Chapter 100

This is a reminder, Yue Ran nodded clearly: "Got it."

Chu Wei replaced the drip needle with a new one, and tied a rubber band on Yue Ran's right wrist: "Make a fist."

He patted the back of her hand lightly, looking for her blood vessels, the cyan blood vessels could be clearly seen on the back of her thin white hand, he smeared the back of her hand with iodine and alcohol to disinfect, held the thin plug lightly into her veins.

The cold liquid began to pour into her body again.

Yue Ran didn't frown.

"What's the strange feeling of the wound?" Chu Wei put her hand flat, and there was a touch of concern in her tone, "Let me take a look."

Yue Ran's fair face was slightly flushed, and his voice was soft and gentle: "It's okay."

"I got out of bed so willfully and impulsively just now, and I made such a big move, I must have hurt the wound, I have to see it." Standing behind Chu Wei, Xiao Nan interjected, with obvious concern, "I can't let her have anything. , besides, if the wound there is not well healed, Yue Ran, you know what the consequences will be."

If there is an accident, she will not be able to be a mother.

Yes, she still has to be a mother and give birth to a healthy child, and she cannot escape.

Yue Ran lay down obediently, Xiao Nan pulled the quilt on her body to the lower abdomen, then lifted off her hospital gown, and he could see the bandaged wound on her lower abdomen, the blood color had soaked the wound, and she fainted A rouge-like red flower in ink and wash, it is particularly thrilling and dazzling.

Xia Fei and Lan Ao just took a quick glance and looked away. After all, Yue Ran is Xiao Nan's woman and will be their sister-in-law.

"I'll ask the nurse to change your dressing." Chu Wei just glanced at her, then stood up, and took a deep look at her, "You must have a good rest. Otherwise, Anan must be distressed. For him, cherish her Own."

"I will. Thank you, Dr. Chu." Yue Ran curved his lips, smiling exceptionally brightly.

She knew that Chu Wei had accepted her in her heart, and this seemingly bad thing had changed their views, and she also understood that she loved Xiao Nan as much as they did, with the purest heart, so they could not worried.

She's proud of herself for doing this.

Chu Wei nodded, Xiao Nan covered Yue Ran with the quilt, turned his head to meet Chu Wei, and read the word "appreciation" from his eyes.

Suddenly the door of the ward was pushed open with a "bang" by someone from outside, Xiao Nan, Yue Ran, Chu Wei, Xia Fei and Lan Ao's eyes were all attracted to it, it turned out to be Fang Jiajie, his handsome appearance was covered with gloom , his eyes also set off layers of turbulent waves, and his whole body was full of anger like a Rakshasa.

"Xiao Nan, what on earth does my sister owe you, that you want to treat her like this and hurt her so badly?" Fang Jiajie had just settled Fang Jiarou, and came to him while she was asleep. Can't swallow, "Rourou has been a princess since she was a child, she lived proudly, and never put those men in her eyes, but she is obsessed with you, why is she humbled to love you? Are you blind? Can't you see her compromise? Xiao Nan, if you are a man, you shouldn't be with this kind of divorced bastard—"

As soon as he said this, an apple flew straight towards his face. Fang Jiajie was also a skilled person, and he dodged sideways neatly.A pair of fire-breathing eyes fixed on Lan Ao.

"Lan Ao! This is a matter between our Fang family and Xiao family, you have no right to intervene!"

Lan Ao let out a sneer indifferently, with an evil smile spreading across the corners of his lips, his icy eyes were looking at the apple in his hand: "This time it's an apple, next time it's a knife!"

His cold and sharp eyes swept over Fang Jiajie's ugly face: "Stop talking nonsense, get out!"

"Lan Ao, I'm not afraid of others being afraid of you. If you have the ability, stab me, otherwise I won't make you feel better." Fang Jiajie, an important figure in the government, is not easy to solve, "I tell you, there will always be One day your handle will fall into the hands of the government, and then I will definitely not talk to you so politely."

"There are too many people who are rude to me, and you are the only one." Lan Ao went his own way, not paying attention to anyone, "Fang Jiajie, you should worry about God punishing you."

Fang Jiajie moved his lips and found out how he and Lan Ao got involved. The purpose of his trip today was not him, but Xiao Nan and Yue Ran. It was this pair who made his sister a ghost. A pair of dogs and men.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Nan with an indifferent face. Fang Jiarou didn't care at all, and he couldn't help but get even more angry: "Xiao Nan, if you are still a man, go and apologize to my sister immediately, and promise to marry her."

"Fang Jiajie, don't be presumptuous here. What right do you have to order Anan to do this or that. Let me tell you, don't think that there is no one around him. If you want to touch him, you have to ask us if we agree." Xia Fei also interjected. , Eyes condensed and cold, faded from the usual uninhibited, this is so aggressive, "I also send you a word, roll as far as you want, no one wants to see you."

"Fang Jiajie, you'd better go." Chu Wei also stood on Xiao Nan's side, "Jia Rou is today because of her own fault, how can she put such a sinful desire on Anan. Don't push yourself .”

"You are really a group of friends. For such a lowly woman, you have such a tacit understanding. I think she is not only obsessed with Xiao Nan, but also the three of you have been served by her? Is she so good in bed?" Fang Jiajie Smile viciously.

Xiao Nan's eyes froze, his body was quick, and he punched Fang Jiajie on the left side of the face, only to hear the joints rattle, Fang Jiajie fell back heavily on the ground before he had time to react, his posture was very embarrassing.

Bright red blood flowed from his nose and mouth, and his mouth was full of fishy and sweet taste.

Immediately, two more apples flew and hit him in the face, causing him to grin his teeth in pain and stare in his eyes.

"This is considered cheap for you." Lan Ao's tone revealed an amnesty for him.

"Fang Jiajie, don't think that you are capable, and don't think that you can do whatever you want. There are always some things that you can't change even if you try your best." Xiao Nan is imposing.

Two soft and beautiful female figures rushed in one after another. Fang Jiarou and Ling Xue squatted down to support Fang Jiajie. Looking at the injured Fang Jiajie, Fang Jiarou's eyes hurt, and tears came to her face: "Brother, are you okay?" Right?" Then she looked up at Xiao Nan angrily, "Why did you hit my brother, he is my brother, it doesn't matter what you do to me, but you can't touch him."

(End of this chapter)

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