Chapter 12

"Let's go." Yue Ran ignored the burning anger in Qi Ziyang's eyes, turned around and was about to leave.

Regardless that this is a hospital, Qi Ziyang let go of Wei Qian, strode forward, and grabbed her wrist, his eyes were cold and vicious, staring at Yue Ran, and said contemptuously: "Why don't you answer? How long have the husband and wife been together? No wonder I didn't touch you and didn't divorce, so you have been stealing someone behind my back! Why do you accuse me? What a bitch!"

"Let go!" Xiao Nan's icy pupils surged darkly, and even his voice became a little colder, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Okay, I'd like to see how you're going to be rude to me!" Qi Ziyang turned his gaze to Xiao Nan and sneered, "I don't even want to touch this woman because she's so disgusting, don't you want her to be dirty? It seems I don't want to touch her." You're comfortable in the worn shoes you're wearing."

A sneer curled up on the corner of Xiao Nan's lips, he raised his fist and swung Qi Ziyang's face, hitting him by surprise, the force was so great that he fell to the ground.He looked down at Qi Ziyang coldly: "I have warned you, but I seem to have forgotten—beasts can't understand human speech!"

Qi Ziyang's face was livid, the veins on his forehead burst out of anger, his eyes spewed fire, wishing to burn Yue Ran and Xiao Nan to death.

"Ziyang, are you okay?" Wei Qian ran over, holding Qi Ziyang's face distressedly, and wiped the blood from the corners of his lips with her fingers. She turned her head and stared at Yue Ran and Xiao Nan fiercely, "You guys Don't bully men and women too much! Hit me if you have the ability!"

Wei Qian stood up and rushed towards Xiao Nan.

Yue Ran grabbed Wei Qian who was rushing towards Xiao Nan, and in the next second Wei Qian knelt down in front of Yue Ran in front of everyone, tears glistening on her sad face: "Yue Ran, just steal someone behind Ziyang's back." , why do you want your man to beat him? Do you want his life? If you really hate him, then it is my fault that you beat me. I drank the wrong juice and took the love potion. Save me... Now we have a child, no matter how wrong I am, but the child is innocent, can you not let us go, I beg you..."

Pearl-like tears slid down her face, she was extremely wronged, she took Yue Ran's hand and hit herself: "Yue Ran, if you want to hit me, hit me, I have nothing to say."

"I'm as you wish." Yue Ran really raised his hand and gave Wei Qian a slap in the face, and another slap in the face, "Is this enough?"

The onlookers all pointed at Yue Ran, their faces full of disdain and disdain.

Said that she was disobedient, lewd and shameless, promiscuous...

Said that she was so vicious that even pregnant women would not be spared...

It's a disgrace to say she's a woman...

Yue Ran just smiled coldly, laughing at the indiscrimination of black and white in the world, laughing at Wei Qian's confusion of right and wrong, laughing at himself as a fool who was so beaten by Wei Qian that he was powerless to fight back, her boiling blood had already congealed, and she was completely crushed. Taking time out, all the cold air of the arctic poured into her body, freezing her bit by bit.

It is justifiable for a man to cheat, but a woman can only be reviled.

"Xiaoqian, don't ask her, this kind of filthy person is not worthy of you." Qi Ziyang spat out a mouthful of blood, stood up with some difficulty, and hugged Wei Qian, "Yue Ran, now it seems that Xiaoxi Qian is much better than you, at least she has only me as a man from the beginning to the end, and you are as good as you can be."

Qi Ziyang's vicious and slanderous words fell on her body like chaotic swords, and she was covered with scars.

Years of unrepentant sincerity have been exchanged for insults from the person she loves the most, who calls her a slut.

Out of Yue Ran's soft heart grew sharp and dense thorns, which were poisonous and gleamed coldly. Just touching it lightly would cause pain to death.Her eyes grew cold inch by inch, as cold as ice cubes.

She staggered back unsteadily, and Xiao Nan stepped forward to support her slender waist: "It turns out that they both belong to dogs, and they really are a perfect match."

Xiao Nan didn't even bother to look at them from the corner of his eyes, and tilted his head slightly, he carefully pinned the black hair on Yue Ran's cheek behind her ear, and whispered in her ear: "People don't get along well. Animals have common sense, otherwise it will damage our noble temperament."

Yue Ran looked back, smiled lightly, straightened his back, and walked away.

Passing by Qi Ziyang who was supporting Wei Qian, Qi Ziyang's face was full of darkness, and he squeezed out a cruel sentence from between his teeth: "Yue Ran, let's wait and see, one day you will regret it!"

And behind her turning around was full of sadness and tears.

There was pain and hatred in my heart, and tears of sadness fell down my cheeks.

Put your hands down.

I might be happier...

When he reached the parking lot of the hospital, Yue Ran could not stand still and leaned against Xiao Nan's car, biting his lip and crying so hard that he couldn't even stand upright.

Xiao Nan looked down at her with deep eyes, frowned, and pulled her into his arms, Yue Ran only felt his chest warm, and a pair of strong hands gently protected her.

This strange yet familiar breath filled her nostrils, making her at a loss, but she felt safe, something she could rely on.

"You are in pain because your heart is too soft and not ruthless. Only ruthless people can be invincible in this world!" His big hand stroked her soft black hair.

One sentence made her suddenly enlightened.

She packed away her tears and her broken heart, trying to make herself look good.

After buying apples, Yue Ran pushed open the door and smiled at her mother-in-law, but there were no smile lines in her pupils, only a cold starlight.

"Xiao Ran, who is that Mr. Xiao? Why didn't Ziyang accompany you to pick me up but him?" asked the mother-in-law, holding Yue Ran's hand.

"Mom, Ziyang's company is very busy, he is my colleague." Yue Ran lied while sitting in front of his mother-in-law's bed.

Since my father passed away five years ago, my mother has been left alone, and she has a heart condition.Besides, she just came back from the ghost gate and couldn't be stimulated anymore. If she knew that she was going to divorce Qi Ziyang, she would definitely be worried. What would she do if something went wrong?She has only one relative, her mother, and she can't take this risk, so she can only tell her slowly in the future.

"Really?" Mother-in-law was still a little doubtful, "Shouldn't Ziyang come to see me after get off work?"

"Mom, Ziyang went on a business trip yesterday, and it may take a week to come back. He will definitely come to see you when he comes back." Yue Ran got up and picked up the apple to change the subject, "Mom, I'll peel an apple for you to eat."

"Xiao Ran..." Mother-in-law also faintly felt Yue Ran's escape, "Did you and Zi Yang quarrel?"

Yue Ran turned around, still smiling: "Mom, it's okay, don't think too much about it."

"You were born by me. Is there anything in your heart that you can hide from me? Mom is not old-fashioned." Mother-in-law raised her hand to caress Yue Ran's face distressedly. She lost a lot of weight, "Xiao Ran, you and your son-in-law Yang has been married for three years, and you haven't given birth to a boy and a half girl for the Qi family, that's not acceptable."

(End of this chapter)

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