Chapter 46

"Senior?" She was a little surprised and surprised that a big man would even have time to go shopping in the supermarket, a rare good man at home.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really destined." Chi Jinfei looked in a good mood today, wearing a formal suit, with sleek black hair and handsome eyes.

"Are you alone?" Yue Ran twitched the corners of his lips slightly, looked left and right, "Is Yu Shan not with you?"

Chi Jinfei shrugged helplessly, and his tone revealed his doting on his sister: "She has something to do today, we just returned to China, and there are many things to buy, she is very picky, she has no time to buy them, and she insists on me buying them for her personally I happened to meet you, so I could do me a favor, Yushan wants to buy underwear..." His voice lowered a lot, and his face turned red.

Yue Ran chuckled, this Chi Yushan has that temperament, it is really embarrassing for a big man like Chi Jinfei to buy her underwear.But if it wasn't for Chi Jinfei's doting on her and his good temper, he wouldn't have accepted this tricky job.

"Okay, anyway, I've already bought it." Yue Ran readily agreed, "Let's check out and go to the women-only brand store on the fourth floor, which can meet Yushan's taste."

Chi Jinfei nodded, and the two of them pushed the cart to the cashier counter of the supermarket to check out.

And when she wanted to pay together, Chi Jinfei stopped her: "Paying the bill is a man's exclusive right, so don't argue with me."

After speaking, he asked the cashier lady to return Yue Ran's card to her, handed over her own card and swiped it.

Then it was Chi Jinfei who carried two bags of supplies by himself and took the elevator up to the fourth floor with Yue Ran. There was a wide variety of women's supplies.

Yue Ran walked side by side with him, and asked, "Did Yu Shan say what brand of underwear she wanted to buy?"

"Yes, it seems to be called Aimu. Is this a brand of underwear? I thought it was the name of a romance novel." He raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little helpless.

Yue Ran just lowered his head and smiled slightly, wondering if Chi Yushan was deliberately messing with his elder brother.

"It's here." She found the underwear brand station, and went in, followed by Chi Jinfei. Although he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, he was also very happy when he thought of communicating with Neng Yueran.

As long as you can stand by her side, you can just accompany her and watch her like this.

Better than those days of separation, better than those desperately single-minded time.

He's been waiting so long, and now that she's single, he really doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

"Yu Shan's personality should like hotter things, senior, can you see these things?" Yue Ran picked out the inner parts and handed them to the staff officer Chi Jinfei.

His deep black eyes were more calm like waves: "She will definitely like the one you pick, you decide, I'm only responsible for paying."

Yue Ran didn't say much, and asked the service lady to fit the selected sets of underwear, paid the money, and they left the shop.

After walking a few steps, Chi Jinfei slowly opened his mouth, and asked tentatively: "Xiao Ran, are you free this weekend? I have a banquet and need a female companion. You know, I just returned to China. The country has changed so much over the years. , there are not many familiar people, and Yushan has already found a boyfriend, so you can pity me as a lonely family."

Chi Jinfei has experienced abroad for many years, and this time he took over the Chi Yu Group when he came back. He currently has a lot of work and banquet arrangements. It is nothing more than getting in touch with high-society political and business dignitaries through these banquets, and letting others know Chi Jinfei well.

Yue Ran looked up at his sincere invitation, she couldn't refuse, besides, he just said that he was a female companion, if she refused, it would appear that she had deliberately avoided a lot.

"Okay." She nodded, and Chi Jinfei smiled brightly like a child who stole molasses.

"Then I'll call you and pick you up at your home." He strode briskly, but Yue Ran hesitated, she didn't have any home.

She hurried forward, but collided with the woman facing her.

Chi Jinfei helped Yue Ran up, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yue Ran bit his lip, his left arm was numb with pain.

"Ouch, don't you look at the road when you walk?" The woman cursed arrogantly and sharply.

Yue Ran, Chi Jinfei and Wei Qian were all stunned when they saw each other's faces clearly.

Wei Qian still had willow eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, and she was dressed in a fashionable and avant-garde manner, exuding exquisite light everywhere.

She looked at Yue Ran and Chi Jinfei, and sneered at the corners of her ruddy lips. It was really a narrow road between friends: "I didn't expect Senior Chi to return to China. It's really a fate to see you here."

"Wei Qian, you and I don't need to answer falsely, these words sound harsh to me." Chi Jinfei straightened Yue Ran, then let go of his hand to pick up the bag on the ground, "It's okay, let's go first. "

Wei Qian took a step back, blocking the door with her whole body, smiling brightly like a flower: "Senior Chi, it will hurt my heart if you say that. You have been abroad for so many years, and you may not know some scandals about someone, why don't we find someone Sit in the coffee shop and have a good chat." Her eyes swept across Yue Ran intentionally or unintentionally, showing disdain and disdain.

Hearing this, Chi Jinfei frowned, his brows furrowed, a sharp light flashed in his narrowed eyes, his voice was cold, obviously displeased: "Wei Qian, please be more polite when talking to me."

She just wanted to talk about Yue Ran, didn't she?He still doesn't know that although he hasn't paid much attention to Yue Ran in the past few years abroad, he still knows her situation somewhat, so he returned to China after her divorce, in order to support her and prevent her from being hurt again. Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian's bullying.

"That's right, some people dare to shout "stop the thief" in this big court after doing shameless things. I really admire her thick skin." Yue Ran didn't get angry, and smiled happily, unaffected by Wei Qian's words in the slightest.

When Chi Jinfei heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he admired him: "You're right, we adults will forgive you, don't argue with this kind of third party who robs other people's husbands, let's go."

He turned sideways to block Wei Qian, signaling Yue Ran to go first, he was not afraid of what Wei Qian would do to him.

Wei Qian's face turned pale with anger, her teeth itched with hatred, and since Chi Jinfei was present, she couldn't have a fit, so she could only suffer from being dumb.

When they got out of the shopping building, Chi Jinfei asked her to wait there for her to drive over. Before they could leave, a car stopped in front of them.Yue Ran stared at the number plate of the car in a daze.

Suddenly a small body hugged Yue Ran's legs, looked up at his bright eyes, smiled sweetly, and said in a crisp voice, "Mummy, I miss you so much." Qi Ye blinked, covered with joy. layer of dampness.

Yue Ran looked down at Qi Ye, and gently picked him up, feeling comforted in his heart.

"Chi Jinfei."

(End of this chapter)

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