Chapter 21

It wasn't that she was cruel, it was what they did that made her despair.

"It's not too late, it's really not too late, Yue Ran, please give Ziyang a chance." Qi's mother immediately knelt down in front of Yue Ran, "Mom knelt down for you, and apologized to you for Ziyang. "

"I said that those who do bad things will have their own retribution. Qi Ziyang deserves what he has today. If you have thought about my relationship with him as husband and wife, you shouldn't allow him to be with Wei Qian, let alone let Wei Qian Live here, now that you feel sorry for Qi Ziyang, who will feel sorry for the hurt I have suffered?" Yue Ran shook his head, his firm gaze showed a determination that could not be retreated, "Qi Ziyang and I are going to divorce, and you will not And my mother-in-law, I can't afford to be your daughter-in-law."

Father Qi also took a step forward: "Yue Ran, are you really so cruel?"

"Being cruel, I feel inferior to your Qi family, so don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me, it will make me even more disgusting." Yue Ran passed Qi's mother and was about to go upstairs.

She walked into the bedroom with Qi Ziyang, and the wedding photo on the bed satirized everything now.This place was full of the smell of Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian, which only made her feel cold and strange.

She hurriedly packed her clothes, shoes, daily necessities... As long as it belonged to her, she would not stay here at all.She wants to say goodbye to everything here.

With two boxes full, Yue Ran took one downstairs first, and met Qi's mother who had just come up at the stairs, and she asked Yue Ran again: "Are you sure you won't let Ziyang go?"

"It's not that I didn't let him go, it's that he committed his own crimes." The corners of Yue Ran's beautiful and soft lips raised the most beautiful arc, and that indifferent tone completely angered Qi's mother.

Qi's mother looked at Yue Ran's perfect smile, her eyes hurt, her heart twitched, and her whole face twisted: "Yue Ran, if you don't let my son go, I won't make it easier for you, but It's a life for a life!"

She stretched out her hands and pushed Yue Ran frantically, but Yue Ran was already on guard, and threw the trolley case in front of her, just blocking Qi's mother, she was tripped by the case, and fell heavily to the ground , I saw that her face was ashen ashes, so pale that sweat dripped down, she gritted her teeth, propped herself up, and tried several times but failed to stand up.

She raised her eyes, and those eyes shot at Yue Ranfei like a sharp blade quenched with venom, full of resentment, she gritted her teeth word by word: "Do you think you will find a good person after you divorced Ziyang? Do you think that Is the man really treating you? You are just a plaything he likes. A divorced woman doesn't need to be soft-handed and won't cause so much trouble. Yue Ran, your heart is so vicious, I curse you I will die badly, hahaha..."

Mother Qi laughed wildly and recklessly, as if such a curse could balance her heart.

Qi's father ran upstairs and accused Yue Ran angrily: "We all misjudged you at the beginning. Yue Ran, now that we have found a backer, we will kill our Qi family, right?"

"This is just the beginning, you can't take it anymore." Steady footsteps sounded in the room, the man stood still, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, although he smiled but couldn't feel any warmth.

Yue Ran raised his eyes to look at Xiao Nan at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes met his, and there was a burst of warmth.

She knew that he came in because he hadn't seen her for so long. He was worried about her.

"Why are you here?" Qi's father and Qi's mother gritted their teeth, wishing they could eat them alive, "Get out!"

"Let's go." Xiao Nan stepped up the stairs step by step, there was no figure of Qi's father and Qi's mother in his pupils, only Yue Ran's appearance, "I'll come."

He took the suitcase from her and carried it downstairs.

Yue Ran didn't stay for a moment, followed his steps, looking at his tall and handsome back, her eyes were inexplicably moist.

"It's not that easy to leave." Outside the gate, there was a figure with his back against the light, his silhouette was deep, but his eyes were as bright as stars, looking at Xiao Nan and Yue Ran, they were full of anger, and murderous intent suddenly appeared.

When Qi Ziyang came back, Qi's father and Qi's mother wept with joy, Qi's mother stood up with Qi's father's support, but her waist was twisted so badly that she bit her chapped lips white from the pain.

"I don't even think about how you can come out and dare to act wild?" Xiao Nan said coldly, does he have to force himself to say even worse things?

"It's you." He gritted his teeth, his dilated pupils were filled with shock, and his back was wet and cold. It seems that he has such a strong relationship network. It seems that his status is not simple, "Okay, let's talk about it." This deal, I don't want this woman anymore, I agree to a divorce, Xiaoye and company shares can't be given to her. With your ability, you shouldn't care about these things."

"Three years of deceit and betrayal are already very cheap for you, you still want to bargain?" Yue Ran will not give in on this matter, even if Xiao Nan agrees, she will not agree.

"If you really want to care about it, then I will publish the photos of you and her going in and out of the hotel. If you die, everyone will die together." Qi Ziyang embraced the mentality of dying together.

Xiao Nan's eyes fluctuated darkly, laughing at his ignorance: "Are you talking about these photos?"

He took out one or two photos to show him, which showed him and Yue Ran going to the Zunhua Hotel: "It's a pity that I got the negatives of these photos yesterday, I'm sorry to make you happy for nothing .”

Someone deliberately chose an angle to make the relationship between her and Xiao Nan extremely ambiguous. There was one picture that looked like she was kissing Xiao Nan's cheek.It turned out that Qi Ziyang had already made a move, so she pursed her lips: "Qi Ziyang, you have premeditated."

He just wanted to use these inexplicable photos to charge her with stealing, and then let her have nothing in this divorce case, right?
Xiao Nan calmly and indifferently tore the photo into snow flakes in Qi Ziyang's burning eyes and in front of his distorted face.

"You shouldn't have negotiated terms with me at all. But now I will give you a chance." Xiao Nan pushed Yue Ran, who had been silent all the time, to let them face each other, "As long as you kneel down and beg her."

Qi Zi looked up at Yue Ran's still beautiful face, slowly narrowed his eyes, clenched his teeth, as if thinking.

"Ziyang, you can't listen to him. A man has gold under his knees. He kneels to the sky and kneels to his parents. There is no reason to kneel to her. Besides, she caused our family to become like this. How can you show softness to her?" Mother Qi The first one refused.

Qi Ziyang's eyes returned to Xiao Nan's face again. This man is too unpredictable. He underestimated him too much, which caused the situation today. Xiaoye compromised, but he didn't expect her to be so ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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