36 Duel 1

The hall was crowded with people, and Xiao Min stood tall on the bar counter.

"Today, those bastards from Glory actually challenged us. They want to meet us in the arena of the Beauty Guild. We can't coax those bastards. Everyone said, what should we do?"

In the hall, there was a lot of yelling, killing, beating and roaring, and the female voice roared, but it still had a different momentum.

Xiao Min raised her hand to restrain the shouting crowd.I am very satisfied in my heart, the people in the guild are available, this is the first time I am facing such an invitational battle, Xiao Min puts her heart into it and invites all the people who can be hired.

Now, the only thing left is to beat those stupid kids from the Glory Guild to the point where their mothers don't even know each other.

"Okay, today, just today, our Beauty Guild will surely become famous. Let's go, the big guys follow me. Let's go." Xiao Min jumped off the bar, took the lead and pushed the door out, rushing to Xinshou Town To the east, go to the improvised arena.

Xiao Min knew that in Novice Town and the nearest Tallinn Town, Xingchen, the largest guild, had publicly stood on her side, and the president of Xingchen was also a newcomer.A level [-] warlock is already the highest level I have ever seen.The other masters also invited three or four.

The Glory Guild, the second largest guild, can have a few tough problems.

And Ye Feng was specially arranged by the girls, from where they got an elf head mask, thin eyebrows and thin lips, pointed ears stuck on Ye Feng's head, quite suitable.

To the east of Novice Town.

It has already been temporarily used wood on a small hill to set up a big arena.Members of the Honor Guild were already standing on the east side of the ring, and everyone in the guild was embracing the president, Brother Chun and Brother Zeng.The north and south sides are occupied by some spectators.

The Beauty Guild, together with the Star Guild, came to the west and stood still. Seven to eight hundred people surrounded a ring. Once they entered, it was extremely lively, and people who had new news kept pouring in from all directions.

"Master President, you have a lot of promises in Xincheng. Now that everyone is here, you go up and say something?" Almost bent to the ground.

Hong'er waved her hand, and sat on the big chair that was brought here specially.He made a gesture of invitation to Brother Chun, a joke, our chamber of commerce is looking for money, and I really don't bother to do such things as making enemies and fighting viciously.

Brother Chun, seeing that Hong'er really didn't intend to go up, she put on her mail armor, raised her head, and walked like a tiger.Go to the stage.

"Today, the brothers gathered here. Our Glory Guild and the Beauty Guild set up a ring here to resolve a small dispute. I'm too lazy to talk about the cause of the matter. In the game, whoever has a hard fist will be right. Am I right?"

Watch the excitement and roar loudly, watch the fight, no matter what your reason is, whoever wins will naturally get everyone's approval.

"Okay, whoever wins three games in a row first will win the group arena. Let's talk about it, okay?"

It's not two wins in three sets, but three sets in a row, which means that there will be more fights, and the excitement of watching the mountain roars.

Brother Chun, after saying this, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, "Beauty Guild, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, you little girls, do you dare to come up and have a showdown?"

Xiao Min got angry and stepped onto the ring. "It's not enough to just win or lose. How about we bring some prizes?"

Looking down, the Beauty Guild has challenged, and there is another round of applause, louder and higher than before.Beautiful women fighting evil men, wouldn't this fight be exciting?
The afterimage next to Hong'er frowned, if the opponents were all women, it would be too boring, but the afterimage never killed women.

"Okay, those who lose will withdraw from Novice Town and are not allowed to do activities in Novice Town." Brother Chun said.

Xiao Min took a step forward, looked closely at Brother Chun, and said word by word: "I lost, yes, directly, disband, the guild."

However, Brother Chun was forced by Xiao Min's aura in front of him, and he couldn't help beating drums in his heart. Could this beauties guild have any powerful backup, would it be more powerful than the Zuoshan Chamber of Commerce?
Thinking of the Zuoshan Chamber of Commerce, Brother Chun couldn't help feeling relieved. The strength of the number one Chamber of Commerce in Xincheng is recognized by everyone.He straightened his back, "Okay, let's dissolve,"

Xiao Min stared at Brother Chun, did not turn around, and backed away step by step. "See the real chapter on the stage."

Under the stage, the beauties guild had already gathered together, and the fighting method proposed by Glory was a bit beyond their expectations. It seemed that the original arrangement had to be changed.

Zi Ling was the first to speak: "The bet is so big, we must make arrangements first, the competition method proposed by the Glory Guild, it is very likely that the other party has some forceful person in the lineup. It is best to draw this person first,"

"At that time, I was angry when I saw the sissy of the president of Glory, but the president of Xingchen should be able to win for us." Xiao Min pinned all her hopes on the president of Xingchen.

"Winning three games in a row, there must be some powerful person. Let's talk about it first." Zi Ling insisted, quite confident in her own thoughts.

"Sakura, you take the lead, and then we put the 18th-level paladin invited by Xiaochen in the second place. If you still can't attract them, we will use the corresponding occupation according to the opponent's occupation on the field. Although high-level paladins are rare, but We still have a few here." Xiao Min made a simple arrangement.

"Yeah" Sakura nodded, she is the highest level person in the guild, she is the first to go, there is nothing to say, and although the doctor is a healing profession, the damage is not strong, but if you are single P, as long as the opponent's damage is not enough. His own healing amount is enough to consume the other party to death.

After the arrangements were made, Sakura stepped onto the stage, but the Honor Guild sent a seventeenth-level archer from the guild.

Two long-distance careers, sparring, the process is not very interesting.

The two on the field seemed to know that they had a heavy burden on them, and they didn't dare to take too many risks, they just made some tests.

When the archer starts to fight, he tries to keep a distance from Sakura, leaps back, slows down the arrow, and casts it immediately after the skill cools down.these two skills.Don't give Sakura a chance to get close.

Sakura is not in a hurry, and she is still a little confident when dealing with archers. Only when her blood volume is above 80.00%, she occupies the center of the field and slowly approaches the archer. Once her blood is below 80.00%, she will buff herself.

No rush, just wait for the archer to make a mistake.Take the time to throw a stinger to the archer. The stinger is the doctor who condenses the toxin and shoots it out.Instant, the damage is not high, but it can give the opponent a DEBUFF, and continue to lose blood.The casting distance is the farthest that the doctor can use at present, just enough to hit the archer.

Archers cannot increase blood. At low levels, there are no powerful interrupting spellcasting skills. One has low damage and has durability, and the other has no endurance but high damage.

It depends on whether the mana of the doctor is exhausted first, or the blood of the archer bottoms out first.


(There are two more chapters tonight, and three chapters tomorrow. As long as someone supports my book, reads it, collects it, and votes for it, I will definitely be able to write more chapters.

Bookmark three hundred today, I will update [-] words a day, and tomorrow, I will update eight thousand words a day.Dare to let me explode once. )
(End of this chapter)

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