Five to five from one punch

Chapter 329 fierce battle

Chapter 329 fierce battle
There was a sudden and earth-shattering change in the Zhongnin examination room.

This is an unpredictable situation for every ninja present.

It happened to be a great change, because Sasuke was sent by Shiranui Haruma to chase Gaara, so Kakashi also began to issue orders to Naruto and others, asking them to go after and help Sasuke.

Naruto and Sakura began to move to the outside of the field, and began to rush to the goal ahead.

After Naruto and the others left, Kakashi looked at the Four Purple Flame Formation on the top of the tall building. He understood that this was not an enchantment ninjutsu that could be defeated casually.

Hokage was trapped inside, and it was difficult for outsiders to come in to support and rescue.

Maitekai's figure appeared next to Kaka in an instant and said: "Okay, don't be dazed, that's Hokage-sama, we must have confidence in him."

"Now our task is to quickly deal with all the chaos here, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Kakashi's gaze became more and more serious, until he narrowed his eyes and said to this nervous friend: "Yes, that is a good Hokage of our Konoha Village, we should give him confidence."

After all, Kakashi's figure appeared in the distance instantly, and he began to take out his kunai to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers in the field. On the other hand, after seeing it, Kakashi excitedly showed his white teeth and shouted: " Oh, you really deserve to be my lifelong best friend, let us compare and see who can defeat more random ninja!"

In this way, without Kakashi's permission, Maitekai forcibly launched a one-sided game.

At this time, in the Four Purple Flame Formation, Dashewan also showed his true face, facing this teacher who was once respected by him.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart ached when he saw Orochimaru's inhuman, ghostly appearance, and he told the other party heavily, "Maybe in that day, I should kill you cruelly, it's better than you turning into a ghost." Become the ghost you are now!"

Orochimaru's scarlet tongue licked his lips: "Mr. Sarutobi, there is no regret medicine in this world, otherwise there would be no tragedy."

"I think I am the sad you, why don't I think you are the most pitiful one."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi ignored Orochimaru's yin and yang taunt, he took off his imperial robe, and threw the Hokage hat with the most status on the ground together
"Let me correct the mistakes made that day, maybe it's not too late!"

At this moment, Hiruza Sarutobi of the Third Hokage was full of infinite fighting spirit, and he seemed to reproduce the heroic ninja warrior of the past with a radiant face!
Let me be the hurricane that starts blowing the rotting leaves.
The stagnant Konoha has only one ending: destruction
Orochimaru pulled out his Kusanagi sword bully and collided with Sarutobi Hiruzen in an instant. The former mocked the ninja hero wantonly: "Let me see, now you still have How much strength, Sarutobi-sensei!!"

In this Four Purple Flame Formation battlefield.

Orochimaru's skillful use of ninjutsu and physical performance made Hiruza Sarutobi amazed.

With the passage of time, Orochimaru's own style of Orochi-ryu ninjutsu has become more and more exquisite and difficult to deal with. In addition, the flexibility of his physical body transformation combined with the extremely sharp grass pheasant sword is simply a bonus like a tiger with wings added.

On Sarutobi Hiruzen's side, time has taken away too much from this ninja, and even the current flashback is only a momentary success.

Under the ups and downs of each other, Hiruzaru Sarutobi began to feel powerless. Under a skillful dart shadow clone technique, he began to distance himself from Orochimaru, and he kicked for a while.

Orochimaru's side is also uncomfortable. Although the old man's strength is not as strong as before, it still makes him feel extremely tricky. In terms of combined use and cooperation of ninjutsu, he is indeed far inferior to this doctor of ninjutsu.

Facing several sharp darts that rushed straight at him, Orochimaru made fingerprints. Immediately after the ground stirred, two coffins began to rush out of the ground to block the attack of the darts.

After Orochimaru was used last time, he found that he could not summon the fourth Hokage. After some research and speculation, he believed that the fourth Hokage might be summoned because of the lack of soul. The success rate is infinitely close to zero.

But this is not a big deal, anyway, the first generation and the second generation are enough.

Orochimaru's wanton play with the souls of the dead made Sarutobi Hiruzen extremely angry. He scolded Orochimaru for his brutal behavior and disrespect for his ancestors.

However, Orochimaru said lightly, "You are no better than me, Sarutobi-sensei!"

Then, Orochimaru began to manipulate the two dead Hokage to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen left and right.

Sarutobi Hiruzen deeply knew the strength of the two Hokages, even if Orochimaru didn't dare to let go of the two Hokages completely, he had to find an opportunity to delay the action, and then find an opportunity to kill Orochimaru directly.

Within a few tenths of a second of seal formation, Hiruzaru Sarutobi spit out a powerful fire light from his mouth, the art of fire escape and fierce flame!

This is the secret fire escape ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Sarutobi clan. Fierce flames are spit out from the mouth, forming several thick pillars of fire around it.

At the same time, this also had to force Orochimaru to move back, making the battle situation slow down for an instant.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi seized this opportunity and used spiritism.

Ape King Ape Demon!
Sarutobi Hiruzen's psychic beast is a "monkey king and ape demon" with a vajra indestructible body. It has a vajra indestructible body, and its weapon is a vajra wish stick. Partially switch forms at any time, and can also use ninjutsu in knots.

With Sarutobi's help and sharing, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to stick together with the two Hokages.

Just when Orochimaru was feeling happy and watching the battle with great interest, a clone of Earth Dun·Shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Is the clay-shaped Sarutobi Hiruzen stuck in this key position? At the same time, the main body that is fighting the second generation of Hokage is instantly swapped with the soil clone.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi appeared on Orochimaru's back and shouted, "Kingo Prison Wall!"

At some point, Sarutobi's weapon was carried by Hiruzen Sarutobi in his hand. He threw the Vajra Ruyi stick forward, and the wishful stick would be divided into dozens of wishful sticks, and then formed a cube cage to trap Orochimaru.

At this most critical moment, the combo of this ninjutsu doctor came to an end.

Compound ninjutsu, lightning water dragon bomb! !
Combine water ninjutsu and thunder ninjutsu to create a charged water dragon bullet to attack the enemy, which is more powerful than the water dragon bullet, and can even penetrate the indestructible and extremely flexible body of the enemy.

The wanton flood impact and the lightning burst that tore everything apart hit the Orochimaru who was blocked by the Vajra Prison Wall.
(End of this chapter)

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