Chapter 26

"No, I don't believe it, none of this is true, no!" She covered her ears and shook her head, not listening to these cruel truths that went down to the marrow, like a sharp knife cutting her flesh piece by piece, Pull out that heart so abruptly, "Ah."

"All of this is true. This DNA report is the most favorable proof for me to take Xiaoye back. He should return to me and Xiaoqian instead of staying with you, because you and him are nothing!" He said To make Yue Ran suffer, make her uncomfortable.

"I beg you, don't say anything, don't say anything!" She tore her hair, and the black hair was torn off in her palm, but the pain was far less than the torture deep in the soul, tearing the heart to the bone , "Can you stop being so cruel to me? Qi Ziyang, what do I owe you?"

She staggered up from the cold floor tiles to prop up her crumbling body. She had no strength at all, so she could only lean against the edge of the conference table, and confessed some things from him personally. The admissions were all deceit and conspiracy. Fragile or once unbearable.She thought that divorce would be the best ending, but when the truths surfaced one by one, the peaceful life she longed for set off a storm again, which swept her high into the air, and fell heavily, so that her body was smashed to pieces... The pain, this kind of pain made her helpless——

Qi Ziyang's pupils clearly reflected Yue Ran's helpless and painful appearance, and he felt a bit of relief in his heart, her pain unexpectedly made his joy.

"Cruel, you haven't experienced anything crueler than this." His eyes were as dark as the cloudy sky, and he raised his eyes to look into the distance, his fingers clenched tightly into fists, and the past events floated in his mind and piled up in his heart Let him suffer and mourn, "I also want to ask God why he is so cruel, but is there an answer? No, so Yue Ran is not because you owe me something, but because you owe God! Go to hell, hate God if you want."

At this moment, he is still looking for excuses for the scandal he did, God?Hehe... She pulled out a sarcastic laugh, all of this is really a joke, a big joke.

The nails of her ten fingers dug deeply into the edge of the table, and it hurt so hard, it seemed as if the nails were going to be pulled off, the pain was like dense needle pricks.She took a deep breath, calmed down, turned around unsteadily, and fell down due to weightlessness.

He stepped forward and hugged Yue Ran, who was falling, with a complicated expression flashing in his eyes: "If you don't know the truth about all this, isn't it okay? Why do you force me? I said, as long as you are obedient, I won't Will divorce you. Didn't you say you love me, why would you betray me and be with another man? "

His eyes were bloodshot, and he grabbed her slender lotus arm and shook it vigorously, like a madman who had lost his mind.

"Let go, don't touch me." Yue Ran tugged at his hand, "I don't love you, not at all, I just want to be with other men, I will be very happy, very happy!"

A slap slapped her already pale face, red marks on her five fingers immediately appeared, and blood dripped from the corners of her lips.

"Bitch!" Qi Ziyang pushed Yue Ran to the ground, furious, and bullied her, grabbing the top of her hair with one hand, making her scalp numb, "You want a man that much? I'll give you !"

Qi Ziyang's eyes were scarlet, and he had already lost his mind. Only the pain and humiliation rolled in his mind. The Yue Ran in front of him was no longer completely her. He tore Yue Ran's thin skirt, piece by piece, broken into strips, Yue Ran screamed, dodged in panic, kicked, but his strength was too great, she couldn't break free from his shackles, her weak body Blowing like a fallen leaf in the wind...

No, she shouldn't be insulted by Qi Ziyang like this, he doesn't deserve it!
Yue Ran bit his lip fiercely, and in desperation he had a flash of inspiration: "Qi Ziyang, we are already divorced, and you being rough on me is rape, rape—do you understand? It is a violation of the law and you will go to jail, I The 20.00% shares in my hand can allow me to settle in the Qi family, so you just wait to come out and liquidate the Qi family!"

As soon as these words came out, they were very threatening, and Qi Ziyang's whole body stiffened. He clenched his hand holding the broken cloth, his joints were blue and white, his dark eyes flickered, his pupils opened and closed, and his breathing was heavy.

While he was in a daze, she pushed him away with all her strength, grabbed the tattered cloth strips with both hands, stroked her chest, opened the door lock of the conference room in a panic, and ran out, the disheveled Yue Ran It attracted everyone's shocked and puzzled eyes.

And she also felt the different gazes from the crowd, and the nakedness made her ashamed and angry. She rushed into the elevator and left Qi's company. The sun outside was so bright that Yue Ran couldn't open his eyes. Her fluttering body was like a straw dancing with the wind, and she just fell to the ground, letting the darkness swallow her consciousness.

"Someone passed out? Call an ambulance."

This is what she heard before she completely lost her senses. Is she going to die?

When Yue Ran woke up, she was already in the ward. She opened her eyes. Her fragility made her beautiful face pale and her clear eyes darkened. After all, she was hit.The three-year marriage is not short, and the emotional sacrifice is also true. She tried hard to tell herself to be strong, to learn to live alone, and to forget Qi Ziyang and the beauty of the past. When she felt that she no longer cared so much about the lost things, she And found that what she has been insisting on is not her own at all, but the person she hates the most.

Love, family affection, and friendship were all shattered before her eyes, and the sharp thorns made her unable to scream.

She closed her eyes, her thick eyelashes damp with moisture.

Suddenly, thunder bursts outside, lightning is gloomy, and the sweltering summer creates a downpour, but it can't wash away the sadness in Yue Ran's heart, but it has washed out countless scars and gullies in his heart.

Her life was soaked like this, and the pain was twisted to the point of madness.

"Are you awake?" A black shadow approached.

Opening the eyes again, there are crystals swirling in the eye sockets, which are charming and charming.

She hadn't seen the person in front of her for a long time. She thought they would never see each other again, but she didn't expect him to appear again when she was most embarrassed. She was really surprised.

"You, cough, cough." She only felt her throat dry and itchy, and coughed lightly in discomfort.

"Drink some water." Xiao Nan is still dressed casually, blue and white striped shirt, black slacks, no matter how simple the attire is on him, he exudes the temperament of a British aristocrat , handsome as a god.

(End of this chapter)

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