i'm a monster

Chapter 19 Covenant

Chapter 19 Covenant
"Today, we must take down the first kill at the end of the empire~~"

When Ye Feng just got up from the bed, before he had time to wash his face and brush his teeth, Zi Ling had already summoned him.Ye Feng, who had just teleported over, heard Xiao Min's spittle flying and passionate pre-war mobilization.

Shaking his pig's head, well, the saliva of a beautiful woman is better than that of a boar monster.

Ye Feng was annoyed by the endless talk of Xiao Min directly above his head.Glancing around, he found that he was already in the valley of Greenstone Valley, and there were several wild boar corpses scattered around him.

"Okay, let's go now," when Xiao Min said this, everyone's spirits were lifted, and the long speech was finally over.

Not far away, there is a huge altar, and on the left stands a ten-meter-high stone statue of the wild boar, with its head facing east, which is the direction of Xincheng.On the right is also a ten-meter-high stone statue of the wild boar. It looks similar to the one on the left, except that there is an extra scar on its face.The head is also facing the direction of Dongfang Xincheng, holding a black staff in his hand, wearing a wizard robe, and doing a spell-casting action.

"This is what is shown on the map. Let's stand up and use the copy key. Let's have a try," Xiao Min said
Five people stepped up to the huge altar. After using their respective dungeon keys, a burst of brilliance flashed, and the five people disappeared in place.

"After more than 1000 years, the holy land of our wild boars has finally ushered in human guests again, ha, ha, ha" a huge voice rang in everyone's ears, but there was endless sadness in the arrogant laughter, " I don't know what you want to get from our wild boar clan this time?"

The voice fell silent, and the five of them appeared in a huge cave. In front of them was a meandering stream, inside the river, and beside the river, covered with all kinds of strange bones, long fangs, and sharpened mouth bones.The five looked at each other, there were so many wild boar bones.

Crossing the creek, on a sloping platform, smoky, a gust of wind blowing from nowhere, with endless cries and painful groans.

The smoke shrank tightly, and when it encountered a dark wind, it disappeared soundlessly like Haruyuki who had been splashed with boiling water.

Behind the smoke is a huge picture, but the picture is like life, hundreds of teams of wild boar warriors wearing stainless steel armor, standing in line in front of a pass, flying the clan flag, a general of the wild boar, roaring loudly Thousands of voices echoing "For the Empire", "For the Empire", "For the Empire".They raised the weapons in their hands high, and for a while, the swords were like rain and the swords were like forest.

On the opposite side of the wild boar man, there is an army of undead that stretches to the horizon. A huge bone dragon flies in the sky, and the black breath of death leaves a long trail behind the bone dragon. The cold phosphorous fire burns the empty eye sockets.The Lich, who was chanting a mantra, was surrounded by green light and black flowers. As the mantra was chanted, endless zombies and skeletons struggled to get up from the ground, and followed their companions, walking towards the pass at a slow pace. .In addition to the ear-piercing screams, the black knight danced the blade of death, urged the bone horse in black armor, and charged from the two wings.

"You should have forgotten it," the huge voice sounded again, the tone was heavy and sad, "During the War of the Ancients, as your allies, we fulfilled our promise and joined forces with all of our clan. Fighting, hundreds of thousands of children died, and many wives were scattered, do you humans dare to face that war again, do you dare?"

At the end, the voice was roaring and crying.But the scene changed abruptly, the war had already begun, amidst the piercing screams of the black knight, the wild boars in the front row lowered their heads and covered their ears, and the black knight's death blade began to frantically harvest life, blood, and gather , paint the pass red.As for the slow-moving zombies and skeletons, smelling the bloody smell in the air, they sped up their speed, opened their hollow mouths, and let out a rancid breath.

The bone dragon flitted in the sky, death flames spewed out, and countless wild boar warriors twisted and deformed in the black flames.

However, all of them could not shake the determination of the wild boar clan, shouting for the sake of the empire, going forward and succeeding.

"For the sake of the empire," the huge voice had calmed down the excitement just now, and the tone was full of sarcasm, "Before the war, your king of mankind promised to give us five states and eighteen cities as a place to give birth, and thank us for your support." The sacrifices made by humans. In our wild boar family, promises must be fulfilled, and we mistakenly thought that you humans are too."

The voice paused for a while, "Go, go and feel the sacrifice of our wild boars, so that you can understand your shamelessness better."

As the sound fell, everything in the picture became more intense. The death flames of the bone dragon had broken free from the shackles of the picture, spreading into the air, and a black breath evaporated from the picture.Blood also flowed out gently along the corner of the painting. Wherever it passed, the wild boar skeletons on the ground stood up again, their rusty swords became sharp again, and the armor made of fine steel covered them again. body.

The five people and one pig of the Beauty Guild also found that they were already in the pass in the painting, with an endless army of undead in front, and chilling wild boar warriors on the left and right.

"Hold on for two hours until human reinforcements appear, the first stage of the wild boar dungeon." The same message appeared in the minds of five people and one pig.

"Warriors of the wild boar clan, we have resisted here for eleven hours," the roar of the wild boar general under the clan has been heard clearly, "Human reinforcements will appear in one hour, and the victory will be over." Belongs to us, your sacrifice will win new glory for our wild boar clan, every inch of land in the new wild boar empire in five states and eighteen cities will bear your name in mind."

"In the past eleven hours, we had tens of thousands of warriors shed blood. Some of them were your friends, or your brothers. Now, in the last hour of our steadfastness, the undead The Lord Samuel has come to the front line in person. After the temporary calm, there will be more intense battles. More people will return to the embrace of the Boar God. Children, don't be afraid, our blood will build a new The wild boar empire. Our women, children, and the elderly will have a wider living space. For the empire."

The roar of "For the Empire" resounded through the field.The army of undead in the distance has begun to gather. Stitch monsters that are as high as the pass appear in the army of undead. Along with the torrent of zombies and skeletons, they rush towards the pass.

(End of this chapter)

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