Five to five from one punch

Chapter 321 Fighting Tyrannosaurus

Chapter 321 Fighting Tyrannosaurus

"Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​asking you to be my teacher at all, and your spiral pill looks so inferior!" Naruto honestly expressed his thoughts.

"Stupid guy!" Jiraiya punched Naruto on the head angrily.

Anyone is qualified to criticize this ninjutsu, but you Naruto alone can't!

Because this is the Muji jutsu created by Naruto's father, Jiraiya's disciple, and the Fourth Hokage.

This is the inheritance between father and son, but Minato is no longer here, so Jiraiya must also take on this role!
Naruto touched the big bag on his head angrily, "What the hell are you trying to do, you weird uncle? You popped up out of nowhere and said you wanted to be my master, but you also wanted to punch me in the head!"

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's collar angrily and said, "Are you going to learn Helixwan?"

Naruto roared stubbornly: "I don't want to learn."

"Then I still want you to learn spiral pills, what can you do?" Ji Lai also responded angrily.

"I just don't want to learn this spiral pill, but I want to learn martial arts from the silver-haired big brother. What can you do to me?" Naruto asked angrily, putting his head on Jiraiya's head.

Zilai, who had no choice but to look at Baiyu, pointed at him and said, "Come and fight with me, I must let this little yellow hair know who is the best master, and Helixwan is the best!" Great ninjutsu!"

Facing Jiraiya's challenge, Bai Yu had no interest, "Forget it, you are not my opponent, I don't care who Naruto is his apprentice, you can teach him if you want!"

Things have come to this point, it is no longer a matter of accepting Naruto as an apprentice, it is a matter of face and dignity!

Jilai also said confidently to Naruto: "Boy Naruto, since you don't like Heliwan Wan, let you take a look at other ninjutsu of Sage!"

Skillfully biting the finger and pulling the scroll, accompanied by Jiraiya yelling the familiar words, the psychic spell was successfully used in an instant!
After the smoke from a mountain passed, a giant red toad with a huge pipe in its mouth, a bandage around its waist, and a short sword appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this time, Naruto finally began to change his mind about this eccentric and strange-looking Uncle Jiraiya!

How could this kind of mountain-like monster be summoned so casually?
This terrifying psychic beast is probably equivalent to many Kakashi teachers, right?
How about I still go to learn from this uncle Jiraiya?
Just when Naruto was struggling with himself, Baiyu glanced at Toad Wentai, and then asked Zilai, "Are you going to let my little brother hit me?"

"Hmph, Toad Bunta is my best partner. Since you seem to look down on me, Jiraiya, then let my good partner come and experience your strength."

Bai Yu clapped his palms, if Zilai wanted to play like this, then he would be very interested!
"Then you are so sincere, and let my psychic beast pull out, let you see it!" After Bai Yu finished speaking, she pretended to bite off her thumb, and then pressed it on the ground casually and shouted: "Spiritual skills Summon it casually!"

With the sound of boom, the vaccine man in a suit, together with the office desk and chairs, was pulled out of the master ball by Bai Yu, but...
The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.

At this time, the vaccine man held a figure of a little girl in his hand, and shouted happily: "Cute p, super cute, pppp"

This terrifying weirdo who was once the will of the earth seems to have been corrupted by something into his current appearance. Even Bai Yu can't describe it.

After a few seconds, the Vaccine Man finally realized that something was wrong around him. He quickly put away all his cute figurines and asked Bai Yu and Sykes, "Have you all seen this?"

Bai Yu said to the vaccine man with a stiff face: "Forget it, I wanted you to pretend to be b for me, but I didn't expect to embarrass me instead. You should go back!"

The vaccine man wanted to explain something, but Bai Yu didn't want to hear this guy's story, so he stuffed him back into the master ball.
Facing the puzzled eyes of Jiraiya and Naruto, Bai Yu coughed awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I have a lot of psychic beasts, it was just an accident just now, let's do it all over again!"

Bai Yu walked through the general posture of spiritism along the process, and then pulled out the Yagu beast from the master ball.

After seeing Baiyu, the orange-yellow Yagumon shouted happily: "Brother Baiyu, please give me an order!"

Bai Yu stroked Yagu Beast's head a few times and said, "Yagu Beast, that big toad is handed over to you."

Yagumon nodded happily: "No problem, Brother Baiyu."

Naruto looked suspiciously at this psychic beast called Yagumon. Judging from its size, it is not in the same class as that toad, is it?

However, in the next second, Naruto and Jiraiya's mouths opened as big as eggs
The background music played, and Baiyu used his own bgm function to dub Agumon, and the familiar Digimon music played.

Yagu jumped up on the spot, and a golden beam of light shone on it.
Agumon evolves, Tyrannosaurus! ! !
But the evolution still continues, and the tyrannosaurus accepts the gushing data in the body, and begins to transform itself into a mechanical tyrannosaurus!

The mechanical tyrannosaurus that gave birth to wings and robotic arms began to be armed and tempered. The mechanical tyrannosaurus in this form has been further mechanized and upgraded, especially the right arm has been replaced with a super-long ability cannon, and it can also be used with the accumulation of energy. And converted into an electronic sword, taking into account the two characteristics of close combat and long-distance attack.

However, the armed and tempered Mechanical Tyrannosaurus is not satisfied, it wants Brother Baiyu to be proud of it!
The golden color became more and more shining, and intense data began to pour into the body of the armed and tempered mechanical tyrannosaurus. At this moment, the evolution symbol resembling a sun appeared on the head of the mechanical tyrannosaurus, and several layers of halo directly landed on it. take off
The light began to fade, and a giant battle tyrannosaur with a height of tens of meters appeared on the land!
Under the sunlight, the golden armor on the battle tyrannosaurus shimmers incomparably shockingly. The dragon beast's nemesis steel claws on both hands are inexplicably convincing in its power!

But Naruto is uneducated, so he can walk the world with a single sentence
He decided that he should go apprentice to the silver-haired elder brother. As for Uncle Ziraiya?
forget it.
From the moment Jiraiya saw the Battle Greymon, his heart was bleeding!
Why is it okay for you to be so handsome, but even spirit beasts can be so handsome and domineering. Is there any way for people to survive?

More importantly, everyone's are psychic beasts, why can yours evolve?
Forget about evolution, why don't you just put it on the spot and evolve several times?

The one with music! !

Bai Yu is very satisfied with the state of Yagumon, and it is not in vain that he fed so many Myriad Realm Crystals to the other party. In fact, Yagumon can continue to evolve, but the current general state is enough
(End of this chapter)

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