Five to five from one punch

Chapter 356 You Know Me

Chapter 356 You Know Me

Payne and his anger at the group of guys pretending to be their Xiao organization to do evil everywhere. Although they will commit such acts in the future, it is really uncomfortable to be splashed with water.

Without hesitation, Nagato, who was behind the scenes, directly controlled the handsome and ugly Shura Dao to attack the enemy.

When Shuradao appeared and approached Baiyu and Sykes, he quickly separated his wrist from his arm, pulled out a string of missiles from the cut in his arm, and aimed at the enemy's position to launch rockets.

The five-finger missile locked the escape position of Bai Yu and the two, if they insisted on avoiding these rocket missiles, they had no choice but to step back and jump out, leaving the building.

After several explosions.

Bai Yu and Sykes were still in the hole at the entrance of the cave without any loss. Of course, under the bombing of Shura Dao's missiles, the hole bombed by outsiders became even bigger.
Is there nothing wrong?

Tian Dao Payne was a little lost. After all, Shura Dao's fire and bombing power was extremely terrifying.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this, at least you have to spit blood to show respect, okay?
Xiao Nan walked to Tiandao Payne's side and said, "Pain, is that a barrier?"

Tiandao Payne followed Xiao Nan's words, and after looking at Bai Yu and the other two, he did find that there was something like a translucent blue enchantment near the other party.

Was it this translucent barrier that resisted Shura Dao's attack?

"Is it really an enchantment?" Tiandao Payne expressed his doubts in doubt.

After Xiaonan heard it, he also felt that it was not really like an enchantment.
Under the perception of Tiandao Payne, there is no trace of Chakra on the opponent's body including this similar result.

Sure enough, as recorded in the information above, these fake guys not only have mysterious origins but also have amazing abilities.

Bai Yu jumped down from the hole in the wall. He walked slowly towards Payne and said, "As the leader of the Akatsuki organization, you certainly don't do it for fun, so what is your purpose?"

Payne, who was guided to answer, was really hooked very quickly. He raised his hands and said like a god: "Responding to pain and punishing the world, my duty is to breed peace in the cycle of pain.

People who have never experienced pain will never understand real pain. Only by experiencing heart-piercing pain can they yearn for true peace! "

clap clap clap clap.
Under Nagato's enthusiastic speech, Baiyu applauded excitedly.

This also caused Nagato, who was controlling Tiandao Payne, to be stunned. He said with a strange expression: "What do you mean by applauding? Are you mocking me?"

"No, I think what you said is very right. Only those who feel pain can yearn for true peace. You might as well think about it. People who join here can live in a world where there is no war, no chaos, and everyone has food. There is a place to live, children can go to class or learn a craft safely, and everyone is content and happy.”

Nagato, who was in the dark, the more he listened, the more he looked forward to such a future.

That's right, this is the world he hopes to create. If they could live in such a world back then, they wouldn't have the parting of life and death at that time, and they wouldn't have had such a painful experience.

That's why Nagato wants to change this cannibalistic world, the cannibalistic world!

This silver-haired man understands me!
"What's your name?" Tiandao Payne did not continue to attack the opponent, but chose to communicate.

"Bai Yu."

"You seem to understand my thoughts very well. Why don't you join our real Akatsuki organization and wait for the moment when the time comes. We will definitely change this ninja world and bring real peace." The more Tiandao Payne said, the more excited he became.

"I agree with your thoughts, but you can't change this ninja world." Bai Yu's light words put the situation of the two into confrontation again.

It seems that Nagato thought too much, this silver-haired man actually didn't understand him, so the only choice was to kill him.

However, Baiyu began to tell the secret of Nagato and his surprise.

"You Xiao organization intends to hide for a few years, so as to reserve funds for development, and then implement the plan to capture the tailed beast, and then use your reincarnation eyes to threaten and deter every ninja village with the golems of heretics, so that They have to keep this peaceful and crispy world, am I right?"

The famous nuclear threat theory!
Nagato's plan was completely seen through.

Until now, he realized that he seemed to have no secrets to say in front of this Bai Yu.

This person must not stay!

The huge rhinoceros directly fell from the sky and fell on Bai Yu's head, and the beast began to join the battlefield.

On the other hand, Shura Dao also directly released the energy cannon in his body to aim at Baiyu. Once the opponent jumps into the air, these huge firepower weapons will tear the opponent apart in an instant and turn him into dust!
However, the plan of things seems to be beyond Nagato's expectations.

This mysterious man named Bai Yu just punched upwards, and the huge rhinoceros psychic beast was directly crushed by his punch!
The flesh and blood all over the sky began to fall like snowflakes to the ground and the face of Tiandao Payne.

Taijutsu ninja?
Still one of the best!
The ground shattered, Hungry Ghost appeared from the ground, his bloated body embraced the enemy, although the opponent did not have chakra, but Hungry Ghost can absorb the power of ninjutsu, maybe it can really affect this white jade, even if it is It doesn't matter if you fail, and it doesn't hurt at all in the case of infinite regeneration in hell.

Bai Yu's body was like a phantom, moving a step left and right on the spot at high speed, Hungry Ghost Dao directly hugged the air, and at the same time, the former punched Hungry Ghost Dao to pieces, and ended up in the same ending as the psychic rhinoceros.

Tiandao Payne seems to have miscalculated Bai Yu's power, and the power of the other party seems to have surpassed his expectations.

He originally wanted to use the Vientiane Heavenly Attraction to attract the other party to torture him, but he quietly pressed it out.
Tiandao Payne didn't want to attract a gymnast dad.

Under the signal of Nagato, Ren Jiandao fully opened fire, and several psychic beasts were psychic out by him desperately. With the blessing of the reincarnation eye, the strength of this group of psychic beasts has greatly increased and they are not afraid of fighting. Straight up several times.

At the same time, when the group of psychic beasts attacked Baiyu, Hell Dao was also summoned by Payne, and Nagato began to manipulate Hell Dao to stuff the shattered Hungry Ghost Dao into its entrance.

However, in Payne's perfect plan, there seems to be a deviation.

Whirlwind Iron Fist!
Just like the ripples caused by the lake water being pierced by a boulder, the sharp circular fist directly chopped several psychic beasts into pieces.

At the same time, Bai Yu's speed seemed to exceed time, jumping a distance and appearing directly behind the extension of the hell road.

Tiandao Payne instantly realized that the opponent seemed to understand his abilities very well, and attacked the deadly hell road as soon as he made a move!

(End of this chapter)

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