Five to five from one punch

Chapter 340 Deep Despair

Chapter 340 Deep Despair

The water escape ninjutsu successfully hit the opponent, and when Kisame wanted to get away as soon as possible, a pair of thick arms full of forgiveness caught Kisame himself.

The deep sea king awakened the deep sea mode because of Kisame's ninjutsu. Its terrifyingly deformed head stared at Kisame in his hand, and his yellow pupils as big as a manhole cover were looking at Kisame's eyes.

"Thank you, Shark Face, it's thanks to your blow that I understand... the last glory of being the King of the Deep Sea."

"Living around a group of monsters all day puts me under a lot of pressure. It was only when I met you that I realized that I am actually very strong."

The strength of the Deep Sea King's hands suddenly increased, and the body of the ghost shark was pinched and creaked.
At this moment of life and death, Kisame erupted with unprecedented power, and a huge water polo exploded and began to emerge in this jungle.

However, Kisame miscalculated one thing. In the abyss of this ocean, he is not the only one who can adapt to this environment.

The king of the deep sea is the emperor in the water.

Steel surpasses the collision between steel, sparks rise with sharp blades, beautiful and exquisite shuriken manipulation skills are almost innate talents in the Uchiha clan.

This kind of talent, combined with the dynamic capture ability of Sharingan, is like a tiger with wings added.

In the hands of shuriken juggler Itachi, the shuriken flying in the air seems to be given life, and under the manipulation of silk threads, it dances with the wind.

Several shurikens began to lock on the vaccine man in a suit, and they converged fiercely towards the center.

But the result was beyond Itachi's imagination.

Several pieces of shurikens did hit the Vaccine Man, but itachi's precise capture power, seeing the shuriken colliding with the purple monster's body, the shuriken... Boom!

The vaccine man stroked his suit that was cut by a shuriken, and he said to Itachi a little dissatisfied: "Are you an idiot? How could this kind of steel cut my body? And my uniform But custom-made, very expensive, you can't afford it!"

After all, a charged purple energy flying ball shot directly at Itachi's body.

Boom! !
A huge explosion comparable to an artist's self-detonation appeared here.

Feels wrong~
The vaccine man's tentacles moved slightly, and he instantly looked behind him in the distance.

Sure enough, Uchiha Itachi's running body, like an ant, was reflected in the vaccine man's eyes.

"What a cunning human being."

Itachi Uchiha looked behind him at the Vaccine Man who was rushing forward, and he quickly calculated the combat effectiveness of the two sides and the probability of winning in his mind.

With a body that is almost indestructible, it can release such terrifying energy with a single blow, and the opponent can even fly
His own illusion still has no effect on this group of guys. Amaterasu seems to be very powerful, but in fact this trick may not necessarily burn people to death.

With so much difference in physical skills, Itachi was sure that once he got close to the opponent within five meters, he would be blown away by the opponent's punch before Tsukuyomi could perform it successfully.

Only use Susano?
Blue veins began to slide across the huge surface, and blue aurora-like walls rose from the veins.

Seeing this picture, Itachi immediately realized that he was trapped here and could not leave this place.

Sykes' figure descended from the sky, and she said proudly to Itachi, "You keep running. I haven't really seen a guy who can run like you. This really surprised me."

Itachi still maintains his image of a cold and handsome guy who doesn't talk, but now he has nowhere to escape.

The Vaccine Man also landed behind Itachi at the same time, and he said to him: "Why run, that guy is after you, where do you think you can run?"

Just that purple-skinned monster already made Itachi overwhelmed, plus this woman named Xiaonan
Itachi thought that in this battle, he might really die here.

However, the more desperate thing is not over yet.

Behind Sykes, the big gum monster broke through the ground, and the black spirit was doing radio gymnastics on the head of the big gum.

The ugly big president walked out of the dark jungle with malicious intentions, staring at Itachi's handsome face, and said maliciously: "Why are you so handsome, I really want to see the swollen face after being beaten appearance."

The number of enemies changed from two to five, which undoubtedly made Itachi feel desperate.

However, the number of enemies is still increasing
A big black dog the size of a small mountain, irregular water? , unicorns and a turkey?
Sykes clasped her hands together, and she looked at the sky devoutly and explained: "My lord said that the biggest feature of our Xiao organization is to beat others in groups, and we definitely don't fight alone."

"If this makes you have a bad experience, you can just say it anyway, we won't change it anyway!"

The pleasant sound of sharp claws cutting through flesh and blood appeared.

Ghost Shark's head was picked up by Meow Meow, and it looked into the eyes of Ghost Shark and said, "Isn't it good to die obediently? It's unnecessary."

On the body of the King of the Deep Sea, there were wounds from the battle, and more or less purple blood flowed from these wounds.

Meow Meow said: "Deep Sea King, you are very brave this time, but why don't you eat fairy beans when you are injured?"

The King of Deep Sea said happily: "I don't want to eat anymore. I want to go back to Master Baiyu with this scar, and let him see my hard work. I can also do something in this world, and I am not just a horrible person. Dispensable little role."

Meow Meow licked its front paws, and it tentatively asked: "Don't the unicorns bully you like this, don't you feel very unwilling? Do you want to join Lord Sykes' side?"

The King of the Deep Sea reluctantly refused, and the Meow Meow weirdo didn't pay too much attention after hearing this. After all, the King of the Deep Sea's strength was the lowest and most insignificant among these weirdos.

The fiery red Susano stood on the battlefield, and Itachi felt his body's condition began to deteriorate in his body.

Are these monsters imitating the Akatsuki organization?
Payne, where did you mess with these monsters?

At first Itachi thought that with the power of the Ten Fist Sword, at least part of the monsters should be sealed, but when the opponent was sucked into the Ten Fist Sword, within a few seconds, the monster that was sucked into it actually reappeared on this battlefield in.

Speaking of it, it's also very strange. When Itachi found out that the group of monsters descended, it was also silent, as if they were dropped here out of thin air.

To them, the seal of the Ten Fist Sword is like a prison without fences, dispensable.

The sealing technique is ineffective, and neither is the illusion. Except for the woman named Xiaonan, the rest of the monsters are almost indestructible physically, and there are almost no flaws to be seen.

Amaterasu's release will also be counteracted and defended by that woman with strange abilities. When all kinds of methods are ineffective, Itachi seems to have no room for manipulation.

Even Susano would be at the bottom when colliding with these monsters, especially the ugly guy who was extremely malicious towards him, which made Itachi feel exhausted. just die.

Full-body Honkai Fist!
The Ugly President seized an opportunity and punched Susanoo in the back without reservation.

Cracks began to cover the body of this mighty and extraordinary giant at an irreversible speed. After seeing this, the ugly president was even more excited: "Doo, toot, toot, toot."

Forearm Honkai Fist, Rear Honkai Fist, Twisted Honkai Fist
Itachi covered his mouth forcefully, but the injuries in his body could no longer be controlled, and stinky blood oozed from his fingers
Susano almost broke.

Itachi collapsed to the ground, his blurred vision stared at the person who walked beside him
The ugly big president showed a happy smile, he clenched his fists, and frantically hit the Itachi who had no ability to resist.

Bones shattered, blood flowed, and the scene got out of control for a while.

Asura Unicorn frowned, and he said to Sykes, "Isn't the ugly president a little too much?"

"Excessive?" Sykes laughed out loud, and let him play a few more times as punishment for this guy's resistance.

The ugly president licked the blood on his face. Stimulated by the smell and the scene, he even grabbed Itachi's bent and twisted calf with one hand and tore it off.

He threw it into the mouth of Big Gums and said, "Hurry up Gums, now is your eating time."

(End of this chapter)

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