Five to five from one punch

Chapter 338 My adults want to meet you

Chapter 338 My adults want to meet you

Got it! !

Asuma Sarutobi's sharp and decisive attack seems to have really worked. His sharp blade attached to the change of wind attribute chakra is about to penetrate the back of Uchiha Itachi, a cruel executioner.


The stabbing sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh gradually rose.

The scarlet liquid splashed on Asma's face, and the scalding heat made him a little dazed.

Uchiha Itachi was killed by Sarutobi Asma!
The piercing screech of crows, roaring above.
A strong hand grasped Asma's neck, and Itachi's deep and cold voice sounded, "Senior Asma has been here for so many years, and you still haven't made any progress."

Feeling the strength on the fingers, Asma's mind was suddenly lost for a while. At this moment, he understood that it was just a false illusion, because he had been hit by Uchiha Itachi's illusion as early as the very beginning.
What a terrifying illusion, Asma has already failed to let his eyes meet Itachi's Sharingan, but even so, he has finally fallen into the illusion!
Kisame Kisame laughed loudly, and shouted like he was watching a play: "No way, do you think you can sneak attack Mr. Itachi?"

Asma was angry and wanted to fight back, but Itachi squeezed his fingers fiercely, and his nails even began to penetrate into the skin of Asma's neck slightly, "Don't act rashly, if you move around, I will really kill you here."

After hearing this, Asma really didn't move, because he knew that the executioner could really do such a thing.

Uchiha Itachi has a hostage in his hand, and Kakashi is not easy to operate. He said helplessly to the other party: "What is your purpose?"

"My stupid O Doudou, I heard that you are teaching?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

At this moment, a loud noise fell from the sky and landed on Itachi's original position.

A blue beast with a watermelon head appeared on the cracked and dead ground. He raised his thumb and said to Kakashi, "Yoshi, my best friend, I came in time this time, right?"

"Kai", Kakashi shouted, looking at the other party with relief.

With Kai as a guarantee, this time Kakashi finally dropped a big stone in his heart.

Asuma Sarutobi also broke free from Uchiha Itachi's control in this chaos, he began to retreat behind Kakashi and said: "Kakashi, don't be careless, this man is very strong!"

Guixie stepped forward to Kai with dissatisfaction and said, "Hey, if there are too many people bullying the few, I won't agree!"

However, Itachi reached out his hand to stop Kisame's move, and he warned his companion in a low voice: "Don't act recklessly, you are not his opponent."

This... is very embarrassing, Kisame is also a ruthless person who wants to save face, but he respects Mr. Itachi very much. Since the other party said that he is not the opponent of that watermelon-headed fool, then this matter is very likely to be true
Gui Jiao looked at the green-skinned monster in front of him, and secretly guessed. Is this guy really that powerful?

Itachi noticed that there seemed to be more and more Konoha Anbu around, and the situation here had begun to be noticed by Konoha Village, which was also a normal situation, after all, the big black robes on them were simply telling others to know.

We are Akatsuki Organization.

For Itachi's real purpose, it has almost been achieved. The guy in Danzo should have received the news from here at this time, and it should be the first time next.

As soon as Itachi thought this, he turned into a crow, and then his body appeared behind Kakashi like a ghostly ghost, and then he turned Kakashi's head with one hand and pointed it at his kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"Senior Kakashi, as an outsider, you will never understand what kind of power Kaleidoscope Sharingan possesses."

Monthly reading! ! !

The illusion launched by the kaleidoscope Sharingan pulls the spirit of the enemy into the illusion space. In the world of Tsukiyomi, all factors including time, place, quality, etc. are controlled by the caster, and the enemy will suffer in the illusion world. Great physical and mental pain.

Kakashi was immediately pulled into the void environment, and was forced to carry out a brutal execution
The flow rate of the Tsukiyomi world is different from that of the real world. In this second, Kakashi has been executed for a long time in it, and the latter passed out on the ground.

Itachi, who had done all this, reappeared beside Kisame and said, "Let's go, that's enough, you won't get any benefits if you stay."

Kisame subconsciously thought that Itachi was referring to the man named Maitkai, and the two of them quickly fled away from Konoha.

But on the way, Itachi met an unexpected person, who was also the person he had always thought of, and it was his stupid brother, Sasuke.

Without too many words, Itachi beat Sasuke violently on the spot, and casually broke Sasuke's invincible trick, Chidori, dealt a heavy blow to his heart.

Not only that, Itachi also thought that Sasuke's hatred was not deep enough, so he deliberately disregarded his physical and mental condition, and cast a "month reading" on the stupid Ododo.

Sasuke once again realized that the night when a family was slaughtered, the endless cycle of hell was waiting for him to play the leading role.

In the end, thanks to the arrival of Naruto and the appearance of Jiraiya, Sasuke, who was overwhelmed, was successfully rescued.

His best friend was beaten so badly, Naruto naturally rushed up to challenge Itachi fearlessly, the facts proved that Naruto's mouth escape was still no match for pretend escape at this time.

In less than a minute, Naruto was beaten dizzy by Itachi, and even started to beat out the Nine-Tails Chakra from his body.

In the end, when Maitekai and others came, Itachi had no choice but to use Amaterasu to block the obstruction of Maitekai and others, and successfully escaped from Muye Village with Kisame.

The endless black flames make people palpitate
Jiraiya looked at these flames thoughtfully, and he said to Asma, "Let the sealing class come over, these flames are not a joke."

Itachi began to close his eyes subconsciously because of the tiredness on his eyes, and thick blood flowed out from the corners of his eyes.

After seeing it, Kisame asked worriedly: "Are you okay, Mr. Itachi, do you want to find a place to rest?"

Itachi shook his head, "No, I'm used to it, get out of here quickly, it will be very troublesome if people behind catch up."

As soon as the words fell, Itachi began to stop his body, he gradually opened his eyes and looked ahead and said, "Who is it?"

A beautiful woman in the same costume appeared in front of Kisame and the others. Sykes smiled and said, "Please come with me, my lord wants to see you."

Good guy, this time, Kisame and Itachi probably guessed who the one who came in front was.

They also didn't expect that this group of guys pretending to be from the Xiao organization would have the courage to dare to be so rampant in front of the righteous master.

(End of this chapter)

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