Chapter 358
Faced with the decisiveness and viciousness of the four Otonin, Shikamaru had to adjust his plan to leave a companion to fight against these vicious ninjas.

Jirobo is the first stumbling block left behind by the four of Otonin.

For this sound ninja, these Konoha ninjas are like children, and there is no need to care about them at all. After all, they have the spell seal power bestowed by Orochimaru.

The seal of the curse is the greatest confidence of the four of them.

Under Tayuya's interception, Naruto and the others had no choice but to stop and face this fat man who had eaten gunpowder!

Just when Shikamaru was judging the opponent's strength, a certain companion who couldn't bear it had already rushed out first.

Xiao Li stopped in front of Shikamaru and the others directly, "Leave him to me, you go first and wait for me to catch up with you soon."

Faced with Xiao Li's volunteering, Shikamaru felt very annoyed. After all, the other party didn't know what ninjutsu he mastered or what he was good at. It would be very dangerous to send Xiao Li out hastily. After all, the latter only knows taijutsu.

"Let's go." On the contrary, Naruto trusted Xiao Li very much.

"Don't sacrifice yourself!", Shikamaru and others could only leave behind these words, and followed Naruto closely.

After Yu people left, only Xiao Li and Tayuya were left on the battlefield.

Duoyou also felt the fighting spirit from Xiao Li who had nowhere to hide, and he asked curiously, "Who are you?"

Faced with the question, Xiao Li turned his body sideways and danced with small rhythmic steps. He confidently answered Tayuya's question: "I am a fool who is not good enough under the Jingwu sect, Rock Li!"

Forget it, Duoyou also felt that this guy was more or less out of his mind. In short, he couldn't understand a word of what Rock Li said, so he just started fighting!
"Ah da!" Xiao Li Bi Duoyou is also more eager to fight, all his martial arts are learned for fighting, concentration and toughness are the key to success.

boom! ! !
The ground began to tremble, and Xiao Li launched an unstoppable attack on Tayuya.

Shikamaru, Naruto and others are still running on the tree.

Intuition tells Shikamaru that the opponent will soon send a second blocker to stop them
And at this moment, Hyuga Neji looked back suspiciously and said, "It seems that someone is approaching us quickly from behind."

Shikamaru followed Neji's words and looked back. Did he overlook something important, which led to an ambush from both sides?
Just when everyone was extremely vigilant, an orange figure jumped behind them, "Hi, everyone, I'm catching up!"

"Xiao Li?" Ning Ci called out in surprise.

"Could it be that Otonin has already been defeated by you?" Shikamaru said this guess that even he didn't quite believe.

He believed that in the end, Xiao Li should be able to defeat the opponent, but after only a few minutes, the opponent is gone?

"Ha, it's done for me. That guy looks very strong, and he even made some kind of curse print. I thought he was very good at fighting. Who knows, he fell down after just a few moves." After Xiao Li finished speaking, There is quite a feeling of unfinished business.

Great, Naruto felt that bringing Xiao Li with him was indeed the most correct choice.

In the subsequent pursuit, the four of Otonin continued to send blockers to hinder them.

But all of them let Xiao Li volunteer to come out, and all of them were brought down by him.

Because of this, everyone in Konoha finally realized that Xiao Li has become much stronger than before, not only in appearance and personality, but also in strength.

What makes them even more palpitating is that there seems to be a fierce beast in Xiao Li's body, waiting for the right time to escape from its shell!


Xiao Nan couldn't care about Sykes anymore. In this short period of time, Liu Dao Payne was defeated by that silver-haired man named Bai Yu!

What an absurd thing this is, you must know that Sanjiao Yu, who was called a demigod at the beginning, hid in front of Nagato's reincarnation eyes, and had no power to fight back.

The masculine breath occupied Xiaonan's nostrils, and a pair of strong arms were directly locked on her white neck. "If you have time to worry about your companions, why don't you think about what will happen to you?"

Bai Yu directly locked Xiao Nan, as long as he was willing, it seemed that he could end the life of this person who was called an "angel" by Yu Ninja Village.

"A prodigal son!", the anger rushed directly to Xiao Nan's head, forcing her to resort to tricks that hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.

The fire exploded and splashed all over the place!

A series of violent explosions exploded like a firecracker.

Xiaonan's paper art of God can change or disguise any object with a piece of paper, even several detonating symbols can be disguised as a piece of paper. In addition, this technique can not only disguise the ground, but also turn the piece of paper into water. It's fine, even Sharingan can't detect the ingenuity of this kind of ninjutsu.

However, Xiao Nan had some control over the amount of injections, and that Bai Yu dared to threaten him at such a close distance, he was simply seeking his own death.

In such a close range, it is absolutely impossible to have a chance of surviving under the mutual explosion of so many detonating symbols.

Was the guy who defeated Nagato just eliminated by himself?

Xiao Nan also felt that this matter was very false!

At the same time, the severe pain made Xiao Nan wake up.

Bai Yu's body emerged from the vast dust, and his arms directly locked Xiao Nan again.

The exaggerated explosion did not defeat this white jade, the gorgeous spark explosion only left ashes on his body, and his silver hair against the embers turned into a symbol that frightened Xiao Nan.

After feeling the pain from the neck, Xiaonan's eyes began to burst into tears.
The power gap made Xiaonan unable to break free, without too much hesitation, she turned her body into a dance of paper!

Xiaonan can turn his body into countless paper-like fragments, which can move and deform freely.While activating this technique, all parts of the body are slowly detached.Can control the pieces of paper into spears, butterflies and other shapes, but this kind of ninjutsu will consume a lot of her chakra.

Pieces of paper fragments began to float from Bai Yu's palm
How could Bai Yu let Xiao Nan go, today he will kill Nagato and Xiao Nan in one go!
The golden energy cover produced a huge suction force, and soon the scraps of paper belonging to Xiao Nan's avatar were sucked into it by Bai Yu's single-handed release of the golden energy cover.

After the Psychic Impact Cover trapped Xiao Nan in it, the violent hedge explosion raged inside, even Xiao Nan couldn't break free from this hell-like cage!
Bai Yu controlled it very well, and the use and investment of Qi did not destroy this woman in an instant. After bombing her to the point where she could not resist, she threw her on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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