Chapter 34

"Don't get blood on my hands." She took his hand, "I'm too irrational. Is there no other way?"

"If he asks for the return of 20.00% of Qi's shares in your hand and Qi Ye's custody, you will not be held criminally responsible." He held her hand and smiled, "If you don't give it back, I have a way to make it You're all right."

"Give it to him." Yue Ran raised his eyes, these are all external things, she doesn't need them, she doesn't want Xiao Nan to take risks for her.

"Give him 20.00%, and I will make him spit out more." Xiao Nan was extremely confident.

After dinner, Xiao Nan sent Yue Ran back to the community where she was renting.

Regarding Qi Ye, he is innocent, and he should not bear the grievances and hatred between adults.And if she said goodbye to the past, she would definitely return him to Qi Ziyang and let her spend some time with him.

A week later, Yue Ran saw Wei Qian, and she personally delivered a red and gold-plated wedding invitation to her. She wasn't too surprised. The time they had been together was longer than the time she and Qi Ziyang were married. There are children, and marriage is inevitable.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would deliver it to her airline in person, and the person who showed her the way shouted loudly: "Yue Ran, your husband is getting married."

"No, Yue Ran, it's your ex-husband who is getting married." Then the man corrected it.

At that time, many crew members were in the lounge on the ground, and all eyes were on her and Wei Qian, looking forward to a battle between women.

Yue Ran smiled and faced everyone's puzzled eyes, and calmly faced Wei Qian's sharpness: "Yue Ran, Ziyang and I are getting married, you are welcome to participate, thank you for giving us 20.00% of Qi's shares As a wedding gift. You are welcome to attend our wedding on time, hehe..."

Her laughter echoed here, piercing Yue Ran's eardrums.

In this divorce contest, she, Yue Ran, obviously won, but the real winners were Wei Qian and Qi Ziyang.

Yue Ran's pupils were clear, his smile was shallow, and he was calm and calm: "A mistress whom everyone despises, and an ex-husband whom I don't want. You two are really a good match, and even the cheapest people are invincible. There is nothing worth watching for a beast wedding. It would dirty my eyes."

Wei Qian's face turned pale for a moment, but she still remained calm: "Yue Ran, admit it, you just don't have the courage to look at it, just hide in your turtle shell and cry, and listen to me laugh."

Yue Ran lowered his eyelashes, swept away the deep sorrow, and when he raised his eyes, they were clear: "I hope you can laugh for a long time, and laugh till the end."

Afterwards, colleagues stepped forward to inquire.

"Yue Ran, are you actually divorced?"

"Last month Li Li left, Zhang Yanhong also left a few days ago, and now you are leaving too? Yue Ran, do you follow the trend of divorce?"

"Yue Ran, does your husband have a mistress, or are you having an affair?"

"Are you going to the wedding?"

For people, it has always been difficult to send carbon in the snow, but easy to add rocks when they are down.

Human feelings are cold and warm, like people drinking water.

Yue Ran didn't care, and replied with a smile: "Go, of course, it's a happy event, why not go, I also want to give them a big gift."

If they thought she was a woman who could be bullied, then they were wrong.

The wedding of Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian was chosen at the five-star Zunhua Hotel in this city. It was the place where Yue Ran saw them performing erotica, and it was also the beginning of her day of suffering, no, it should be the beginning of her day of liberation.

If she hadn't seen that ugly side, she wouldn't be free from the illusion.

The hotel is decorated with pure white roses and lilies, with light pink gauze fluttering in the wind, dreamy and romantic.

At the door was a huge photo of Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian kissing lightly in white dresses and lace wedding dresses. They were smiling so happily and brilliantly.

Compared with her and Qi Ziyang's low-key wedding three years ago, it was really high-profile and extravagant. This is also Qi Ziyang's proof that he is no longer what he used to be, and is already a successful entrepreneur.

There was an endless stream of people coming to the wedding, and there were big names from both the political and business circles present, which showed that Qi Ziyang was doing well in this city, but Xiao Nan actually made Qi Ziyang trapped in the police station for one night. Xiao Nan must be the middle man superior person.

Originally, he wanted to attend with her, but she didn't want to be misunderstood, and she also wanted to face their provocation with her own strength. She would surprise them after not seeing each other for so long.

Yue Ran led Qi Ye towards the entrance of the hotel, put the invitation card in the hands of the reception staff, then walked in, and sat down in the corner of the hotel.

Qi Ye looked at Yue Ran puzzled, and tugged at the corner of her skirt: "Mommy, what are we doing here?"

Yue Ran picked him up and put him on his knees, and used his slender bare hands to smooth out the slightly messy hair on his forehead: "Let's play a game today, a game of finding dad."

She wanted to keep Qi Ye, but he had no blood relationship with her at all. Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian could take away Qi Ye's guardianship through legal means, so it's better to let her return it to them in person.She really didn't want to tell the child the truth, and if Qi Ziyang wanted to tell him, then she wouldn't mind either.

"Okay." Qi Ye happily clapped his little hands, smiling.

Yue Ran looked at Qi Ye's innocent smiling face, but his heart ached. She was going to abandon this child from now on, and he didn't even know.If he asks her why in the future, how should she answer him.Using a child to take revenge on Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian, was she wrong?

She sighed helplessly, melting away the bitterness in her mouth.

At this time, the brisk music sounded, lingering and affectionate, and the wedding began.

Qi Ziyang, who was dressed in a white dress, was very handsome, and greeted Wei Qian with a smile.

Wei Qian was dressed in a white wedding dress, with a beautiful face, a sweet smile, and an exquisite hairstyle. Led by her father, she walked towards Qi Ziyang step by step. The flower girl behind her scattered pure white petals like a rain of happy flowers.

He took Wei Qian's hand from Wei Wei's father and gave her the white rose in his hand. She smiled slightly, showing the shyness of a little woman.

They faced the officiant and said "I do" to each other under the auspices of the officiant.

These three words turned into three swords and slashed at Yue Ran. She just stiffened her back and her hands were cold.

When Qi Ziyang lifted Wei Qian's veil and kissed her, all the people stood up and applauded to send them their wedding wishes. They were all immersed in joy, but Yue Ran was the only one who tasted the pain of being betrayed and hurt.

She stood up calmly, took Qi Ye's hand and walked up the red carpet in the middle of the hotel. With a cold expression, she walked towards the pair of bitches and bitches step by step. All eyes were on her.

(End of this chapter)

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