Chapter 39

The two were staring at her with a kind of resentment.

"I knew it, you must have kidnapped Xiao Ye!" Wei Qian gritted her silver teeth.

Yue Ran hugged Qi Ye and turned his eyes back, staring at Wei Qian coldly: "Stop!"

How could Wei Qian be willing, Qi Ziyang had already scolded her bloody for Qi Ye's disappearance, and she had nowhere to vent her pent-up resentment.

"Why do you want me to stop, Yue Ran, I want to sue you for abducting my son!" She reached out to snatch Qi Ye from Yue Ran's arms.

Qi Ye screamed, reaching out to pat Wei Qian's outstretched hand: "Don't touch me, go away!"

"Ah." Wei Qian retracted in pain. It turned out that Qi Ye actually bit her hand. This was not the first time.

He resisted Wei Qian very much, and even had a kind of hatred. If it wasn't for her, he would still have parents who loved him and a happy family. Now, even his wish to follow Yue Ran would be destroyed by her, so of course he would resist.

"Yue Ran, you actually instigated my son to bite me? You actually took advantage of a child, what is your heart made of? With such viciousness, why don't you die!" Wei Qian cursed angrily, without image.

She also hated that neither Qi Ziyang nor the child's hearts were directed towards her. Could it be that everything she worked so hard to obtain was for nothing.She is unwilling!

"Yue Ran, give me the child." Qi Ziyang's black eyes swept across them, one big and one small, "You know you have no right to own him anymore!"

Yue Ran glanced at Qi Ye in her arms, he was pressing tightly against her chest, his small body was trembling, he was afraid.Those eyes looked at her in horror like a loving little white rabbit, afraid that she would abandon him.

"Mommy, I don't want to go back." He grabbed her clothes, and crystal tears came to his face.

"Qi Ziyang, let Xiaoye stay with me for one night." She begged him, but it was not a humble request, "If you really love him, you shouldn't let him suffer so much, look how afraid he is to go back .He doesn't want much, just stay with me for a while, can't you satisfy him with such a small wish? I promise, send him back before I go to work. "

She caressed Qi Ye's thin back and comforted him.

"Impossible!" Qi Ziyang flatly refused, and he reached out to her, "Give it to me!"

Yue then retreated, Qi Ziyang stepped forward, and in the end he carried Qi Ye back from her hand, and stuffed it into Wei Qian's arms behind him.

Qi Ye struggled in Wei Qian's arms, tears streaming down his whole face, calling out, "I want Mommy... I want Mommy..."

Yue Ran staggered to catch up, but was stopped by Qi Ziyang. Yue Ran wanted to push him away, but he couldn't move him in the slightest: "Qi Ziyang, don't involve Xiao Ye in our grievances, he is your son, how can you see him?" Are you still a father? You don't deserve to be his parents at all, so let me be his mother!"

"A vicious woman like you is not qualified to be his mother!" Qi Ziyang ignored Qi Ye's cries, his heart was hardened inch by inch, his eyes were sharp, "Do you want Xiaoye? See what you brought me. You can also knelt down and begged me to give you Xiao Ye, and apologized to me in the newspaper, saying that those things were nothing but intentional frame-ups, that you and Xiao Nan cheated first, it was you I'm sorry, but Xiaoye can give it to you, how about it?"

This is a threat and a lure!

Yue Ran looked at him calmly, his four eyes wanted to catch him, without any flinching or weakness, a sweet smile slowly rose from the corner of his lips, the laughter was clear and crisp, like a wind chime blowing in the breeze, making a melodious sound, as if mocking Qi Ziyang childish.

"Qi Ziyang, what I said are all facts, besides, you want me to slander Xiao Nan, it's absolutely impossible like you said!" Yue Ran's clear eyes gradually became as clear as ice, and those eyes were never seen before. Seriously and sharply, "Although I love Xiaoye, it's not enough to use him as a bargaining chip to contain me and attack me! After all, he is the biological son of you and Wei Qian. If he is unhappy, he will hurt that person the most. Absolutely not me!"

She paused, changed the topic, and her anger and resentment were uncontrollable: "And you are too naive, do you think I am still the same Yue Ran as before? It is enough for you to use my mother to restrain me. She is no longer here. There is no force that can stop me from taking revenge on you. I said that I will destroy your home, your career, and everything you own! This is not a big talk to scare you, but my determination! Qi Ziyang, now take Get your woman and your child out of my house."

"Yue Ran, don't be too complacent." Qi Ziyang's eyes flickered and flickered, "Don't think I'm afraid of you just because of this."

Yue Ran turned a deaf ear to his words, picked up the phone in the living room and called 110: "Hello, are you comrade policeman? Someone here forcibly broke into a house and threatened me."

Qi Ziyang stepped forward and pressed the phone, staring at Yue Ran's calm face with cold black eyes, his angry eyes were like a beast trying to tear the weak girl into pieces.His hand has been tightly clenched into a fist.

"What? You want to hit me?" Her eyes fell on his hands, and she raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's just right, I need some evidence, so you don't need to be polite."

"..." Qi Ziyang was blocked by her and couldn't speak a word. The anger that gradually filled his chest made his chest heave, but he didn't dare to make a move, and the feeling of helplessness made him collapse.

Since when, that gentle and watery little woman has become so powerful, her eyes are no longer soft, they are sharp like ice edges, piercing into his heart, causing him the illusion of pain.

When the two confronted each other, Qi Ye shouted, "Mommy, be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, a glass vase flew towards her with lilies, and Qi Ye bumped Wei Qian with his small body.When she tilted her hand, Yue Ran also bought time to avoid it, and the vase shattered under her feet. Pieces, clear water flowed all over the ground, and the petals also withered, making a mess.

Yue Ran only felt a chill down her spine, and a trace of coldness rushed into her heart. If she didn't escape, then the end could be imagined.

But there is Xiaoye, right?They love each other, love is the best weapon to protect the people they cherish, they understand.

"Look, Qi Ziyang, Wei Qian, I'm the one your son loves, and I'm the one who protects it. That's enough. Look at what you got from Xiaoye? I feel sad for you!" She said contemptuously The tone is a triumphant smile.

They are more than relatives.

Such words struck Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian's hearts like a sharp sword, and it was a fact they could not refute.

(End of this chapter)

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