Five to five from one punch

Chapter 352 Next, Rock Lee!

Chapter 352 Next, Rock Lee!

Because of the terrorist attack organized by Akatsuki, the interaction and communication between the ninja villages gradually increased, and soon the five kages were finalized to hold the five kages meeting in one month.

There is only one goal of the meeting, and that is to wipe out the Akatsuki organization.

The Akatsuki organization is indeed very strong, but when they face the power of the entire ninja world, things will be completely different.

No matter how powerful an elephant is, it will be pushed to the day by ants, at least they think so.

As the days approached the Five Kages meeting, a certain middle school boy in the hospital, Sasuke Uchiha also woke up from a coma
It's just that his expression became more gloomy and hateful!

As soon as he closes his eyes, he will recall the scene of the Uchiha clan being massacred that night, and the scene of his proud strength being vulnerable in front of that man!

Sasuke hates it so much!
He really hated himself for being so weak, the weak had no qualifications for revenge, and without revenge his life would be meaningless.

Thinking of Sasuke here, his heart yearns for real power more and more.

Have you outdone yourself now?

But why?
Thinking of Sasuke here, he started to get up. He left the infirmary in his hospital clothes, he was going to find Naruto, he wanted to have a real fight with Naruto.

Silently cleaning the room once a day, the focus is naturally on Master Tsunade's room.

After all, to put it bluntly, Tsunade-sama is too sloppy in private
But Tsunade-sama is drinking, gambling, violent and arbitrary, but she is a good woman.

Thinking so, Shizune tried harder to clean, but when she accidentally uncovered Mrs. Tsunade's bed sheet, she found something amazing!

"What is this?" Jing Yin said to herself with a blushing face.

Damn, are these men's underwear? ?
Thinking of this, Shizune's cheeks became even more flushed.

Whose panties are these!

Wait, Shizu seems to find this pair of underwear a bit familiar.

These seem to be Baiyu's underwear! The familiar blue and white stripes Mute will never admit it wrong, because she saw it when she was drying the clothes a few days ago.


The sound of thunder seemed to explode in Jing Yin's mind.

She seems to have discovered something incredible.
"Since when did Bai Yu have an affair with Master Tsunade?" Shizune murmured weakly.

In an uninhabited forest.

The reborn Locke Lee is sitting on the rock, and Bai Yu is trimming his watermelon head with scissors
With the black hair falling off, Luo Luo said a little uneasy: "Master Baiyu, why do I have to ask you to trim your hair to pass the test?"

"Well, this is the tradition of our school, but don't call me master, I can only be your senior brother." Bai Yu said while helping Xiao Li trim his hair.

Hehe, none of the masters in the world of Naruto will end well. Whoever loves to be a master!
"But Brother Baiyu, you taught me martial arts. According to the normal situation, you are my master."

Bai Yu had no choice but to say helplessly: "You can treat me as a senior brother. Your master is Bang Gu and Bang Pu, two martial arts masters who have never seen before."

Bang Bang Bang?

Such a strange name, but Xiao Li still silently remembered the two names in his heart.

In order to try Master Tony's feelings, Bai Yu specially exchanged the Wanjie Crystal for a useless skill of the modeling master and handicraft, but he also got this ability, which directly made Xiao Li's watermelon head completely new!
Now there is only one last thing left!

Bai Yu smiled evilly, and then he handed the orange-yellow tight-fitting training suit to Li Luoke and said, "This is a gift from the teacher. You will wear it on your body in the future, and you can't change it at will!"

Xiao Li was so excited that he took off his shit-green tights on the spot, and put on this expensive practice uniform on the spot.

"Brother Baiyu, I will definitely carry forward the essence of our Fist of Fury!" Xiao Li, who put on his practice uniform, wore a handsome and refined black short hair, and his charm value has increased a lot.

But Bai Yu still felt a little dissatisfied.
He helped Xiao Li build it according to the skin prototype of a certain dead man's pesticide, but Bai Yu always felt that there was still some gap between the current Xiao Li and the prototype!
By the way, Bai Yu finally realized what was missing.

It's the eyebrows!
Under Bai Yu's strong fist, Li Luoke was pressed to the ground again without any resistance, and then the former picked up a spatula to help Li Luoke trim his eyebrows! !
"No, these are my most precious eyebrows~"

Rock Lee's tragic roar resounded through the entire forest. However, this is of no use, what needs to be repaired still needs to be repaired!
On the roof of the hospital.

Sasuke and Naruto facing each other looked at each other speechlessly, but couldn't speak at all.

The meeting point in the fate, finally meet and turn again, the two people who love and kill each other, began the indissoluble bond of this life!

Sasuke stared at Naruto with vicious eyes, and the latter looked back at him with the same fearless eyes.

"That's a lot!"

"What is gay!"

Sasuke and Naruto started yelling names at each other as if they had triggered some mechanism.

Sasuke, who finally shouted the climax, finally raised his head to the sky and roared, his left hand quickly gathered thunder light, and the call like a bird resounded across the entire rooftop.

Sasuke used his strongest trick, Chidori!
Of course, Naruto couldn't show weakness either. With the help of the two clones, he also condensed a chakra ball that was spinning at high speed!

Spiral pill!

Holding their unique moves, the two of them rushed towards each other without reservation. It will be clear which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Kakashi watched for a long time, and the moment he saw the spiral pill, he really couldn't sit still.

But just when he wanted to rush out to stop the two, a yellow figure suddenly entered, and this uninvited guest directly kicked Naruto and Sasuke out at an unimaginably fast speed.

Sasuke and Naruto, who fell to the ground, were dumbfounded!
Not to mention them, even Kakashi is stupid
Who is this guy?

"Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, but I am silent and invisible, and the waves are not alarmed!"


The moment this tough guy opened his mouth, both Sasuke and Naruto were dumbfounded.

Because they already know who this guy in the yellow training suit is
Rock Lee! ?

"Fuck." Kakashi's thousand words were reduced to two words.

When did the students of Maitkai become so powerful?
This unbelievable speed is difficult to capture even with his Sharingan.

I believe that Naruto and Sasuke who were kicked away just now had the same experience, because the other party was really too fast!

(End of this chapter)

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