Chapter 37

Does it look like he has to ask that person?

They have been in the same city for so many years, and he knows her every move, but he has never met her in public or privately. Even if they meet by chance, they will just pass each other and treat each other as strangers.

He closed his eyes, and reached out to rub his sore forehead. The pain made him feel irritable, and he was also struggling and contradicting whether he should ask her for help.

This is all difficult.

If possible, he really wanted to never see her in his life.

"Ziyang, look at me, the hair I just made and the new clothes I just bought are like this." Wei Qian pushed open the office door and walked in, complaining angrily, her face wrinkled into a bitter melon.

When she entered the company just now, the eggs smashed by outsiders stuck to her wavy curly hair. The yellow and fishy slime made her disgusted, and the bright flowers from the tomatoes smashed on her clothes were terrifyingly hideous. .

Qi Ziyang didn't bother to raise his eyes to look at her, so he closed his eyes and remained silent.

"Ziyang, are you listening?" Wei Qian stepped forward, holding his arm and swaying, "It's that bastard Yue Ran who caused us to be like this, you must take good care of her, otherwise she will Think we will just be afraid of her like this! Then she will be proud, look at our joke."

"Have you finished?" Qi Ziyang's tone clearly showed impatience, and now he was upset.

"Ziyang, what's wrong with you? Why are you so fierce? It's not me who made you so ugly and made the headlines in the newspaper. If you want to get angry, you should go to Yue Ran. Is it useful to be angry with me?" She loosened Opened his hand, dissatisfied and aggrieved, don't start.

"You want to reason with me, don't you?" He raised his eyes and glanced at her, his pupils burning with anger, "Wei Qian, now let me reason with you, you dropped the baby in your stomach yourself, just to get rid of it." Go to Yue Ran and grab Mrs. Qi's position; you sent those photos to Yue Ran, otherwise there would be no embarrassment at the wedding, and there would be no such reports in the newspaper today. All this is thanks to you, you Do you still dare to come out and make a fool of yourself?"

"Ziyang? I didn't do it on purpose...I just loved you so much that I was confused for a moment, but how did I know she would use it like this...Ziyang, I was wrong." Wei Qian wept, her thick eyelashes dyed. On the water vapor, revealing a lovely and pitiful appearance.

Qi Ziyang didn't say any more about her, and he didn't expect Yue Ran to act like this, because he underestimated her too much.

"Okay, you'd better go back. It's best not to go out if you have nothing to do, let alone talking nonsense." Qi Ziyang waved to her, and suddenly his pupils shrank, "You came out, what about Xiao Ye?"

"He was always crying and screaming at Yue Ran. I couldn't bear it so I came out to take a breath." In that family, she didn't want to hear the word Yue Ran, and it gave her a headache if she didn't Her own child, she had long thought he was annoying and threw him out of the house.

Qi Ziyang's face changed drastically when he heard this: "Hurry up and go back and take care of Xiao Ye. If there is anything wrong with him, I will never let you go."

Wei Qian secretly gritted her teeth and walked away.

Back at that home, Wei Qian felt cold and lonely.

Qi's father accompanied Qi's mother, who was in poor health, back to his hometown to recuperate for a while, and she was the only one left here. Facing this empty home, Qi Ye's endless crying and Qi Ziyang's hot and cold, she would not She thought that she could feel at ease after getting rid of Yue Ran. Qi Ziyang's heart was hidden too deep, and she never saw through this man.

At the beginning, she met him first, but it was true that he fell in love with Yue Ran first, and then pursued him, but she was not reconciled. The sweetheart he had been in love with for so long was attracted by Yue Ran just like this, and what was even more hateful was that Yue Ran just started He didn't like Qi Ziyang. At that time, their senior Chi Jinfei was also pursuing her. No girl could refuse his romance and richness. His sincerity towards Yue Ran was no less than that of Qi Ziyang.

She hated, but Yue Ran didn't care about the love she wanted.

She boldly confessed to Qi Ziyang and seduced him, and they had their first relationship.

She concealed that Qi Ziyang gave birth to Qi Ye, and when she found him, he said indifferently: "If you want to continue to maintain a relationship with me, don't expect too much. If you really love me, wait for me for a few years."

Later, she watched them achieve positive results, and unexpectedly, Qi Ziyang found her again and again, and she gained confidence.But he took her child to Yue Ran to raise, which also made her feel revenge.

But now that the person she loves is back by her side, and the child is in front of her eyes, why does she still feel that something is missing.

"Xiaoye..." Wei Qian opened the door and called him, but no one answered her.

She searched everywhere, house by house, but there was no one, or no one, where did they go?

"Xiaoye, where are you? Answer Mommy, Xiaoye..."

She was panicked and confused, what should she do if something happened to Qi Ye?How can I explain to Qi Ziyang that this child is her bargaining chip to have today, and it is also a powerful condition for her to tie Qi Ziyang, and absolutely nothing will happen.

But there was no one. Wei Qian picked up her mobile phone with shaking hands and called Qi Ziyang. Her throat was as dry and uncomfortable as if it had been scalded by fire. She swallowed several times before she could speak clearly: "Ziyang... Xiaoye... Xiaoye... He... disappeared..."

She slipped and fell helplessly, and the phone fell to the ground.

"Damn you!" Qi Ziyang yelled violently over there, hung up the phone and called Yue Ran, this was the only place Qi Ye could go.

The other party's phone has been turned off.

It was already ten o'clock when Yue Ran came home from get off work. When the elevator door opened and she was walking towards her room with a trolley case, she was stunned.

Qi Ye hugged his small body and curled up into a ball, his whole head buried in his arms, motionless, his helpless and weak appearance was really distressing.Did he find it here alone?What kind of persistence and belief supported a child under four years old to come here?

"Xiao Ye?" She called him, but there was no response at all.

Yue Ran threw away the box and stepped forward anxiously. As soon as she touched his skin, she withdrew her hand because he had a high fever.

"Xiaoye, wake up, Mommy will take you to the hospital right away." Yue Ran picked him up, and within a few days he became much lighter. How did they treat this child? This is their own child.

She thought she could rest assured, but now it seems that she doesn't care about him too much.

"Mummy... I... miss you, it's good to see you..." Qi Ye weakly opened his eyes, tears glistened, and a sweet smile rose from the corner of his lips.

"Xiao Ye..." Yue Ran held him tightly in his arms, tears rolled out of his eyes like broken pearls.

(End of this chapter)

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