Chapter 227

With one step of her slender, white legs, she stepped into the bedroom, and then closed the French doors.

The whole air was icy cold, stinging her chest as soon as she breathed into her lungs.

Lan Ao, is it that difficult to say you like me?
An Weiyi followed the glass, her body slipped and sat on the ground. She held her face in her hands, buried her head in her knees, and the tears of the embankment flowed from her fingers.

Watching An Weiyi return to the house, Lan Ao went to the door of her bedroom to listen to her movements, and made sure she didn't make any strange noises before returning to the bedroom. There was An's only sexy tulle nightgown that fell on the ground, his mind was full of her full and hot curves and creamy snowy skin like milk in the half-dark moonlight, his body became hot, and so did his mind up.

The frequency of breathing also changed, he rushed into the bathroom, stood under the shower, turned on the cold water, and the cold water poured over his body, gradually covering and swallowing the restlessness and heat all over his body.

He raised his head and let the water wash over his painful soul.

Early the next morning, Lan Ao unlocked the lock for An Weiyi, and then went for a walk in the garden to breathe fresh air.

When I turned back, I saw a bunch of people already standing in the living room. An's only father, mother, and brother were all here, and Yue Ran, Xiao Nan, and Lan Bayu were also there.As soon as Lan Ao appeared, everyone's eyes turned to Lan Ao.

Lan Ao ignored everyone, changed his shoes, passed the people in the living room, and went upstairs.

"Mr. Lan, please stay." An Zisu shook off his daughter's hand and walked over.

Lan Ao turned around and looked at An Zisu's young and beautiful face. An's only beauty was inherited from her, and the heroic spirit between his brows resembled his father An Hezhe.

"Is there anything wrong with Mrs. An?" Lan Ao's voice was calm, without any emotional ups and downs, as if he was alienated from a stranger.

"I'm going to take my daughter away today. The little girl has caused you a lot of trouble and inconvenience these days. Please forgive me. I scolded her just now. If she comes to harass Mr. Lan again in the future, you can drive her away immediately." Go out, and you don't need to tolerate her for the sake of our An family and the Lan family." An Zisu's words were very decent, and there was nothing wrong with her.

But Lan Ao knew that she was secretly saying that it was his fault that he let An only live here and gave her fantasy hopes.

"Yes." Lan Ao nodded.

"That's good." An Zisu also smiled, "Xiao Yi, you heard me, Mr. Lan won't let you mess around here anymore. Let's go back now. Xiao Yan, help your sister."

"Sister, let's go back, don't make Mom unhappy anymore. Mom is worrying about you these days, just afraid that you will cause some trouble." An Junyan tugged on An's only clothes, and in her ear He whispered, "Look, two years ago he didn't want you, but now he still doesn't want you. You are so young and beautiful, why bother to fight him, aren't you looking for sin? Sister, go back, I don't want to How embarrassing it is to drag you out."

An Weiyi didn't hear what his younger brother said clearly at all, but just stared at Lan Ao in a daze.

"Mom, I didn't cause trouble for him, I was just pursuing my own happiness." An Weiyi walked over and pulled Lan Ao, "Mom, he likes me, but he just doesn't admit it, can't you see Come out, do we like each other? I don't want to be separated from him."

Lan Ao tried to pull his hand away from An Wei's without a trace, but she grabbed her tightly and interlocked her fingers.

"I only see that you are getting more and more unhappy every day. I can't let you wither here, there is no sunshine you need here." An Zisu went to pull her, but An Weiyi didn't let go.

"He is my sunshine. Mom, you often tell me the love story between you and your dad, and tell us that we have to work hard to be happy. You see, I am already working hard. Why don't you support me? Why? Because of Lan Ao Do you have heart disease? As long as I don't care, who can be patient with me?" The strong determination made An Wei so persistent and strong.

"I won't reason with you today. You have to go back with me. I can have a good talk with you after I go back." An Zisu looked back at An Hezhe and An Junyan who were stunned, "What are you two father and son doing? Take Xiaoyi back to me."

An Junyan went forward and grabbed her sister's hand and separated her and Lan Ao's interlocking fingers one by one.

"Xiao Yan, let go." An Weiyi pushed her away with her elbow, "No one can separate me and him today."

"An Weiyi, listen to your mother and go home." Lan Ao said softly, but did not dare to look into An Weiyi's eyes.

"Lan Ao..." Yue Ran frowned slightly, but since An's family was around, she couldn't say anything.

Xiao Nan held her shoulder lightly, and signaled her not to speak with his eyes, this was just a matter between Lan Ao and An Weiyi, and no one else could interfere, nor could anyone interfere.

An Zisu looked anxiously: "Xiao Yi, if you don't go back with me today, then don't go back to the An family, and you are no longer the daughter of the An family."

It's not that she doesn't support An Weiyi's pursuit of love, but she can't let her daughter's life's happiness be ruined like this. Lan Ao's illness has not seen any hope until now. As a mother, she loves her daughter's efforts, but if Lan Ao is gone, She will break down.She didn't want An Weiyi to be like this, and would rather have a long-term pain now than a short-term one.

"Mom, I won't go." An Weiyi knelt down, hugged her mother's legs, and pressed her face against them, her voice was as gentle as if she was coquettish to her mother, "Mom, I can't go, I... I am already His people."

An Zisu trembled, felt dizzy, and his vision was pitch black. Everyone was shocked, even Lan Ao didn't expect An Weiyi to say that.

An Hezhe supported her body, and said with concern: "Susu, don't be angry."

An Zisu's nose was sore, he raised his eyes, and slapped Lan Ao with his hand. An Weiwei stood up, blocked his mother's slap, and only heard a "beep", the crisp sound in the heavy and oppressive air Very loud.

An Weiyi retreated unsteadily, and Lan Ao behind her reached out to support her.He could clearly see the bright red and glaring five-finger marks on her fair face, winding ugly on her delicate face.

His chest was suffocated again, his heartbeat was not at the normal frequency, it was rapid and painful, as if a hand was tearing his fragile heart.There was cold sweat on his smooth forehead, and even the palms of his hands were cold sweat.

"Mom, this has nothing to do with him. I voluntarily delivered it to the door." An Weiyi lowered his head, his face was burning with pain, "If you want to hit me, hit me. I am shameless. I have been clinging to him and pestering him. he."

(End of this chapter)

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