toy snake , you go and control this guy named Orochimaru, and then force him to lift this ninjutsu."

After Orochimaru saw the guy with reincarnation eyes move, he nervously ordered Hashirama and Tomona to give orders: "Hurry up and cover me, both of you!"

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru began to run away. Yes, with the help of Arihashirama and Tomonama, Orochimaru started an extremely smooth escape.

Ten Thousand Snakes reluctantly stood in front of Poros, but at this moment the latter finally started to move.

The solid ground began to fester, and Poros' body was filled with the energy of a mass of purple lightning and rushed directly towards Ten Thousand Snakes. After a brief collision within 0.1 seconds, Ten Thousand Snakes were crushed by Poros into several pieces of irregularly shaped flesh. .

Poros seemed to have completed a simple and impossible thing, and he said to the few pieces of snake meat left on the ground in disgust: "You are just like the idiot Wang Dashen, who always thinks that your body is a sign of strength. equal."

Orochimaru, who fled to the distance, saw the scene of Wanshe being killed from a distance.
This wave scared Orochimaru to escape faster, good guy. He knew that this one-eyed guy with only reincarnation eyes would be more terrifying than that one-horned fairy.

Fortunately, he used the Dirty Soil Reincarnation in time, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape today.

Tobima was secretly communicating with Hashirama at this time. After all, this was a rare moment for the two brothers to reunite. However, Poros didn't want to say anything more. It passed the two of them at a speed far beyond the biological limit.

Afterwards, several deep giant marks began to appear on the ground belatedly, and at the same time, the bodies between the pillars and the gates began to shatter, until they finally turned into pieces of gray embers.
After finishing all this, Poros turned around and stared at these two special guys carefully. After about ten seconds, Hashirama and Togama reappeared on the spot again.

Sure enough, just as Asura Unicorn Immortal said, these guys summoned by the reincarnation of the dirty soil are indeed invincible by physical means.

The two reanimated brothers and sisters, after half a second of stunned faces, finally discovered the fact that they had been killed just now.

"Impossible, this kind of speed beyond the biological limit", Tomona sighed inconceivably, although his current strength with Zhujian is not at the peak state.
But the other party casually showed a terrifying speed comparable to Flying Thunder God and even killed the two of them once, which was really unacceptable to Feijian.

Senshou Hashirama and Senshou Feijian, who were reincarnated and revived by the dirt, were looking at Poros himself with a solemn expression.

Tobuma really didn't expect that the current ninja world would have such terrifying power and speed. He put his hands together and asked: "Brother, this one-eyed guy, are you confident that you can defeat him?"

After Hashirama laughed a few times, he said honestly: "I can't win. I really never thought that there are such people in the ninja world. Maybe if I resurrect in my full glory, it is still possible!"

"It's still possible?" Poros seemed to be irritated by the words of this trash fish, and he asked the question a little dissatisfied: "Does a guy of your level want to fight me?"

Do not make jokes! ! !
The violent and suppressed lightning energy gathered on Poros' chest, and he said arrogantly: "Let me see if you have the qualifications to let me get down to business. Ordinary trash fish will collapse and die on the spot after rubbing a little bit of this energy." Let me see if you two undead guys are really that powerful."

Trash cannon—

The terrifying energy began to spread. Feijian took the lead in forming seals and roaring: "Water escape · water formation wall."

Chakra gathers on the throat of the gate, and then spews a waterfall-like amount of water from the mouth to the front, and finally forms a water wall that rotates in a circular motion. defense.

However, when Poros's energy cannon gradually spread out, wherever he looked was covered by huge energy, the ball between the doors was instantly engulfed by this domineering energy.
Then he and Hashirama died again.
(End of this chapter)

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