39 Duel 4
The victory is just around the corner, the girls from the Beauty Guild are already preparing to celebrate, and everyone's faces are filled with smiles.

There was an exclamation from the audience, and the girls turned their heads to look at the ring, but the smiles on their faces froze.

The afterimage, with the dagger inserted into Qingfeng's leg as a fulcrum, with the force of the forward charge, the body has already turned upside down, the thief's ability to interrupt the spellcasting, 'kick'.

Originally, when Qingfeng cast the spell, he might have thought of this point, and cast a suspending spell to suspend his body. A thief without mana support may not be able to jump as high as a person at this stage.

Not to mention extravagant talk, use interrupt skills in mid-air.

But the afterimage just hung upside down and released a 'kick', kicking Qingfeng's face with one foot.

The dagger couldn't bear the weight of the afterimage, and cut a long bloody mouth on Qingfeng's thigh, a huge amount of blood gushed out, quickly taking away Qingfeng's vitality.

The dagger still slipped from Qingfeng's leg, but the afterimage had already achieved his goal.

Qingfeng was kicked and fell out. The 'kick' didn't have much strength, it was just Qingfeng who was interrupted from casting spells, and could no longer maintain the suspended state and cast Black Flame.

Pressing his hands on the ground, he turned over, and was as light as a black civet cat, with an afterimage, soft body, and rushed towards the breeze.

The moment the two black daggers were thrown out, they moved forward like the letter of a poisonous snake.

Seeing the burnt afterimage getting bigger and bigger in his pupils, Qingfeng smiled wryly, and it was only a little bit short, good luck, the mouth on his legs made it difficult for Qingfeng to move.If it weren't for the support with both hands, I'm afraid I could only lie on the ground.

After Ying looked at the dagger, it was inserted into Qingfeng's throat, after Ying enjoyed it very much, the sound of the dagger rubbing against the larynx, and turned his hands.

One dagger was stuck in the throat, and the other was held, forcefully, cutting downwards obliquely, breaking through the resistance of the bones, and finally touched the dirt on the ring with one hand.

Qingfeng's head was separated from the body, but he could vaguely see the headless body lying backwards, and the afterimage of half-kneeling on the side with one hand on the ground.

The bright red blood covered Qingfeng's sight, and the pain was far away.

Remnant Shadow rested on the ground with one hand, unable to move his body for a long time, silently checking his health, but there was only a pitiful 24 blood points left.

Brother Chun and Brother Zeng had already jumped on the stage, followed by priests and doctors from the guild, surrounded the afterimage, brushed blood, and healed.

Hong'er finally let out a sigh of relief, changed her body into a comfortable position, and sat back on the chair again. The afterimage made a split-second decision, but it was extremely dangerous to win this competition. Not everyone faced danger At any time, you can choose to face the difficulties, and the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Too many people will choose to run for their lives, but because of a moment of fear, they lose their lives and miss victory.

The smiles were still on the faces of everyone in the Beauty Guild, Qingfeng's head, which had been strangled by a dagger, had already rolled down on the stage, and there was deep resentment in his eyes, and he couldn't rest in peace until he died.

The beauties couldn't bear to look at Qingfeng's unwilling eyes. The Qingfeng they counted on as a backer in their hearts had already lost.

Xiao Min numbly looked at every sister in the guild, although they didn't spend a long time together.There are joys and small frictions in getting along, but they all thought that they should be together like this. After going through this game journey, they didn't expect that today, they would be separated.

Is the guild going to be disbanded? Is the hope that has just risen cruelly suppressed like this?Even Qingfeng lost, who else can defeat the afterimage on the stage?
Xiao Min looked at them one by one, but her heart was ashamed.

On the side of the Beauty Association, no one thinks that they are stronger than Qingfeng, let alone the afterimage that defeated Qingfeng.

Zi Ling saw everything in her eyes, Xiao Min's eyes were close to despair, and everyone in the guild was crying.

Taking a deep look at his pet, his eyes became firm again.But Ye Feng seemed to see something in Zi Ling's eyes.

Zi Ling muttered to herself and dismissed the pets.

Ye Feng accepted the order and was teleported back to the master space. Ye Feng understood Zi Ling's eyes. It was Zi Ling's persistence. Even if there was no hope, Zi Ling didn't want to give up.

Zi Ling was about to go on stage to do her last fight, even if she was facing a top player who was four levels higher than her, even if the result was already doomed, even if she died, she might become a laughing stock on the stage.

Qingfeng's head was chopped off, isn't it just a pitiful joke for you, a hunter who is four levels lower, to go up.

Zi Ling thought about it. The moment she made up her mind, Zi Ling thought of it. This guild has put too much effort into it. As long as I, Zi Ling, are here, this guild will never be forced to disband.

Zi Ling wants to shed the last drop of blood for the guild.

There is still expectation in Zi Ling's eyes. If there is any uncertainty about Ye Feng's expectation, it is Ye Feng. Can a pet of only level [-] change this deadlock?
Everyone would think it was impossible, Zi Ling, looking at her pet, at that moment, Zi Ling no longer simply thought that it was just a pet, but her comrade in arms, standing side by side in front of thousands of people, facing Against a lofty, invincible opponent.

Zi Ling turned around and resolutely stepped onto the steps of the ring.

There were boos in the audience.

The girls from the Beauty Guild looked at Zi Ling who walked onto the stage without saying a word, and at that stubborn back.No one believed that Zi Ling could reverse the situation, but no one did not look at this courage with admiration.

The spectators in the audience burst into laughter. Is there really no one in the [-]th-level hunter, the Beauty Guild?Randomly get someone to go up to die, and then disband the guild?
Zi Ling heard boos and laughter, but her footsteps did not stop at all, not even a little hesitation.

Twenty yards away, I looked at the afterimage on the other side that had returned to normal.

After Ying waved his hand, he dismissed those who wanted to say something, Brother Chun and Brother Zeng, from the stage.

Remnant Shadow looked at Ziling, "I don't want others to say that I bullied a weak woman. You have no chance, so go on."

Zi Ling shook her head, even if I die, I will die on this ring.

The afterimage saw the stubbornness in Zi Ling's eyes.When he first came to the stage, he thought it was just a casual battle, but the breeze made Remnant Ying put away his underestimation of the enemy, but the stubbornness of the woman in front of him made Remnant Ying feel admiration in his heart.

"I'll give you the treatment of an opponent, come on," After Shadow said.Two balls of black brilliance flashed in his hands, and Julie's Kiss had been taken out of the storage bag.

Ziling backed away, 35 yards away, nodding her bow and arrow.

(There was a power outage in the small town today, and I didn’t write a single word for the four shifts I was planning. I called at 08:30 in the evening and prepared to code until [-]:[-] in the middle of the night. There will still be a power outage tomorrow.

I have over [-] clicks, and my favorites have not broken [-]. I know that my writing is poor, but I still have the cheek to ask for collections and recommendations. )
(End of this chapter)

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